Narrator- on some weekends Shakira made Brandon and Jaden cut other people's grass. The two would go house to house and ask if they could service people. Once they were finished they would treat themselves by going out to eat. The two went to a local soul food restaurant to eat. Once they got into the restaurant they ordered their food and waited for the food to come out as they sat in the booths. The waiter came out about fifteen minutes later. He was a tall dark skin man named Doug.
Doug- "I hope y'all enjoy this food is there anything else i could get y'all?"
Jaden and Brandon- "No thanks."
Doug- *starts looking suspicious at Jaden*
Jaden-*mean mugs Doug*
Doug-"Y'all enjoy" *walks off*
Jaden- "He was looking at me like I'm most wanted or some shit."
Brandon- "I saw that's weird."
Doug-*stares at Jaden from a distance*
Jaden- *Notices Doug is looking at him* "Yo B. he still looking at me. I'm about to ask him what it is."
Brandon- "Chill we just got our food."
Jaden-"I must of fucked his daughter or some."
Brandon-*laughs* "He kinda do look like Amanda."
Jaden-*laughs* "Hell nah."
Doug-*stars at Jaden again and whispers something into his coworkers ear*
Jaden- "Nah fuck this I'll be right back B."*Jaden walks over to Doug at the front counter*
Doug- "Is everything alright?"
Jaden-"You tell me dude because you keep looking at me like it's a problem or some."
Doug- "It ain't a problem young blood you look familiar."
Jaden- "Do i know you from somewhere? You must got a daughter?"*laughs*
Doug- *stutters* "I don't have a daughter i have a five year old son. I- i knew your mother."
Jaden- *gets angry* "What you say about my mama bitch."
Brandon- *gets up and runs over to the counter to grab Jaden* "Chill out dude."
Doug- *shocked* "I wasn't saying it like that." *stutters* "Are you Shameya's son?"
Jaden- "Yeah that's my mama."
Doug- *Stutters* "She use to work here before she passed. I'm so sorry about your loss she was truly an angel. She use to talk about you all the time."
Jaden- *Freezes* "What?" *shakes his head in doubt* "My mother-my mother is in California? My mother is suppose to be in california." *Keeps repeating himself*
Brandon- *starts at Doug*
Doug-*confused* "Your mother had sickle cell."
Jaden-*in doubt refuses to believe what Doug says* "Nah. I'm leaving." *runs out of restaurant *
Brandon- *Gives Doug the money and leaves to chase Jaden*
Narrator- Everybody in the restaurant looks at Doug and out the window to see Jaden running. The customers are wondering why did Doug tell them that. Doug apologizes for not knowing that Jaden didn't know anything about what he was saying. The scene takes place at Shakira's house. Jaden rushes into the house and starts panting.
Jaden- *starts yelling* "SHAKIRA! SHAKIRA! SHAKIRA!."
Shakira- *comes out of her room* "Why are you yelling like that?"
Jaden- *starts panicking* "Where is my mama?!"
Shakira- *puts her head down* "She's in California."
Jaden- *eyes turn red as he maneuvers back and forth around the living room trying to remain calm*
Brandon- *decides not to come into the houses and just sits on the porch to listen*
Jaden- "How come i haven't heard from her since i got her?"
Shakira-*freezes and doesn't know how to respond*
Jaden- *screams and yells* "MY MAMA IS GONE."
Shakira- *starts to feel ashamed of herself* "Jaden calm down."
Jaden- *starts yelling and ranting* "NO FUCK THAT MY MAMA IS GONE AND NOBODY TOLD ME. I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO GO TO HER FUNERAL. YOU HID THIS FROM ME?" *starts looking at the decoration on the wall and starts slamming them to the floor*
Shakira- *gets scared and jumps*
Brandon- *runs into the house and tries to stop Jaden*
Jaden- "Get your fucking hand off me! You probably been knew and y'all kept this shit from me?!"
Brandon- "I didn't know Jaden."
Jaden-*yells* "But your mama knew didn't you Shakira?! You kept this from me to hurt me. I hate you! I have always hated you! You are so fake!"
Shakira- *starts crying runs to the back and calls someone*
Brandon- *tries to stop Jaden but Jaden overpowers him*
Jaden-*gets on top of Brandon and starts throwing his fist across his face*
Nicole- *runs into the living room crying*
Shakira-*runs into the living room and tries to stop Jaden from hitting Brandon*
Jaden-*over powers Shakira and Brandon* "Y'all want me to leave so y'all can go back to y'all perfect lives?! I'm leaving and i don't want to ever see y'all again!" *runs out of the house*
Peyton- *sees Jaden leaving out the house and follows him with his truck* "Hey! Jaden come here it's me."
Narrator- Peyton and Jaden are real cool even though Peyton is friends with Cortez. Peyton always looked out for Jaden. He would always tell Cortez that Jaden is just a child. After about fifteen minutes, Peyton finally calms Jaden down and takes him home with him.
Peyton- "If you need to take a bath i got some clothes you can wear until you want to go get your stuff."
Jaden- "Thank you but i cant face them."
Peyton- "I understand bro. Like i told you before you remind me of myself when i was young. I don't know who my real parents are I'm adopted. It was hard for me growing up. "
Jaden-*puts his head down as tears starts to roll down his face*
Peyton- *comes over to Jaden and hugs him* "Yo Jay, it's going to be okay. She kept it from you because that's what your mother wanted."
Jaden- *cries* "I didn't get to say goodbye to her. Why would she want that?"
Peyton- "She didn't want you to see her sick like that."
Jaden- *starts crying louder* "I never got to say goodbye. The last time i saw her i told her i hated her for leaving me and wouldn't kiss her goodbye."
Peyton- *puts his head down and doesn't know how to respond*
Jaden- *his eyes are bloodshot read and swollen* "I didn't even get to go to her funeral."
Peyton- "She didn't have one. Her requests were to be cremated."
Jaden-*starts crying and starts banging on the kitchen table*
Peyton- *pulls out a blunt* "Here take this... don't tell nobody i gave it to you. It'll help you feel better."
Jaden- *starts smoking as tears continue to roll down his face* "I never knew she was sick."
Peyton- "She tried her best to hide it from you. I didn't know your mama had passed though. Shakira wants to talk to you whenever you're ready. In the mean time, you can stay here as long as you like. Mi casa su casa. I'm heading out to run some errands you think you can hang tight?"
Jaden- *Nods his head signaling yes."
Narrator- Peyton leaves and Jaden tells Chelsea to come over. Chelsea didn't live too far from Peyton. Chelsea comes over in a hurry to be by Jaden's side.
Chelsea- "I'm sorry bae it's going to be ok."
Jaden-*puts his head on Chelsea's lap and takes a 5 minute nap*
Narrator- Jaden wakes up and looks into Chelsea's eyes.
Jaden-*kisses Chelsea and tell her to take her clothes off* "I love you."
Chelsea- "I love you too bae."
Jaden-*puts his head in between Chelsea's leg and starts eating her pussy. He puts his tongue on her clitoris and starts going up and down real slow.*
Chelsea- *starts moaning*
Jaden-*starts rubbing on Chelsea's nipples while tonguing Chelsea's clitoris up and down.*
Chelsea- *starts shaking and has an orgasm*
Jaden- *lifts his head up to see Chelsea still shaking*
Chelsea-*moans loudly while her legs are shaking*
Jaden-*kisses Chelsea while his mouth is still sloppy from giving her head. Gets on top of Chelsea and starts stroking her pussy back and forth slowly.*
Chelsea-*starts moaning as she pulls him in deeper*
Jaden-*slowly goes deep inside Chelsea's pussy and comes out slowly* "I want to marry you."
Chelsea- *moans* "are you serious?"
Jaden-"Yes baby will you marry me?" *continues to stroke Chelsea's pussy in and out slowly*
Chelsea-*moans loudly*
Jaden-"Yes or no?" *starts to speed up*
Chelsea-*moans loudly* "Yes daddy "
Jaden-*starts to stroke inside of Chelsea's pussy faster*
Chelsea- "Yes i do" *moans loudly*
Jaden- *Starts to slow down strokes and licks on Chelsea's neck and ear and whispers* "Can i nut in your pussy ma?"
Chelsea- *moans loudly* "yes."
Jaden- "i want you to have my baby." *starts shifting his strokes inside of Chelsea's pussy and goes faster." *moans under his breath*
Chelsea- *moans while her breasts starts going up and down really fast* "Yes daddy I'm about to cum."
Jaden- "Cum for me baby." *starts stroking faster*
Chelsea-*gives in and starts cumming*
Jaden-"Is it ok for me to nut in your pussy?"
Chelsea-*moans loudly as her legs starts shaking again* "Yes nut in your pussy."
Jaden-*stops stroking and nuts inside of Chelsea's pussy.* "Ahhh fuck, you see what you made me do?"
Chelsea- *smiles*
Jaden- *looks inside of Chelsea's eyes and starts tongue kissing her.*
Chelsea- *looks inside of Jaden's bloodshot red eyes and starts kissing him*
*Jaden's thoughts*
I just couldn't listen to anything Shakira had to say anymore. She lied to me about my mother so i broke. I needed something to heal my pain. Making love to Chelsea without a condom put me in a better spirit. I went all the way but i wasn't tripping because I'm a man and if it came down to it i would be a man of my word.

The Reality of Our Lives
Non-FictionThe main character Jaden Sparks grows up without a present mother or father. Jaden was raised by his godmother Shakira and Peyton. Jaden suffers from sex addiction, anger issues, and depression. Jaden gets molested by his babysitter at the age of tw...