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I'm at Perrie's right now laying on her bed waiting for her to be finished getting ready. We are going to see Ox's game today. I told Leah and she said she'll be there. I've been talking with both her and Lindsey more frequently which I am very happy about but couldn't say the same for the girls. 

"Bubs Alex wants you to wear his jersey. Do you have it on?" Perrie asks coming out brushing her hair. 

"Yeah I do." I say not looking up from my phone. I see a picture of Lindsey and some guy who I guess is her boyfriend kissing. To say this hurt would be an understatement. She lied to me. 

"Ok come on, the driver is waiting." She says and I grab my portable knowing my battery is gonna go way down at the stadium. It's a day game and it's pretty hot today which is rare around here so I am in jean shorts and the jersey that I tied to make it into a sort of crop top I guess you can say. 

"Aren't you going to be hot in those jeans?" I ask as we sit in the car. 

"I packed jean shorts in my bag don't worry my little baby." She says and hugs my head which causes me to chuckle. 

We arrive at the game and is escorted to the box and get in our seats waiting for the game to start. 

About five minutes later Leah and a person who I recognized as Jordan Nobbs sits next to us. I've met Jordan before when we met the Engwnt and she was really nice and funny without knowing it. I gave Leah a hug and as we pull away she kisses my cheek which causes me to blush and Perrie clears her throat. 

The game start which causes all of us to turn our attention to the field. As the game goes on I start to get anxious. I feel Leah place her right hand on my left thigh and rub her thumb on my inner thigh to calm me down. 

Surprisingly it does work. 

The game comes to half time and Leah's hand is still on my thigh but that doesn't last any longer  as when Perrie turns to me to say something her eyes meet Leah's hand and she glares pretty harshly at her. Leah removes her hand very quickly and Perrie puts her arm around me in attempt to pull me closer to her and away from Leah. 

I subtly sent Leah a wink letting her know everything is ok. 

The second half starts and Ox is on the end of a nasty tackle which causes all of us to stand and yell in protest as it should be at least a yellow. 

"You're so blind that even Helen Keller can see better than you!" Jordan yells which causes me die in laugher. 

"You're funny" I say and go into the box to get some food they have in there for us. 

"So when are you going to be coming to one of my games in my jersey?" Leah asks and tugs me closer to her by the bottom of my jersey I was wearing. 

"Well next time you have a game and I'm around I'll be there. And as for the jersey that's a maybe." I say 

"I'll take that as a yes." She says and moves her hands from my jersey to my waist wrapping her arms around me and her hands resting right above my ass. 

"Watch those hands Williamson!" Perrie says walking over to us and Leah retracts her hands very quickly. I laugh and walk back out to our seats and sit down. 

The game ends in Arsenal winning and all four of us walk down to the field to congratulate them. Perrie and Jordan were ahead of us and I was suddenly pulled into a fairly empty hallway pressed up against a wall with Leah in front of my hold onto my hips. 

"Well hello there." I say and Leah leans in but stops right in front of my lips. 

"You're not going to make me do all the work are you?" She says and I then meet her lips and press me hands gently on her stomach that's slightly exposed. 

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