New Jaden City

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*Jaden's thoughts*
As i walked to Peyton's house memories started replaying in my head. I started thinking about the time my parents got into a heated argument that ended in blood, sweat, and tears. It all ignited when my dad came back home with a girl about my age. She had long curly black hair, brown eyes, and was my complexion. My mother asked him about the girl but i couldn't hear his response. My mother seemed upset about the girl coming to the house. She told my dad she was leaving and taking me. He didn't want her to do it and he told her if she tried to walk out of the door it would end terrible for her. Sure enough, my mother tried to leave out of the door and he slung her down to the floor by her hair. My mother burst into tears. Her lips were busted and blood was all over her mouth. I got use to seeing my mother bleed and cry while my dad was sweating just to see more of it. After hearing what Cortez said about me having brothers and sisters, I wondered if the girl i saw was my sister. Was my mother upset about him having other kids? Why else would she get mad about him bringing a little girl home to see us? My father always cheated on my mother. He told me that a man shouldn't be with just one woman. He even said it's in the Bible that men should have multiple women. I didn't want to be like my father but the more i get older i see his resemblance in me. I get so tired of Shakira's lies . It's like once i forgive her then something else pops up again and she has a weak explanation on why she couldn't tell me. Peyton is always understanding and instead of judging me he is there to help me. He treats me just like one of his friends.
Narrator- Brandon and Princess are at school talking.
Princess- "How come your mom just allows Jaden to leave when he gets ready?"
Brandon-"Because she knows he's in good hands with your dad. Obviously he needs a strong father figure in his life and sadly that's not my dad."
Princess- "You know you don't always have to take Jaden side?"
Brandon-"I don't always take his side but he literally didn't ask for this life but yet he has to live it."
Princess-"So he didn't ask to be a teen dad?"
Brandon- *looks disgusted at Princess* "Why do you think it's ok to judge people?
Princess-"I'm just asking a question."
Brandon- "No you're being funny as always. You literally stopped talking to your best friend because she's pregnant." *shakes his head at Princess*
Princess- "I didn't have a choice."
Brandon- "You're fourteen and letting your mother choose your own friends."
Princess-"Chelsea is pregnant at a very young age though."
Brandon- *shakes his head at Princess* "Your mother's friend steals clothes and sells them so does that make her a crook as well for being around her?"
Princess- *gets upset and walks away*
Brandon- "I'm just saying though." *runs up to princess and grabs her hand* "Just because you hang out with someone doesn't mean you're exactly like them. You should talk to Chelsea baby. The girl is pregnant and very emotional she needs you the most at this time. Your mother wouldn't even know honestly."
Princess-*acts stubborn but sees she's wrong* "Ok you win."
Brandon- *smiles* "Yep that's my baby girl. Go do what's right."
Narrator- Jaden and Devon are talking at school.
Jaden- "You forreal Bro? Like i really need this lick ."
Devon- "Hell yeah dude i been scoping them out for a minute now i know they schedule."
Jaden- "Word bet I'm going to meet your after school."
*Jadens thoughts*
I never wanted to hit licks, sell drugs, and gang bang. I tried to avoid it for the longest but i had to find a hustle so i wouldn't have to ask nobody for shit. I know that i have a baby on the way and i want to make sure she doesn't ever want for shit. I asked Devon what do i need to do to clique up with his brother. Devon's brother Hurk was pretty much running the city. Everybody knew Hurk and he wasn't anybody to play with. Devon told me that i had to show him I'm down with whatever and if i got caught up that i wouldn't snitch. So Devon is going to put me on my first lick. I have to rob a corner store. I'm nervous because i don't want to embarrass myself. Devon is going to give me all the necessities that i need.
Narrator- Jaden and Devon meet up after school at Devon's house. Devon goes into his dresser and hands Jaden a gun.
Devon- "You better not lose my gun either."
Jaden- "Shut up i know what I'm doing."
Devon- "Yeah Bro don't fuck this up."
Narrator- Jaden wasn't worried about Peyton questioning his whereabouts because Peyton typically wasn't home at night. He was either at his girlfriends house or at work. Jaden gets ready to prepare for his night. He is wearing all black with his hoodie and ski mask on his head, and shades to cover his eyes. He is so afraid that he will get caught that he texts Chelsea.
Jaden- "I love you and my baby girl if anything ever happens to me i want you to know that."
Chelsea- "Aww.. why you saying that tho?"
Jaden-"I just felt like that needs to be said but i love y'all."
Chelsea- "We love you too 😘."
Narrator- Jaden turns his phone off and runs into the store. He knew what time the store closed because Devon had been watching the store. He watched and waited until nobody was around to walk into the store brandishing his gun. The cashier was inside getting ready to lock the door.
Jaden-*points the gun at the cashier* "Give me the fucking money now and don't do anything stupid."
Cashier-*starts panicking* "You can take it all just don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me i have kids"
Jaden- *feels bad* "I won't hurt you just open up the fucking register and give me the money now!"
Cashier-*opens up the register and hands Jaden the money to put into the bag* "Please don't hurt me."
Jaden- "Open up the fucking safe now!"
Cashier-*starts shaking* "I got to go to the back and get the keys."
Jaden- "Do i fucking look stupid to you? The fucking keys right here. Open it up now before i shoot!"
Cashier- *starts crying* "Please don't hurt me i have a family."
Jaden-*feels bad* "Open it up and nobody get hurt!"
Cashier- *She opens up the safe and hands Jaden the money to put into the bag*
Jaden- "Now turn around and put your hands in the air."
Cashier- *turns around and puts her hands up while she's crying hard* "Please don't shoot me! Please i have kids please!"
Jaden-*takes the backpack and puts it on and runs out of the store*
*Jaden's thoughts*
I kept running until i was deep into the woods. My heart took forever to stop beating. I thought this was really the end of me. I never thought i would get away with the money. I felt so bad that the woman was crying like that because just like me she has a family to feed. Seeing her cry like that almost made me want to give up but i couldn't. It wasn't just about me anymore. As I'm counting the money i realize its a little over two thousand dollars. Not bad for my first lick. I had to play it smart i told Devon i only got three hundred dollars and only gave him have of that. I felt so successful that i wanted to do it again.

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