Big Brothers

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I woke up laying on the couch still cuddled with Jesy. I looked at my phone to see that it is 6:30 in the morning. I have no idea why I am up this early but I know I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep. I get up careful not to wake Jesy and quietly make my way to the front of the bus where no one is there expect the bus driver who is driving. 

I take my phone out and create a group chat with Andre and Alex to get some information out of them. 

Me: Hey guys. I need your help.

Alex: Is everything okay?!

Andre: What happened?!

Me: Chill. Everything is fine. I just need some information.

Andre: Ok information about what?

Me: The girls. They have gotten very protective as of late and I wanna know why.

Alex: .....Um

Andre: ......Well

Me: I swear to God if y'all don't tell me

Andre: Fine. It's because you are growing up.

Alex: Yeah they know you are going to get into relationship but they don't want just anyone for you. 

Andre: They want to make sure they deserve you and are the best person 

Alex: We've only known you for a short time but we are protective of you too. Leah the other day asked if she could join us for dinner but I said no because I'm getting protective of you too. 

Andre: You're like our little sister now too. 

Me: Awwwwwww. But I'm not looking for anything right now.

Andre: Good and we'll keep it that way till you're 30!

Alex: Yeah!

Me: Woah lets not go that far!

I put my phone down satisfied with the information I had just found out. 

I start getting ready for the day. I wash my face and take my hair out of the bun it was in and decided to put it into braids.  

I finished my last braid and it's now 7am so I decide to FaceTime Alex. 

Alex: Well look who it is

Me: Hi Al

Alex: What's up?

Me: I woke up early for some reason and I got bored so I FaceTimed with one of my favorite forwards

Alex: Well don't I feel honored 

Me: You should! Anyway I do was a question for you now that I have you. 

Alex: sure

Me: Is Lindsey gay or bi or something?

Alex: Not to my knowledge. Last I knew she had a boyfriend

Me: Oh ok

Alex: Is jade bi?

Me: Yeah. Why? You like her?!

Alex: I mean she's very pretty 

Me: Ouuuu I ship it!

Alex: *Blushes* Shut up!

Me: Ok ok. I'll let you go now!

Alex: Bye kiddo

Me: Byeeee

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