Narrator- Another three weeks passes and Jaden and Chelsea are still not talking to each other. Chelsea and Princess decides to go get their nails done but this time they go to a new nails salon since they were banned from the other shop.
Chelsea- "Ew, i don't like how this store
smells it's so strong in here. You don't smell that?"
Princess-"It's smells like a normal nail shop to me."
Chelsea-*feeling nauseated* "How are you and Brandon doing?"
Princes- "We're good i guess. He's still kinda upset that Jaden won't come back home."
Chelsea- "Oh him."
Princess- "I understand you don't want to talk about him. Change the subject please."
Chelsea- "I finally gave Jordan my number."
Princess- "I'm proud of you sis. Have he texted you?"
Chelsea- "Yeah he did but i been dry texting him."
Princess- "Why you doing him like that?"
Chelsea- "I'm just not ready."*starts feeling nauseated and gags*
Princess- "You okay?"
Chelsea- "Yes i gotta go to the restroom" *runs into the restroom and starts puking*
Princess-*Runs into the restroom and goes to check on Chelsea* "Girl are you okay?"
Chelsea- "Yes it was hibachi that i had earlier."
Princess- "You always get hibachi though"
Chelsea-"They must ain't cook it right this time."
Princess- "you want my sister to take you to see a doctor?"
Chelsea-"No I'll just go home.
Narrator- Princess's older sister comes and gets Chelsea and Princess. The next scene takes place at the basketball court in Jordan's neighborhood. Jaden got the drop on Jordan from someone in school.
Jaden- "You tryna fuck with my girl brah?"
Jordan- *looks confused*"Dude you really come to my neighborhood on foot to check me about your ex?"
Jaden-"Yeah bitch ass boy you wanna do some?"
Jordan-"They told me that you lost your mama but i didn't think you lost your mind."
Jaden- *gets angry and charges at Jordan. He slams Jordan down to the concrete pavement and starts punching him* "Don't you ever disrespect my mama I'll get you killed."
Narrator- Jordan's two friends jump in the fight to help Jordan. An older man near by comes to break the fight up. Jaden is unconscious so the old man pulls him up to the gazebo. When Jaden finally gains conscious the man asks him where he stays so he can take him home. Jaden denies and limps home with a black eye and busted lip. He calls Mackenzie but she doesn't pick up. He tries to call Grace but she doesn't pick up either. Jaden's head starts hurting so bad that he just falls into the grass at a nearby neighborhood.
*Jaden's thoughts*
I didn't realize i was moving too fast until this moment. I'm here with no one and nothing. When i was in a relationship everyone was there but now that I'm single and I'm on my own. Nobody came to my rescue. I wanted to just fall and never get back up. I never understood why life was this hard. Why did God put all this on my at a young age? Why do i keep going against the grain? Why am i so angry inside? I call Peyton to come and get me. Peyton comes right away.
Peyton- "They beat you up pretty bad but you'll be okay."
Jaden- *puts his hands over his heads feeling ashamed*
*Jaden's thoughts*
I had never lost a fight so it shot my pride down i didn't even want to go to school because it would mess my reputation up. Peyton's rules were that as long as i go to school everyday i could stay here so i went.
Narrator- Jordan and Chelsea are texting.
Jordan- "I had to knock your ex out for trying to step to me."
Chelsea-"You did what?"
Jordan-"I put him unconscious for trying to check ME about talking to you."
Chelsea-"When did he come to you?"
Jordan- "A few hours ago. You'll see when you get to school tomorrow 😂."
Chelsea-*doesn't text back*
Narrator- Princess and Chelsea are texting.
Chelsea- "Jordan said he got the fighting with Jaden omg."
Princess- "You lying."
Chelsea- *sends her the screenshots*
Princess- "Let me go check on my homie."
Chelsea- "You didn't hear it from me."
Narrator- Princess and Jaden are texting.
Princess- "You good Jay?"
Jaden- "Yes why wouldn't i be?"
Princess- "Everybody talking about Jordan beat you up 😳."
Jaden-"He didn't touch me his bro's jumped me."
Princess- "What why didn't you get them back? You know better than that Jay."
Jaden-*doesn't text back*
Princess- "Jaden you can't let them do you like that and he must have blacked your eyes or some??? You gone go to school like that? 😟"
Jaden- *doesn't respond*
Narrator- Princess and Chelsea are texting again.
Princess- "Girl it's true but he said they jumped him."
Chelsea- "WTF 😡 I'm about to text Jaden."
Princess- "Girl you cant text him he don't care about you."
Chelsea- "He needs me."
Princess- "No he doesn't believe me. He got all them hoes that he be with at school. He can ask them to help him."
Chelsea- "You're right"
*Chelsea's thoughts*
I wanted to give in so bad but I'll be back in the same position again hurt and unappreciated.
Narrator- it's early in the morning and everyone is sitting in the gym waiting for the bell to ring for class to start. Jaden comes in with a hoodie and sunglasses on. An administrator tells him that he has to take his hood and sunglasses off. Jaden takes it off and everyone starts looking at him and laughing. Jaden's friends to start to questions him.
Devon- "Bro what happened?"
Jaden- "I got jumped."
Devon- "Why didn't you tell us? We can run them a fade now."
Jaden- "It was Jordan homeboys."
Terrance- "We can get them hoes now."
*Jaden's thoughts*
I didn't want to get suspended because i was told if i got in trouble again i would be expelled. Peyton already said that if i get into any trouble Shakira would make me come back.
Devon-"You making us look weak Jaden. We need to shoot the one with them hoes."
Narrator- The bell rings and everyone is rushing to class.
Chelsea-*sees Jaden and stares at him*
Jaden- *sees Chelsea and clinches his teeth as his eyes get red and walks out of school.
*Jaden's thoughts*
It didn't bother me as bad seeing everyone stare and laugh at me but seeing Chelsea look at me pissed me off. The person who i was in love with wasn't even by my side. I fought him to protect her yet she wasn't there for me. I tried to do right but i couldn't go back into that school like that. I walked all the way to river contemplating if i really wanted it end it forever. I couldn't swim so i figured drowning would be best. I took off my hoodie, shoes, pants and shirt. I was standing there with only underwear on. I walked over to the edge of the grass. I was thinking of my mother and how she use to read me bed time stories when i was younger. My mother could sing and i love when she sung "Jesus loves me." I kept replaying that memory over in my head until tears started flowing down my face. Why couldn't i say goodbye to her? I wanted to tell her that i did love her. I wanted her to see me graduate school. I wanted her to send me off to college. I wanted her to see me get married. I wanted her to see me have kids. I wanted her to be here. I wanted to tell her that i love her. Most of all i wanted her to be proud of me. I wanted my dad to come and protect me. I wanted my dad to show me how to be a real man instead of giving me 'the game'. I gazed down at the water to see my reflection and for a second i thought i saw my dad's reflection. My dad was someone i never wanted to be but yet i saw the resemblance. I closed my eyes and looked down into the water again and i saw Brandon standing over me.
Jaden- "How did you get here? Leave dude you're going to get in trouble for skipping school."
Brandon- *Breathless* "I don't care I'll deal with that later I'm not about to let you hurt yourself. Jaden you are my brother and I'll always be here for your. I followed you."
Jaden- *wipes tears from his eyes*
Brandon- "I've been texting you everyday but you never respond."
Jaden-"I didn't want to ruin your perfect life."
Brandon- "My life isn't perfect Jaden. Nobody life is perfect." *picks Jaden clothes up and gives it to him*
Jaden- "I didn't see you following me."
Brandon- "That's because before i left i beat up Jordan for getting you jumped. I'm pretty sure I'm suspended for the first time ever."
Jaden- "Brandon, Shakira is going to kill you."
Brandon- "I know that's why i need you alive so you can carry on my legacy."
Jaden- *laughs while putting on his clothes*
Brandon- "I'm not my mama either and i wouldn't have hid it from you Jay. I understand why you are angry. I told her about herself Jay."
Jaden-"Brandon you didn't have to do that."
Brandon- "No homo brah but i want you to come back home."
Narrator- Brandon and Jaden walk to Shakira's house.

The Reality of Our Lives
Non-FictionThe main character Jaden Sparks grows up without a present mother or father. Jaden was raised by his godmother Shakira and Peyton. Jaden suffers from sex addiction, anger issues, and depression. Jaden gets molested by his babysitter at the age of tw...