The right way 😏

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Narrator- Chelsea and Princess are getting their nails did at the Nails salon and starts talking about homecoming night.
Chelsea- "What did you and Brandon do when me and Jaden left?" *smirks*
Princess- "Nothing, I'm waiting until marriage"
Chelsea-"If you know he's the one for you why are you waiting?"
Princess- "Because my body is a temple and just because i like him doesn't mean that i should give him my body without us being married. Plus I'm just 13."
Chelsea- "Yeah, yeah" *with a big smile on her face*
Princess- "Seriously, I'm not about to let him pop my cherry without a ring"
Chelsea- "Okay if you say so"
Princess- "I thought you felt the same way"
Chelsea- "Yeah...i do" *cheesing*
Princess- " been smiling every since you got here. Miss mamas what did you and Jaden do? I shol was calling your phone that night and you didn't answer for some time. You was all for waiting until marriage now you got a change of heart."
Chelsea- "I"-
Princess- *interrupts* "You... did what?"
Chelsea- "I lost my V card"
Princess- "You let him pop your cherry?!"
Chelsea- "Shhh... you need to stop being so loud"
*Chinese people start staring*
Chinese lady- "you have boyfriend?"
Chelsea- "I have a husband"
Princess-"She's lying, SHE'S not married"
Chelsea- "I'm not married yet but i will be"
Princess- "It doesn't make it better that you let him pop your cherry without a ring on your finger"
Chelsea- "He said he loves me and we are going to get married."
Princess- *rolls eyes while shaking her head*
Chelsea- "We're in love, we forever"
Princess- *gets very curious* "Did you even wear a condom?! Did it hurt? Where were y'all?"
Chelsea- "Girl why is you so loud?"
Princess- "My bad, spill the tea"
Chelsea- "Yes he whore a condom. Sis it hurt at first but as i was staring into his eyes the pain went away and i fell in love with him even more. Don't tell nobody but we went behind the bleachers."
Princess- "Sis i know i taught you better I'm disappointed."
Chelsea- "I couldn't go to my house my mama would kill me if she found out and Ms. Shakira would go crazy if Jaden got caught with a girl in her house."
Princess- "Reasons why you should have waited but sis tell me more."
Chelsea-"He ate me out and it felt so good. I didn't know that getting head felt so good."*cheeses*
Princess- "So did you like climax?"
Chelsea- "It felt good but i don't think i did like he did i just felt very turned on like never before."
Princess- "What did he do?"
Chelsea- *whispers to Princess* "He put his nut on my tities"
Princess- *laughs* "Girl OMG!
Chelsea- "Shhh don't tell nobody"
Princess- "Girl is that why you hips look like they spreading?
Chelsea-"No they ain't"
Princess- "They always say that when you lose your virginity your hips spread"
Chelsea- "I don't want my mama to find out. She was questioning me on why i was walking funny when i got home that night."
Princess- "He had you walking funny? Did it hurt that bad?! See now I'm scared to loose my v card."
Chelsea- "Nah it's just how my legs were stretched out."
Princess- "Have you texted Jaden today?"
Chelsea- "Yes he wants to sneak in my house tonight."
Princess- "You're my bestfriend and I'm gonna miss you so don't get killed by your mama."
Chelsea- "I think i can do it without getting caught. I got a lock on my door and she doesn't come to my room unless i tell her too."
Princess- "Girl you still can't say that because she might just come knock on your door unexpectedly."
Chelsea- "True but i really want to spend time with bae."
Princess- "You can but just don't lie to your mama and lose her trust."
Chelsea- "I'm not because she's not going to find out."
*Scene ends*
Narrator- Jaden and Brandon are at home playing the PlayStation together.
Jaden- "Did you make your move on Princess while i left?"
Brandon- "Are you crazy? No i didn't."
Jaden- "Did you even kiss her?"
Brandon- "Yes when the game was over."
Jaden- "Soo... you're just not gone get you none."
Brandon- "When the time is right."
Jaden- "When is the time right?"
Brandon- "The bible says marriage."
Jaden- *Laughs* "You're going to wait all the way until marriage to have sex with ONE person. You don't know if her pussy dry or not."
Brandon- "Does that matter?"
Jaden- "It matters to me. I popped Chelsea's cherry and it was the best feeling in the world."
Brandon- "What... her parents are going to kill you when they find out."
Jaden-"That's why they not gone find out so stop jinxing me."
Brandon- "You just couldn't wait dude."
Jaden- "I could have but i didn't want to because we already know that we love eachother and we're going to be with eachother for a long time."
Brandon-"If that's the case why do you cheat on her."
Jaden- "I don't cheat on her."
Brandon- "Then why did you get BriAnn's number yesterday. Oh let's not forget you talk to Grace everyday on the bus and y'all sit in the backseat everyday doing God knows what."
Jaden- "Stop dry snitching. You don't understand Brandon. A man is going to be a man that's why he needs a strong women behind him."
Brandon-"A man doesn't cheat on his woman and call her strong for staying amidst all his cheating and lying."
Jaden- "You sound like a female."
Brandon-"This female is beating your ass in 2k right now."
Jaden-"I'm letting you win."
Brandon-"Whatever just don't bring Chelsea here because if mama catches her we won't be able to go to the carnival."
Jaden- "For the last time stop jinxing me and I'm going to her house tonight."
Brandon-*interrupts* "If you don't make it back i truly understand."
Jaden- "Bro square up with me cause i just told you to stop jinxing me."
Brandon- "I'm only trying to help you."
Jaden-"You can help me by covering for me."
Jaden-"If mama asks about me tell her I'm sleep."
Brandon-"I got you bro."
*scene ends*

Princess & Brandon

Princess & Brandon

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