The main character Jaden Sparks grows up without a present mother or father. Jaden was raised by his godmother Shakira and Peyton. Jaden suffers from sex addiction, anger issues, and depression. Jaden gets molested by his babysitter at the age of tw...
Narrator- Chelsea gets on the phone with Princess after she gets a call from Shanae. Chelsea- "Girl, Jaden lil girlfriend called me asking me about him." Princess- "What did you just say?" Chelsea- "I guess she went through his phone and saw our old messages." Princess-*laughs* "So she was lurking and got her feelings hurt." Chelsea- "Yea girl and she was saying she didn't know he had a baby on the way. Talking about he never told me about you." Princess-*laughs harder* "She must don't know him at all." Chelsea- "That's exactly what i said." Princess-"She tried to come to you as a woman with her stupid ass." Chelsea- "She really tried it and started asking me how far along i am. I hung up on that thot." Princess- "Jaden is so dumb this must be that same girl i caught him with." Chelsea- "Sure is but that's who he wants." Princess- "Forget about what he wants because sis you done with him." Chelsea- "Yea... i can't believe he's still with her though." Princess-"Why do you care? You said you done with him right?" Chelsea- "Duh he's a cheater and liar." Princess- "That's why i told Brandon that he's not coming to the baby shower." Chelsea- "Why did you tell Brandon that?" Princess- "Because he's not allowed to come. Chelsea are you hearing me? He doesn't need to celebrate with you if he's doing stupid shit like that. Plus he's a drug dealer." Chelsea- "He's just selling drugs to be able to take care of the baby." Princess- "What?! What else has he given you since y'all have stopped talking?" Chelsea-"Nothing because I-" Princess- *interrupts Chelsea* "Exactly! He's selling drugs for his own benefit. Girl you're so much better without him." *Chelsea's thoughts* I was missing Jaden like crazy. I don't want to take him back because I'm tired of being embarrassed. I want Jaden to come to the baby shower but i don't want everyone to think I'm a fool for allowing him to come. I can't tell Princess how i really feel because she's always judging me. I wish Jaden could just keep his dick in his pants then none of this would be happening. I really thought he cared about me but seeing that he's still with the girl, he was cheating with, let's me know that he doesn't. I wanted to go on a rant and tell him off after his girlfriend called me. Once i have this baby I'm really going to show Jaden i don't need him. *Shanae's thoughts* I make it home and i wasn't done with Jaden after finding out he was cheating. I want answers on why he hid everything from me. I call him up to see what he has to say. Shanae- "How far along is Chelsea?" Jaden- *sighs* "She's about seven months and she got pregnant before i met you." Shanae- "WOW, but why did you hide it from me?" Jaden- "I just didn't want you to leave me." Shanae- "I wouldn't leave you for telling me the truth." Jaden- "I'm sorry for not telling you." Shanae- "Who is the Mackenzie girl who was texting you?" Jaden- "I don't talk to her she's weird." Shanae- "What about Grace?" Jaden- "She's just my homegirl." Shanae- "Do you love Chelsea?" Jaden- *acts like he doesn't hear Shanae* "What are you doing?" Shanae- "Just thinking." Jaden- "Stop over thinking because i love you and you're my girl. I'm sorry that i wasn't being truthful with you. The hoes who i was texting don't mean shit to me." Shanae- "I just don't want to be looking stupid. Are you having a girl or boy?" Jaden- "I'm having a girl her name is Janiya." Shanae- "Aww... that's cute." Jaden- "That's why i do what i do because i want to make sure she's forever straight. Honestly, you and her is all i have." Shanae- "I love you so much bae." Jaden- "I love you more baby girl." Narrator- Brandon is home alone with Nicole while Shakira is still at work. Brandon is trying to break into his mother's room but she has the door locked. He goes to the kitchen trying to use a knife to slide through the door. He gets into the room successfully and opens the closet looking for the box. Brandon looks on top of the closet shelf trying to locate the box with Shameka's name on it. Looking high and low, Brandon is unsuccessful in finding the box. He gives up and moves the clothes back into their correct place and a picture falls down. The picture is of a little girl with long dark hair. The back of the picture reads "Jada Woods age eight." He takes a picture of the picture with his phone. A car pulls into the drive way and he notices it's about the time that Shakira normally gets home. He closes the closet back up, leaves the room, and locks the door back. Brandon- "Hey ma, how was your day?" Shakira- "Tiring, how was yours?" Brandon- "Pretty interesting." Narrator- Brandon goes into his room and closes the door. *Brandon's thoughts* The girl kinda looks like a girl version of Jaden. I wonder if this could be Jaden's sister. I look her up on Instagram and i see she's a freshman in high school. She's very beautiful. The picture says to Shameya so i wonder if she's Jaden's sister. I follow her on Instagram but instead of asking her if she is his sister, i rather get to know her first to see what else i can find out. I see she's on the volleyball team. I plan to go to one of her volleyball games so i can run into her. I'm not going to tell Jaden right now.
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