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It's the end of tour now and it was an amazing tour. The fans and the venues were just breath taking. 

We have a long break so I can go home! I haven't told Lindsey so it's going to be a surprise. 

My family is meeting me in Oregon since we have family there anyway. 

Before getting on the plane I had to promise the girls to be calling them everyday and keeping them updated on everything. 

I landed and my cousin was at the airport to pick me up. I wear a hat and sunglasses just in case someone recognized me and posted it before I could surprise Lindsey. 

I get back to their house that we are staying at and give my family hugs. 

I text the girls telling them I made it safely. I also text Tobin making sure my family has tickets as well to the game. 

I was going to ask Sonnett to help me but knowing her she would have accidentally told Lindsey. 

Tobin replied and said she got us box sits. 

My family and I just enjoyed our time together. I sadly had to avoid Lindseys calls and texts which she wasn't very happy about but she will be hopefully tomorrow. 

We all go to bed and I can barely sleep since I'm too anxious about tomorrow and maybe because I'm a little jet lag. 

I woke up the next morning very tired but then I remembered I get to see Lindsey today!

I jumped out of bed and started my morning routine. She has an evening game at 5:30 so we have some time. 

Or so I thought I looked at my phone and saw it was 3:30! We have to leave at 4 to go to the game. 

I didn't realized I slept that long!

I put on some light makeup and had my sister braid my hair into to mini braid in the middle of my head. I put her jersey on with a pair of black denim booty shorts and my vans. 

I was ready just when the clock ticked 4 and we all loaded into two cars. 

We got to the stadium at 5 since there was traffic but I didn't mind my car was jamming to some R&B throwbacks since ya girl had the aux. 

I went first in the line and I scanned everyones tickets. I wasn't worried about being spotted since Tobin told me she took Lindsey phone this morning since she kept looking at it waiting for me to respond to her. 

We got to the box and my little cousins went straight for the food. 

I walked to the seat and stood watching them warm up. I spotted Lindsey and she looked frustrated and I know that's my fault. 

Tobin looks up and spots me. She throws that famous smile and waves. I wave back which catches Sonnett's attention who start jumping up and down waving. 

She them gives me the one moment gesture and does a rainbow. This causes me to laugh. 

Lindsey looks at Sonnett weird which causes Sonnett to stop what she's doing and continues warming up. I walk back inside the box before Lindsey could see me. 

The game started soon and today they are playing against Seattle. It should be a good game. 

This game has me at the edge of my seat.

Right before halftime Lindsey goes for a header but collides with another player. She stays on the ground and I stand up praying she gets up and is ok. 

She finally gets up and is up next to the other ref waiting to go back in I sit back down and let out a breath of relief. 

Halftime finally comes and I guess I was spotted because they started playing 'Black Magic' and the camera panned to where we sitting. 

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