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Writing the Album Salute (Mikayla is now 13)

The girls and I are in the U.K. right now on a little break before we start writing our new album. I am staying at Jade's right now since it's her turn. When we have breaks but it's not long enough for me to go home for I stay with one of the girls and in the beginning they would fight for who got me and then we developed a rotating schedule. 

My sister is doing better now and is still doing chemo but not as often it is now and my parents are separated so that's fun (sarcasm). The girls have been very supportive and I've been talking with my sister to see how she's handling everything and she seems doing be doing better and she now has a boyfriend named Richard. 

I am currently doing my online school work which I hate in Jade's room since we share a room here. I don't like online learning (this semester of school was hell during quarantine) and if I don't understand something for homework not many people can help me since they girls don't understand it either!

After I was done with my math I went downstairs to see Auntie Norma cooking. She has tried to tell me it's ok to call her just Norma but my mom always said you call your friends parents auntie or uncle or their friends auntie and uncle. I guess it's an asian thing but my dad enforces it too even though he is Italian. 

"How was school?" Aunt Norma asks stirring a pot of something that smelled delicious 

I groan and replied "Horrible. I hate school and math. Who ever invented homework though I wanna punch" 

She laughs "Oh you'll be alright"

"I hope so" I say and dramatically fall onto the couch and close my eyes

I hear the front door open but pay no attention to it until I feel a weight jump on my stomach "OOPHHH" I say and I hear a laugh and I open my eyes to see Jade sitting on my stomach.

"Jadeyyyyyy noooooo" I whine trying to push her off but she just sinks further into my stomach

"You just weight till I'm strong enough to push you off" I say and close my eyes again for not even a second before I'm being shaken. 

"No sleep or else you won't sleep tonight and we have to wake up early tomorrow because we are leaving for the house so we can write the album." Jade says 

"Fine" I say rolling my eyes and Jade turns on the T.V. while still sitting on me.

"Auntie Norma do you need any help cooking?" I ask

"No I'm finished anyway" She says carrying in two bowls of soup with bread on the side. I sit up so fast Jade gets launched off my stomach and onto the floor. I start eat the bread and drinking the soup and I turn to see Jade glaring at me.

"What?" I say innocently with my mouth full 

"Don't 'what' me! You pushed me onto the floor!" She says dramatically 

"Well you were in my way of getting food." I say taking another bite of bread

I look at the T.V. and see that it was a replay of the USWNT playing Japan in the 2012 Olympic finals. 

"I wish we were in London to see them play. The one time were not in the U.K. they are here! It's not fair" I say

"Don't worry you'll meet them someday" Jade says now sitting next to me but still on the floor eating her soup.

Next Day

"Come on girls. Wake up. The car is here to take you to writing camp." I hear Aunt Norma say and I groan and snuggle closer to Jade and wrap my arms and legs around her. I hear Jade groan.

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