Narrator- Its Wednesday and Chelsea's doctor appointment is today. Jaden told her he wanted to come so instead of him riding the bus he tries to wait until Chelsea's mom comes to pick her up so he could ride with her.
Jaden- "I want to ride with you. I'm not saying that in a sexual way though*
*Jaden's thoughts*
I mean I did want her to ride me but that's not what i was trying to say.
Chelsea- *rolls her eyes and touches her stomach* "The baby is moving i can feel it."
Jaden-"Can i feel it?"
Chelsea-*acts like she can't hear him."
Ada-*pulls up in her car to pick up Chelsea and sees Jaden standing next to her*
Chelsea- *walks up to the car*
Jaden-*walks up to the car behind Chelsea*
Ada- "Why you following her? You already got her pregnant what you trying to do now?"
Chelsea- "He wants to go with us to the doctor appointment"
Ada- *looks at Jaden crazy* "Oh so now you're the father."
Jaden- "I'm sorry Ms. Ada it was a rumor going around and i was stupid enough to believe it. I want to be here for Chelsea and the baby. I really want to change my ways and I'm asking can i ride with y'all to the appointment."
Chelsea- *looks at her mother* "He's here just for the baby."
Ada- *looks at Jaden in the eyes* "Your Godmother couldn't take you?"
Jaden- "She's still at work."
Ada- *laughs* "I bet she would have took time out for her real son."
*Jaden's thoughts.*
Ms. Ada may seem annoying but she wasn't lying. Shakira would have made time for Brandon or Nicole but when it comes to something i truly care about she acts like she doesn't have time. It honestly made me sad when she said that and i got to thinking about my mama again.
Ada-*notices that Jaden seemed a bit melancholy* "Y'all come on before we be late."
Narrator- Ada had some bags in the front seat so Jaden and Chelsea both sat in the back. While they are sitting in the back Jaden is staring Chelsea up and down.
*Jaden's thoughts*
The more I'm next to her the more i want to tell her how much i love her. I want to tell her that ever since we been separated i still think about her everyday. I missed hearing her laugh. She has the cutest laugh. I met Chelsea when i was in the fifth grade and at the time my mind wasn't on girls. She was in Mrs. Johnson's class and i was in Mrs. Lindsey's. I didn't know her back them but i remember how long her hair was. Her hair use to be straightened every Friday and she would wear it down to her back. At recess her hair would puff back up. She was one of the fastest girls in our grade she could outrun a lot of guys. In the six grade i started liking her. She had the nicest physique. She had just grew some tits and her ass poked out a little. All the guys were trying to talk to her but i managed to get her. We started off friends because she was playing hard to get. I could get any girl i wanted at school but it was hard for me to get her. I told her if i beat her in basketball she had to go out with me so she played and lost. She was cheesing so hard as if she wanted to lose.
Narrator- Ada, Chelsea, and Jaden arrive at the appointment and the doctor is giving Chelsea an ultrasound. The doctors tells Chelsea that she's twenty weeks.
*Jaden's thoughts*
It's so exciting to see the baby move around and hear the heart beat. I'm just thinking it's amazing how a women's body works.
Doctor- "Would you like to know the gender?"
Chelsea-*looks at Ada and Jaden*
Ada- "I hope it's a boy."
*Jaden's thoughts*
I want a son that i could dress alike with. Then i also want a daughter. Either way i just want a healthy child.
*Chelsea's thoughts *
I want daughter who could pass as my mini me. If i have a daughter i will take her shopping all the time and we could have mommy and daughter time all the time.
Chelsea- "Yes we want to know."
Doctor- "It's a girl."
Chelsea- *smiles* "Yes!"
Ada- *laughs* "Oh lord be with me."
Jaden- "So you sure it isn't a boy?"
Doctor- "Yes it's a girl."
Jaden- *smiles* "I got to get a gun then."
Ada- "Me and you both."
Narrator- After the appointment Ada takes us out to eat. Ada sits on one side of the booth by herself and Chelsea and I sit on the other side of the booth. Ada leaves and goes to the bathroom.
Jaden- *grabs Chelsea hand* "Your hand has gotten bigger."
Chelsea-*pulls away from Jaden* "Yeah so i can slap you."
Jaden-*puts his hand on Chelsea's thigh and whispers in her ear* "I love you."
Chelsea- *freezes up*
Ada-*walks out of the bathroom*
Jaden- *hurry up and moves his hand*
*Chelsea's thoughts*
I still want Jaden but my pride won't allow me to give him a chance. When he said he love me i almost wanted to say i love you too but i froze up.
Narrator- After they finish eating Ada drops Jaden off Shakira's house. When Jaden gets home he gets a text from Mackenzie.
Mackenzie- "After all this time you were saying you wasn't having sex with this girl. You were undeniably having sex with her!!!! Unprotected sex!!!! You lied to me like i wouldn't find out. Now you have a baby on the way by this ratchet hoe?!?! Did you even find out if it you are actually the father. You told me that you were done with her. If the shoe was on the other foot how would you feel? I feel like the bond we had is broken. You'll never met another girl like me ever. When you met me you most definitely lucked up. I came over Shakira house today and she told me you were out with this hoe."
*Jaden's thoughts*
I find it weird how she continues to stalk my life. The more i grow older the more i start to question my dealings wit my Mackenzie. I start to realize that she took control over me when i was younger. She manipulated me by saying it's nothing wrong with me fucking you because you like it. She instilled the thought that i would be a snitch if i told people what happened. She had plenty of different boyfriends but would still want to fuck with me. I didn't understand why she was on me like that when she was a cheerleader and could have mostly any guy. When i broke up with Chelsea she came around once. It's like she doesn't want to see me with someone that makes me happy.
Jaden- "Stay out of my business."
Mackenzie- "😂😂😂 stay out of your business?"
Jaden-"Can you please mind your business."
Mackenzie- "I can show you what i can do."
Jaden- "I don't want you to."
Mackenzie-"You don't give me any other options."
Jaden-*doesn't text back*

The Reality of Our Lives
Non-FictionThe main character Jaden Sparks grows up without a present mother or father. Jaden was raised by his godmother Shakira and Peyton. Jaden suffers from sex addiction, anger issues, and depression. Jaden gets molested by his babysitter at the age of tw...