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Jaden's backstory: Jaden use to live with his mother and father until he was ten years of age. His father was physically and mentally abusive to his mother. O'Sean, Jaden's father, use to show Jaden 'how to be a man'. He would make Jaden beat up women who came around and he would make Jaden curse out his mother. He would teach Jaden how to handle clients who owe him money. Jaden life changed forever when the police busted O'Sean for trafficking drugs. Jaden was then living with his mother for two short years until she broke and figured she couldn't handle it anymore. Then Jaden moved in with His godmother and her family. Jaden hates living with his god family. He feels that they don't truly love or care about him. He didn't understand why his mother just left him. He didn't understand why all of this had happened to him. Adjusting to his new life and realizing that he was taught was the wrong way of life left him traumatized. He would literally get all the attention from friends and his peers but he would always slip back into a depression state because he never healed from his childhood.

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