Keeping Secrets

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The Start of the Salute Tour

Tonight is the first show of the Salute tour and I am bouncing off the walls right now and tomorrow is my birthday! If you're wondering no I still haven't told anyone about my cutting but I think the girls are getting suspicious but I don't think I need help. I'm only cutting 3 times a week. (BTW I don't think self harm is the answer. If you need someone to talk to talk to me or someone you trust don't keep it to yourself. You are loved) I don't have any scares because I take care of the cuts and make sure it's not too deep. 

The set list is :

While going over the setlist I completely forgot we had to change during it and I have some fresh cuts that haven't healed just yet

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While going over the setlist I completely forgot we had to change during it and I have some fresh cuts that haven't healed just yet. I quickly start to panic and Leigh-Anne notices. 

"Are you alright babe?" She asks 

I quickly answer "Yeah! Never better!" I walk away and go to hair and makeup to get ready for tonight and think how I'm going to get out of this. 

As I'm getting my hair and makeup done I realize that I have to tell them. Once I'm finish I go to the dressing room to see the girls chatting waiting for me so we can warm up. 

"Hey girls can I talk to you in private?" I ask and point to the restroom and they all nod and look at me curiously and with caution. As we are all in I take a deep breath and prepare myself for their reactions.

"So before I start I want you all to promise not to say anything before I finish and whatever happens or whatever is said stays between us and only us." I say and they nod as I take another deep breath.

"Over the past couple of months I've been really stressed between my parents divorce, struggling to pick up choreography, and the hate I've been receiving. I did the only thing that helped take the pain away." I pause and the girls are holding onto each other already knowing what I did but needing me to confirm it. "I cut myself and it felt good so I kept doing it. I would cut deep enough to where it would leave a scar and too care of it." I finished and the girls now have tears in their eyes. 

"Why didn't you talk to us first?" Jesy asks

I shrug "You guys seemed to have enough going on as well I didn't want to bother. I feel like I'm a burden sometimes. I mean you always take care of me and protect me and I feel like you guys do it because you are forced to."

"Why are you telling us now? Because it seems like you never wanted us to know." Perrie says 

"I had just cut yesterday and they haven't healed and you guys were gonna see it when we changed so I thought it's best to tell you now then in the middle of trying to change right?" I said trying to lighten the mood but failed terribly. 

"You are not allowed to be alone anymore. You will always have someone with you. You aren't allowed in bathroom by yourself. I'm not letting you hurt yourself any longer." Jade says and leaves the bathroom upset. 

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