The main character Jaden Sparks grows up without a present mother or father. Jaden was raised by his godmother Shakira and Peyton. Jaden suffers from sex addiction, anger issues, and depression. Jaden gets molested by his babysitter at the age of tw...
Chelsea's thoughts*- The whole day i just kept thinking about how Caleb ignored me. I'm thinking about texting him and telling him off. How dare he just one night stand me? Soon as i get home i automatically get in a bad mood. No matter how mad i am, I'm always glad to see my baby girl, Janiya. I start playing with her and Jaden calls my phone. I just don't want to talk to Jaden or even fake like I'm interested in what he has to say. But i don't want him to be suspicious of me. I answer the phone and Jaden quickly says "open the door" and hangs up the phone. Narrator- Jaden enters the house and immediately runs up to Janiya to greets her with hugs and kisses. Chelsea stands by the door and fake smiles. Jaden goes into Chelsea's room with Janiya and jumps into the bed. Chelsea's parents aren't at home at the moment so Jaden calls Chelsea into the room. She comes into the room looking irritated. Jaden- "What's wrong?" Chelsea- "I'm just not feeling good today" Narrator- Jaden pulls her into the bed and cuddles with her in a spooning position. He starts kissing on her neck. Chelsea inches away from him and leans up. Jaden pulls her back to him and puts his arm around her waist. Jaden- "Baby, what's wrong? You're acting like something is bothering you?" Chelsea- "I told you I'm just not feeling well?" Jaden- "Is it your time of the month?" Chelsea- "Ugh... yeah maybe that's why I'm feeling how I'm feeling." Jaden- "I was about to give you something that can make you feel better but i guess that can wait." Chelsea's thoughts*- I am lying about my period coming on just so Jaden doesn't try anything with me. I am so annoyed with his presence because all i keep thinking about is Caleb and how he was blowing me off. Narrator- Jaden starts running his hand through Chelsea's hair while trying to comfort her. He notices read spots on he neck on both sides and on her chest. Jaden- "What the hell bit you?" Narrator- Chelsea quickly jumps up making her hands cover her neck. Chelsea- "I- think it's this new scented lotion that i been using. It's been making me itch too." Narrator- Chelsea starts scratching her arms and neck. She looks in the mirror and pretends like she is just now noticing the marks on her neck and chest. Chelsea- "I thought it was just me noticing that but yeah it's that lotion. I'm about to stop putting it on." Jaden- "You need to throw it away then." Chelsea- "I will. How has your day been?" Jaden- "It's been made now that i have time to finally spend with my family. I found out that Brandon was dating my sister." Chelsea- "What?! Are you serious? How did you find out?" Jaden- "He told me himself at the studio. He said that it was before he even told me about her. It's weird but it happened and it's over." Chelsea- "WOW. Your sister must have been the girl that he broke up with Princess for." Jaden- "He said that and he claimed that he was really in love with my sister." Chelsea- "How when he didn't even know her that long? He was really willing to leave the love of his life for a girl that he just met. Wow that's crazy." Chelsea's thoughts*- I thought about what i just said and i couldn't help but to think of myself as a hypocrite. How could i judge Brandon for leaving his first love when I'm prepared to leave mine for someone i just met? I love Jaden so much but i couldn't help but to think about me outgrowing him. I waited so long for him to fully commit to me. Then when he finally committed i just didn't feel as happy as i thought i would. I never got over all the things he did to me. I always think about how he started a whole new relationship with Shanae. I still think that he talks to other girls because I'm still scarred from him cheating on me. Even though, I have no reasons to believe that Jaden is cheating on me. He gets up and kisses Janiya and me goodbye and heads out the door. I waste no time to pull my phone to check my messages. Instantly, i get upset because i still haven't received a message from Caleb.
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