The Start of Something Big

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Mikayla Pov:

I can't believe I just won X-Factor at the age of 11 with four of my best friends who are all like sisters to me! Everything that has happened to from getting knocked out to then put into a band with girls almost 10 years older than me to now winning the whole thing!

I look at Jade with tears in my eyes and I see tears streaming down hers and I say to everyone "I love you girls so much I won't be here without you!" And we all hug each other tighter in our little group hug.

We're getting interviewed and I stop smiling and bouncing my knee. Perrie looks at me and giggles slightly and hold my hand.

After the interviews I got my phone to call my family.

I know what you maybe thinking "She's 11 and has a phone!" Well I didn't have a phone until I got on the show because I'm here alone because my family had to go back home since it was too expensive staying in a hotel.

They answered "CONGRATS KAYLA!"

"Thank you! I can't wait to see you guys! I miss you so much!"

"We miss you too! We'll see you soon now go have fun with the girl!"

"Okay I'll call you tomorrow. I love you guys!"

"We love you too!"

I ended the call and went back to where the girls were and I was suddenly picked up off the ground and I squealed and turned to see it was Jesy who picked me up.

"OMG put me down!" I laughed

"Never!" She said with a laugh and then eventually put me down

The girls are supposed to be going to a club or something right now but are refusing to go since I am not allowed.

"Girls seriously we just won X-Factor! You should be out partying! I'll be ok. I swear go have fun and drink for me!" I tell them

"Are you sure? Cause we don't mind staying." Perrie says

"Yes I'm sure don't worry go have fun!" I reply

They all hesitantly nod and then kiss my forehead as a goodnight and a goodbye.

I watched them walk into the car and I smiled and waved.

I walked to our room and almost instantly falling asleep with only one thing on my mind which was I knew this was only the start of something big.

(A/n: I don't think I'm going to do band pairing so all the girls are going to be with their partners that they are currently with right now. As for Jade I'm thinking of having her be with someone of the USWNT or ENGWNT. If you guys have any suggestions I would love to hear it. The Soccer girls will be introduced later on in the story I want to build a background first of the girls with 5 members. I hope you enjoy Chapter 1 and hope this book makes sense I guess lol. Also the next chapters will hopefully be longer. This is probably the shortest.)

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