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It's 3 days till Christmas and I am checking into my hotel room now. No matter how much the girls pleaded I told them no. I also may or may not have told Leah I was going to be with one of the girls and not that I was in a hotel. 

I didn't tell the girls what hotel I am staying in and to make sure of that I stopped sharing my location just for the week. 

I get to my room and flop down on the bed. 

I was looking through the room service menu then seeing the overpricing and went on my phone to see if there was any pho place that delivers. 

I ordered my noodles and I get a FaceTime from Jade.

Me: Hello

Jade: I still don't like this. Just tell me or one of the girls where you are and we'll pick you up!

Me: Jade no I'm fine. 

Jade: *sighs* I gave you a chance. Remember you made me do this. MAM!!!!!

Me: That's a low blow Jade!

Norma: Tell us where you are now. I even placed a plate for you. Do you not like my cooking anymore?

Me: I don't want to intrude 

Norma: How many times do I have to tell you that you never do? If you don't tell Jade where you are you are in trouble. *walks away*

Jade: So which hotel are you in. 

Me: Jade. No.

Jade: Should I call my mam back?

Me: No! Fine I'm at Forest Guest House in South Shields. I made an agreement with Perrie that I'd stay in South Shields incase I changed my mind. 

Jade: Good Mam and I are on our way. 

She hangs up and there's a knock on my door. I get up and see my pho came!

About 20 minutes later I just finished my noodles and Jade texts me she's outside. 

I checkout the hotel and get to Aunt Norma's car with Jade smiling widely in the passenger seat. 

I place my bag in the trunk and get in the backseat. 

"Aunt Norma that was mean. You guilt tripped me!" I said pouting and crossed my arms after putting my seatbelt on. 

"Too bad pet. You should have came when Jade offered the first time." She says and pulls out of the hotel driveway. 

"I tried to warn you." Jade says

"Shut up you." I say playfully. 

We get to Jade's house only 20 minutes later. Since Jade tattled on me to her mom I gave her my bag to carry into the house. 

She dumps my bag in her room while I sit on the couch. 

"Are you hungry?" Aunt Norma asks me. 

"No I have some noodles before you guys picked me up." I said. "Did you guys get the gifts I gave Jade for everyone?" 

"Yes I gave it to them. Don't trust me?" Jade says as she's walking in. 

"You are forgetful sometimes." I say and shrug. 

I see a Facetime from Leah coming in and I excuse myself to Jade's room and answer. 

Leah: Hey babygirl

Me: Hello there. 

Leah: What you up to?

Me: Just got to Jade's from the hotel

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