*Jaden's thoughts*
I've been enjoying living with Chelsea. We may not be together but we have been learning to coexist. I typically wake up earlier than Chelsea, so today i have been thinking about making her breakfast in bed. I want to show her how much i really appreciate her. I go into the kitchen and make her pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I know how much she loves orange juice so i fixed her some orange juice as well. When i go into the room she's still asleep. I lay the food down on the nightstand and sit next to her on the bed. She wakes up from the noises of me getting on the bed.
Chelsea- "Why are you in here?"
Jaden-*smiles in Chelsea's face* "I made you breakfast and bed."
Chelsea- *cheeses* "Really Jay?"
Jaden- "Yes." *shows her the breakfast on the night stand*
Chelsea- "Well... thanks I'll eat it as soon as i wash my face and brush my teeth."
Jaden- *phone starts ringing* "Hold on."
Narrator- Jaden goes into the living room and takes the call because it's Shakira calling.
Shakira- "So you move Chelsea into Peyton's house?"
Jaden- "Peyton said it was ok."
Shakira- "I see Peyton just lets you do anything."
Jaden- "No he doesn't. I begged him because Chelsea's parents kicked her out."
Shakira- "Why didn't you call and tell me?"
Jaden- "I don't know but everything is good."
Shakira- "You are so hardheaded and you think you have everything under control."
Jaden- "I'm sorry but I'm not seeing the issue here."
Shakira- "The issue is that you don't know how much trouble you can get into by the law if her parents go to the police."
Jaden- "You must have not have heard me when i said that her parents are the ones who kicked her out and told her to tell me to help her."
Shakira- "Omg Ada is such a witch."
Jaden- "Literally, everything is taking care of over here. I gave her my room and i sleep in the living room."
Shakira- "Let me know when she needs to go to her doctor appointments because I'll take y'all."
Jaden- "Will do so."
Shakira- "Let me speak to Chelsea so I'll know that everything is good."
Jaden- *goes into the room with Chelsea and whispers to her* "Shakira found out about you staying here. I told her what happened and that everything is good. She wants to talk to you and make sure."
Chelsea- *takes Jaden's phone* "Yes ma'am everything is good. Jaden just made me breakfast."
Shakira- "That's good to hear and I'm sorry about your parents. Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything."
Narrator- Brandon looks on his Snapchat feed and sees a video that Jada uploaded. He opens the video and sees Jada hugged up with her boyfriend Sam.
*Jaden's thoughts*
So this is who she has been with all this time. She used me to get back at her boyfriend and now that things are good she just leaves me in the blind. I couldn't wait to see Jada again. I couldn't wait to tell her how i am feeling. How is it that just the other day she was all in so love with me and now she's back with her boyfriend? I got so aggravated that tears started rolling down my face. How could she play me like this? She didn't even care to hide it from me. She knew we were friends on Snapchat. An hour or so later, she posts her being at a nearby restaurant and i immediately leave the house to meet her. As i started walking i used my phone to play love songs thinking it would make me feel better but it only made me feel worst. I sped up my walking as i got angrier and angrier. I don't care if she's with her boyfriend or not in this restaurant because when i get there I'm still telling her off. I finally get up to the restaurant and i see Allie through the window.
Allie- "Look Jada it's Brandon coming in."
Jada- "What the fuck? How did he find me."
Allie- "Omg go to the bathroom sis."
Jada- *runs to the bathroom*
Allie- *sees Brandon entering the restaurant* "Hey B. how have you been?"
Brandon- "Save that shit for the next man."
Allie-*appalled to what Brandon just said* "Ok."
Brandon- "Where is Jada?"
Allie- "Shes not here."
Brandon- "Then who food is this sitting across from you?"
Allie- "Umm... my boyfriend."
Brandon- "Where is he?"
Allie- "In the bathroom."
Brandon- *goes to the bathroom but doesn't see anybody so he goes back to Allie's table and sees Jada trying to leave* "You are such a slut!"
*Everybody in the restaurant starts looking at Brandon and Jada*
Jada- "Who are you calling a slut? I am not your mother."
Brandon- "I know you're not because my mother would never burn me."
*Everybody in the restaurant starts laughing*
Jada- "What?! What kind of sick joke is this?"
Brandon- "I don't know you tell me? I had to see a doctor because of you!"
Narrator- the restaurant manager comes over to Jada and Brandon and tells them they have to leave for their behavior. Jada and Brandon both go outside and talk.
Jada- "What do you mean you had to see a doctor because of me?"
Brandon- "You gave me gonorrhea."
Jada- "You must got me confused with another girl because i don't have anything."
Brandon- "You took my virginity."
Jada- *is in complete shock* "I did not know that Brandon. I'm so sorry. I didn't know that."
Brandon- "Save the tears for you man that you care so much about. You should go get checked."
Jada- "Brandon, I'm so sorry i didn't know it was your first time. Your first time is suppose to be special."
Brandon- "I thought it was too until you burnt me and left my in the blind." *runs back home*
*Jada's thoughts*
I didn't know that Brandon was a virgin prior to getting with me. He probably feel like i used him which i kinda did but i didn't mean it. I was at my lowest point and i used Brandon to get revenge. I feel terrible for treating Brandon so wrong when he's always respected me and been there since we been friends. He told me that i gave him gonorrhea which i have no recollection of because I've only slept with one guy other than Brandon and that's Sam. I went to the emergency room myself to see if i have anything. After they check me they let me know that i have gonorrhea too. I felt so crushed because if Brandon is a virgin that means that i got it from Sam, who was cheating on me with a lot of girls. Then, i passed it on to Brandon. I couldn't stop crying my eyes out at the doctors office.

The Reality of Our Lives
Non-FictionThe main character Jaden Sparks grows up without a present mother or father. Jaden was raised by his godmother Shakira and Peyton. Jaden suffers from sex addiction, anger issues, and depression. Jaden gets molested by his babysitter at the age of tw...