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The next day is our final show in Asia and then we get to go home soon! 

I'm staying with Perrie and we're going to see Ox play. He was sadly traded but he's playing against Arsenal at Arsenal but Leah wouldn't know I'd be going though so. 

I start getting ready for the day and see that Jesy is coming out of the bathroom as I'm grabbing my toothbrush, toothpaste, contacts, and my brush since I want Jade to braid my hair. She says if I have her braid my hair I have to brush it myself since I have "too much". Like she has more than me! 

I finish up in the bathroom and come out to see Leigh on her phone and Perrie still sleeping.

I pull out Lindsey's sweatshirt and one of the sweatpants I got from Sonnett. 

As I pull my sweatshirt over I make sure to keep my necklace Linds gave me tucked under. The only time I take it off is when I perform since it's real gold on the L the shower water won't make it turn rusted. 

"Leigh?" I ask and she looks up from her phone. 

"Yeah?" She says softly 

"Can you do my makeup? I don't want to do it today and I also don't want to walk out looking busted." I say causing her to chuckle and nod standing up. This causes me to smile and I pull out my makeup bag handing it to her. 

She does my makeup while giving me a more natural look since we are going to be glammed up tonight for the show. 

Jade walks in with food. 

"So that's where you went this morning." I say and she nods putting the bags down on the table. 

"Who's waking Perrie?" Jade asks. 

"Not it!" Jesy, Leigh, and Jade say at the same time. 

"Ugh fine." I say and get up to wake Perrie up. 

Before I do anything I decide whether I want to be nice and gently wake her up or rip the sheets off her and jump on the bed then jump onto of her. 

I decide to go with option 2. 

I pull the sheets off causing her to whine then I get up onto the bed and start jumping. 

"It's wake up time!" I say jumping up and down. She hits me with a pillow and I then land onto of her back since she's laying on her stomach. 

"Kayla no." She says trying to push me off. 

"Come on! Jade brought fooddddd." Jesy says causing Perrie to push me off with all her strength and going towards the food. She pushed me so hard I fell on the floor and got stuck in between the wall and the bed. 

"Uh a little help please?" I call out and I see Jesy come over and pull me out. Once I'm out I glare at Perrie. "That was rude." 

"And so was jumping on me." She says and starts eating some eggs. 

I rolled my eyes and started eating as well. 

When we were done we had to zip up our cases and get ready to head to the venue. 

We all go down together and before we get to the van my phone rings I pull it out hoping it's Lindsey but it's Leah. 

Jade looks over my shoulder before I could do anything and takes my phone answering it.

"Stop calling this number or I'll personal come over and break both of your legs." Jade says then hangs up. 

She hands me back my phone and we continue to the van. 

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