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I woke up the next morning in discomfort. It's very hard to sleep with your leg elevated. I took a look at my ankle and saw it has swelled a bit more and there is more bruises but that was to be expected. 

I texted our manager if he could get me crutches so I wouldn't have to hop or be carried everywhere. I reply to all the people who texted me yesterday. This included my family, Alex (Morgan), Kelley, Sonnett, Rose, Mal, and Leah. To say I wasn't a bit disappointed that Lindsey didn't text me would be a lie. 

It had just struck 7:30 when Jesy's alarm went off causing all of the girls to groan and Perrie throwing a pillow over at us. The other three girls start to get out of bed slowly and get ready. I just stay in bed knowing if I moved without help all hell would break loose. 

Jade is the first to get dressed and goes into my case and picks out an outfit for me. She settles on a baby blue hoodie she had made for me that says "Sorry boys, my sisters say I can't date till I'm 100" in black letters and black skinny jeans. 

I chuckle and start getting dressed carefully and had to lay on the bed to put my jeans on. I then hop my way to the bathroom with the help of Jade who was still half asleep. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Jade and I then head to hair and makeup and the stylist laugh at the hoodie I am wearing. 

I take a seat and let them work their magic. As I'm getting my hair done Perrie walks in dragging her feet not wanting to be awake. 

Kate (The hairstylist) chuckles at Perrie and continues my headband braid and then connects it together and the rest of my hair is down. 

After I'm done I wait for one of the girls since I was finished first

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After I'm done I wait for one of the girls since I was finished first. I know it's not going to be Jade since her hair takes forever!

Jesy is the first one done so she helps me back to the room and I lay on the bed waiting for the other girls. Jesy gets a call so she steps outside to take it. I get bored easily so I decide to FaceTime Leah. She answers but all I see is black. 

Me: Hello? Leah?

Leah: I don't know she just makes me feel so happy but I know someone else has feelings for her too so I have to really step my game up.

Jordan: Just tell her how you feel!

Leah: That's the thing I can't! Her friends would literally kill me! Especially since they think I only want to be with her because she's famous

I decide to end the call respecting her private conversation. I wonder who she's talking about though. I'm a bit upset though that it's not me because over time I have developed a crush on her. 

The rest of the girls walking in breaks my train of thought and I jump up ready to get our media day started only to fall back on the bed in pain forgetting about my ankle. I grab my ankle and bite my lip trying not to cry. 

"You idiot" Jade says and grabs me my white and blue Nike air max. 


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