The main character Jaden Sparks grows up without a present mother or father. Jaden was raised by his godmother Shakira and Peyton. Jaden suffers from sex addiction, anger issues, and depression. Jaden gets molested by his babysitter at the age of tw...
Narrator- it's been four weeks since Janiya was born. Chelsea and Jaden have been getting very close. Shanae has even came to see Janiya but Jaden doesn't allow her to stay over for long anymore. Jaden messaged Jada a while back about meeting up and she finally agrees to come over Peyton's house. When Jada arrives, her and her mother get out of the car to knock on the door. Jaden gets the door and lets them in. Jada- "Omg, it feels surreal to finally meet you!" Jaden- *starts cheesing and walks up to Jada and hugs her* "I'm so happy to meet you now." Jada- "This is my mom and her name is Nancy." Jaden- "Nice to meet you. My name is Jaden." Nancy- "I remember when you was just a little boy." Jaden- "Wow it's really nice to see y'all. I just had a little girl. She's in the house." Jada- "Wait... I'm an aunt? This is so cool." Nancy- *Looks appalled by the fact that Jaden has a baby at such a young age* Narrator- Jaden lets Jada and Nancy into the house. He calls Chelsea to the front living room so they all can see Janiya. Chelsea comes into the living room with Janiya. Jada and Nancy immediately starts to adore Janiya. Nancy- "Can i hold her?" Chelsea- *hands Nancy, Janiya." Nancy- "WOW, she's so beautiful." Jada- "Don't be stingy with her." Nancy- "Here you go but be careful with her." Narrator- Nancy starts looking around the house and notices that there isn't any pictures of Jaden on the wall. She sees that she doesn't recognize any one on the pictures. She's confused as to why Jaden and Chelsea are staying together. Nancy looks suspiciously at Jaden because he looks like he's too grown for his age. She sees how young Chelsea is as well. It is only Chelsea, Janiya, and Jaden home. Nancy- "Who house is this?" Jaden- "My uncle's" Nancy- "Where is your mom?" Jaden- "She passed away some years ago." Jada- "I'm so sorry to hear that." Nancy- "I'm sorry for your lost." Jaden- "It's ok y'all didn't know." Nancy- "We wasn't close like we should have been but it'll be nice if can all get closer now." Jaden- "I didn't even know had extended family." Nancy- "How did you find Jada?" Jaden- "My God brother found her picture in the closet." Nancy- "What picture?" Jaden- "It was a picture of Jada when she was younger and it had her name on it." Nancy- "It must have been the picture i gave your mother years ago." Jaden- "I wonder why it was in my God mothers closet. She never tells me anything." Nancy- "She never told you about your other siblings?" Jaden- "She didn't even tell me that my mother had passed. I found out some time ago from a stranger." Nancy- "I am so sorry. Jada we have to get going." Jada- "We just got here." Nancy- "I forgot i had something to do today." Jada- "You said you were free today mom." Nancy- "I forgot i had one thing to do. Let's go Jada we'll see them later. Goodbye y'all I'm glad we got to reunite. We will catch up later." Narrator- Jada waves goodbye to everyone and heads out the door with her mother. Nancy quickly leaves out of the driveway. *Jaden's thoughts* When i mentioned my mother's passing and Shakira not telling me right away Nancy started getting suspicious. Is there anything that she knows that i don't know? How come she never tried to reach out. I had so many questions that i wanted to ask. I felt like it wasn't the right time to ask. I really want to know what other siblings do i have. I also want to know why did Shakira keep my mothers death away from me. Narrator- Nancy drops Jada off at home and makes her way to Shakira's house. She knocks on the door and Shakira answers the door. Shakira is astonished to see Nancy. Nancy has her arms folded as if she's upset. Shakira- "What are you doing here?" Nancy- "I'm here because i see that you are still keeping skeletons in your closet." Shakira- "I thought we had a deal." Nancy- "We did until he found a picture you kept hidden in your closet." Shakira- "What picture?!" Nancy- "Don't act stupid. He found the picture of my daughter in your closet. Then he searched her name on social media." Shakira- "So did they meet yet." Jada- "Yes they did." Shakira- *starts panicking* "Did you tell him." Nancy- "No i didn't. He will want to know more information. I don't want to get my daughter involved." Shakira- "Then why did you let them meet?" Nancy- "What was i suppose to tell her?" Shakira- "You was suppose to stop her." Nancy- "I'm tired of trying to hide things. It'll be best if we just go ahead with the truth of things." Shakira- "No! I will not let this happen." Nancy- "What difference is it going to make? Isn't like he's living a normal life. He already had a baby and he isn't even living with you." Shakira- "Who are you to judge?" Nancy- "I'm not judging it's just don't know why you are even keeping things from him. I get it... their father is a complete monster but we need to be honest with them. We can't let history repeat itself." Shakira- "Can we just keep our agreement?" Nancy- "I can't promise you anything. I can't keep lying to my daughter." Shakira- "I just need you to wait a little longer." Narrator- Nancy walks off on Shakira and gets in the car and leaves. Shakira heart is still beating faster as she thinks about what she is going to do next. She goes to her room to lay down. Brandon comes out of the kitchen. He was listening to the whole conversation. He went to hide when he thought his mother was walking into the kitchen.
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