*Jaden's thoughts*
It didn't hit me that Chelsea and i were done until i was laying down in bed at night thinking about her. I was reminiscing about us being on good terms. I took her for granted again after she trusted that I'd changed. I felt myself sinking into a slight depression. Nights past and all i could think about was our daily phone conversations. I missed rubbing her belly and feeling my daughter kicking. I even miss Ada talking shit to me. Even though i was still thinking about Chelsea, i still kept talking to Shanae. Shanae and I are now officially dating and I haven't told her about me having a daughter on the way. I feel that it's useless to tell her because she'll just get upset. Shanae and i are starting to get closer. She is even allowing me to drive her car. I've been using her car to make plays. Instead of judging me she supports me. Even though I'm with Shanae i still mess around with other girls. I even started back messing with Grace. I just don't want to fall too deep in like i did with Chelsea.
Narrator-Jaden is in the car with Shanae riding. Shanae is currently driving.
Jaden- "Bae slow down the police is behind us."
Shanae-"oh my God don't you got weed on you?"
Jaden-"Yes damn."
Shanae-"Hand it to me I'll put it in my bra and panties."
Jaden-"Bae i don't want you to get caught up."
Shanae- "I'm not...just hurry up and hand it to me."
Jaden- *hands her the weed* "If they find out I'm taking the charge bae."
Shanae- "Shut up they not going to find out and spray the air freshener."
Jaden- *sprays the air freshener*
Shanae- *slows the car down and comes to a complete stop*
Police officer- *comes to the car shining his flash light on Shanae and Jaden* "I need to see your driver's license and registration."
Shanae-*nervously shakes her hands as she's pulling out her insurance, driver's license, and car registration* "Here you go sir."
Police officer- *walks over to his car*
Jaden- *gets upset* "Why the hell you shaking and shit? You making shit obvious just chill.
Shanae-"This is my first time ever getting pulled over duh."
Police officer-*walks back to the car and looks at Shanae* "You know you failed to stop at a stop sign?"
Shanae- "I didn't mean to i was trying to drive home quickly because my period just started and i don't have on a tampon."
Police officer- "Well I'm issuing you a warning this time. Don't let this happen again ma'am." *hands Shanae the warning and walks away*
Jaden- "Damn bae i thought i was fucked."
Shanae-*laughs* "Now where is my apology."
Jaden- *leans over to kiss Shanae* "I'm sorry bae take me to the crib so i can make it up to you."
Narrator- Jaden and Shanae goes to Peyton house to Jaden's room.
Jaden- *starts kissing on Shanae's neck and gives her hickeys* "Do you love me."
Shanae- "yes." *takes all of her clothes off*
Jaden-*pushes Shanae to the bed, spreads her legs, and starts giving her head*
Shanae-*moans whole rubbing her hands through Jaden's hair*
*7 minutes later*
Jaden-*kisses Shanae then leans up and slides his dick into her pussy*
Shanae-*moans while wrapping her hands around Jaden's neck* "Go deeper*
Jaden-*goes deeper and starts stroking faster* "Say my name."
Shanae-*moans while trying to hold on to Jaden* "Daddy."
Jaden- *starts stroking faster* "Where do you want it at?"
Shanae- *moans* "My face."
Jaden-*pulls out and cums on Shanae's face* "Damn Chels-."
Shanae-*gets upset* "Who is Chels?"
Jaden-*acts confused* "Huh i said Shanae."
Shanae-*wipes her face with the cum rag* "I heard you say Chels. Who is Chels?
Jaden-*walks to the living room* "You tripping."
Shanae- *follows Jaden to the living room* "I'm not crazy i thought i heard you say Chels."
Jaden- "Nah i didn't but I'm about to go lay down bae. You should go home and get some rest too." *kisses Shanae and opens the door for her*
Shanae- *walks out and leaves*
*Shanae's thoughts*
I know i heard him say Chels... Chels as in Chelsea? I can't believe he would call me someone else's name and if he's cheating on me i will find out."
*Jaden's thoughts*
Sex is amazing with Shanae but i can't help to
think about Chelsea. I really miss Chelsea so much and it's been about a month since I've talked to her. I really want to check on her and my baby but she still has me blocked. I didn't mean to call her Chelsea's name but sometimes when I'm fucking her i act like I'm fucking Chelsea and it turns me on.Narrator- Shakira is in her room sorting through papers and Brandon walks in.
Shakira-*has tears in her eyes while she is reading a letter
Brandon- *sees "from Shameya" on the shoe box on his moms bed* "What's wrong ma?"
Shakira- *quickly puts the stack of papers back into the shoe back and takes it in the closet* "Nothing i was just watching this sad movie."
Brandon-*looks confused and looks at the tv screen* "I didn't realize Poetic Justice was so melancholy."
Shakira-"Yes the part were Lucky family member got killed it's sad."
Brandon- *notices that she hasn't even made it to that part in the movie yet* "Yeah it is."
Shakira-"What do you want?"
Brandon-"I was just wondering if you talked to Jaden like you said you were?"
Shakira-*gets upset* "I didn't know you were my father?"
Brandon- "I'm just asking a question."
Shakira- "You are my child quit questioning my parenting skills."
Brandon- "I'm sorry didn't mean to ruff your feathers."
Shakira- "Brandon Christopher Harris get the hell out of my room."
Brandon-*goes back to his room*
*Brandon's thoughts*
I don't know what my mother is hiding from Jaden but it's starting to make me curious. The shoe box had letters in the box and had Jaden's mom name on it. It's like she's avoiding talking to him. I simply asked her did she talk to him because Princess told me that Jaden is selling drugs. I don't want to snitch on Jaden but I'd hate to see him go down the same path as his imprisoned father. As soon as my mother isn't home I'm going to go into that box and read those letters.

The Reality of Our Lives
Non-FictionThe main character Jaden Sparks grows up without a present mother or father. Jaden was raised by his godmother Shakira and Peyton. Jaden suffers from sex addiction, anger issues, and depression. Jaden gets molested by his babysitter at the age of tw...