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Time Skip

We are still in the middle of writing and it's taking a lot of our time which has caused Leah and I to grow a bit distant. 

We have a break today since we needed one to get more inspiration. 

I looked at my phone and saw that I have 0 messages from Leah. Not even a reply to my good morning text day. 

If you were wondering yes, Lindsey has texted me today like she does everyday. 

Recently though I have been replying every so often but I ignore her flirting. I have to admit it doesn't feel nice to have someones attention.

I am still in bed though since I decided to sleep in which didn't last very long since I hear Leigh's music blasting and it's getting louder by the second. 

I hear my door open and I place my phone down while pulling my sheets over my head. I then feel a bodies slam down on me. 

I pull down the the sheets and see it's Leigh and Jesy holding a speaker staring at me smiling. 

"Is there a reason to this wake up call?" I ask

"Yes actually. We would like you to join us on an afternoon walk." Jesy says and pauses the music. 

"Put that means I have to get out of bed." I whine

"Too bad." Leigh says and pulls my sheets off me making me groan. 

"Fine but only if you guys buy we lunch/breakfast after." I say.

"We do that anyway." Jesy says and I get up and head to the bathroom and start getting ready as they make themselves comfortable on my bed while resuming the music once more. 

I decide on some nike shorts and a light weight nike wind breaker along with some running shoes. 

"Wow showing them pasty legs today are we?" Leigh says and I smile sarcastically at her. 

"Watch it Nelson or I'll make you go on a run with me." I say and she rolls her eyes. 

"I'd crush you in any race." She says 

"Sure whatever helps you sleep at night." I say and we head out the door. "So where's Jade? I know Pez is still sleeping." 

"She's on the phone with Alex." Jesy says 

"Aw my favorite ship." I say and Leigh stop walking and raises her eyebrow. 

"I mean my favorite gay couple!" I say trying to save myself. 

"Mhm that's what I thought." She says and we continue walking. 

"Speaking of relationships how are you and Leah?" Jesy asks. 

I sigh "Honestly now good. With us writing the album and her training she's grown distant from me. Like today for example, I sent her a good morning text like 3 hours ago and then went back to sleep but she still hasn't replied." 

"It's ok bubs. Everything will workout just fine." Leigh says and puts her arm around my shoulders. 

After about 30 minutes we get back to the apartment place and I go to my room and check my phone hoping to see a text from Leah. Sadly I don't but I see she posted something on Instagram since we have each others notifications on. 

It's a picture of her and Jordan in what looks like a nightclub. 

I toss my phone back on my bed and storm out of the apartment once more and just start running. 

I don't know how far I have ran but I finally stop after it started to burn my throat the breathe and my legs started feeling like jelly. 

I see I am at a park and sit on a bench. 

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