Into the World of Women's Soccer

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Time Skip

The girls and I are currently trying to write our third album for the second time. We had written it but we knew we could do better and wanted to do better. I am 15 now and the girls have helped me through a lot between my self harm and my grandpa dying. They were my rock.

As we were writing when my phone start blowing up with with twitter notifications. I see that the USWNT post a video and tagged the Little Mix account. I open the video and see a lot of the girls dancing and singing to Salute. I immediately start freaking out and show the girls.

"GUYS THE USWNT IS LISTENING TO OUR SONG!!!"I say and they laugh at my reaction and record me without my knowledge. Jesy then posts it on our twitter and instagram page showing the world how big of a USWNT fan I was and it just so happened I was wearing my Tobin Heath jersey.

I see that the USWNT account retweeted the video and said "Hah we love @littlemix over here! We need to make a USWNT meet Little Mix happen!"

"Holy shit guys! I might faint!" I say
"Don't do that!" Jade said slightly panicked
Our producer comes in and has a song for us to listen to.
"And it's called black magic." Comes through the speaker and we all nod and look at each other and record the song.

We start talking and we all agree for this to be our next single and a good taster for our mixers of what our third album will be. 

"Girls the England Women's Soccer team want to meet you guys. They are apparently big fans. Do you guys want to do it?" Our manager asks 

"I'm in." I say and the girls nod in agreement. 

The girls and I get back to writing and Jade and I are working on a song for the LGBT community called Secret Love Song. As we are writing Jade start to tear up.

"Aw Jadey what's wrong?" I ask and start to rub her back

"It's just that this is so true for so many people. They can't express their love for someone just because they are different then a "average" couple ya know?" She says and then continues "Guys I have something to tell you." she says getting all of our attention. "I am bisexual." and she starts crying harder.

We all give her a hug and tell her how proud we were of her. 

"Aw babe you don't need to cry we accept you for who you are." Jesy says and I just hug her even tighter. 

Jade lets out a breath of relief and wipe her eyes and we get back to writing and I have to say it's a pretty good song. 

"You know how Jason Derulo wanted to collaborate with us?" I ask and the girls nod for me to continue "I think we should send him this song because I feel like his voice would would sound nice with the song." 

"I agree. He has a lovely voice." Jade says

Time Skip  Mikayla is now 16 so it is 2016

We are walking through the airport when Perrie out of no where screams and starts crying her eyes out and the girls and I immediately huddle around her and she manages to say that Zayn called off the engagement and broke up with her. 

I want to punch him in the face and call him and yell at him but Perrie needs us right now and we quickly get to the car. Once we are there she sobs into Jesy's shoulder and we are all around her trying to calm her down. Luckily we don't have any media today and get to go straight to the hotel. 

We get to the hotel and all go to Perrie's room. Jade and I run down to the hotel little market and get a bunch of candy, ice cream, popcorn, chips, and drinks. WE bring them back upstairs and I dump them in front of Perrie. 

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