Narrator- Brandon and Jaden finally arrive home. The two notice that Shakira hasn't yet made it back home yet. Jaden walks in and notices that the house has been changed up. He sees a picture of him, his mother, Brandon, and Shakira. He looks around and sees more pictures of him and his mother and not just Shakira and her family. Jaden starts to get emotional.
Jaden-*tries not to cry* "Y'all changed the house up?"
Brandon- "Yes we wanted to make you feel at home." *hugs Jaden*
Jaden-*smiles* "Wow this is dope."
Brandon-"We'll have the whole day to ourselves before mama gets back. She don't get off until six tonight.
Jaden- "She's going to be very upset."
Brandon- "She'll get over it."
Narrator- Chelsea is at lunch with Princess and her other friends.
Chelsea- "I should have brought me some snacks because I'm still hungry."
Princess- "I got some Cheez-it's."
Janera- "All i have is some Kit Kat's but you can have it Cici."
Chelsea-"Thank y'all so much."
Naveah- "You been eating a lot lately big mama."
Chelsea- *looks upset and rolls her eyes at Naveah* "I didn't eat this morning that's why."
Naveah- "Why you getting all defensive just saying sis."
Princess- *starts to put two and two together*
*Princess thoughts*
Chelsea had been eating a lot lately and throwing up but i couldn't put my finger on it. Every time i asked her about it she'll get real defensive. She was going to the bathroom a lot often now and would try to go by herself. I wanted to ask her what was up but she would always change the subject.
Chelsea- "I wonder where Jaden went. Jaden can't get in trouble anymore so i hope they don't expel him."
Princess- "Why you keep talking about him?"
Janera- "Because that's her first love."
Naveah- "He is a cheater though."
Chelsea- *gets frustrated* "Princess you think your relationship with Brandon is so perfect but he still flirts with other girls. Nevaeh, can you please get you a man before you try to judge somebody?
Janera- *laughs*
Princess- *looks confused* "Somebody is moody."
Naveah- "Somebody better get her before i hurt her feelings."
Chelsea- "Hurt who feelings baby girl?"
Naveah-"Chill." *whispers* "Preggo."
Chelsea- "Y'all are weird." *gets up and goes to the bathroom*
Princess- "Girl why you say that?"
Janera- "that's rude because what if she actually is."
Naveah- "It's not my fault that she's fourteen and pregnant."
Princess-"You don't know for sure so stop playing her."
Chelsea- *makes it to the bathroom stall and starts puking in the toilet. She sits in the bathroom stall and cries as she touches her stomach.*
*Chelsea's thoughts*
My body started changing rapidly i was always tired. I was throwing up all the time in the morning and i was eating pickles even though i hated pickles. Most of all i was missing my period. I'm so ashamed of getting judged that i keep it to myself. I can't trust anybody. My best friend was even judging me and i haven't even told her yet. Jaden wasn't even around for me to try to talk to him. When i seen him in the hallway he left. So alone and i don't know what to do.
Narrator- Princess and Brandon are texting.
Princess-"Are you flirting with other girls? 🙃"
Brandon- "No I'm not. Why you ask that?"
Princess- "Chelsea just told me. Why did you leave school? You must be at another girls house. Well guess what I'm not Chelsea I'm not just gone let you think you can act like Jaden and get away with it."
Brandon- "I don't know what Chelsea told you LOL but I'm at home. I went to get Jaden."
Princess-"You're going to be suspended for fighting in school. You just messed up your record."
Brandon- "It'll be okay I'll always be there for my brother."
Narrator- Shakira makes it home with Nicole. She goes to Jaden's room first to talk to him.
Shakira- *walks over to see Jaden asleep and leans over to hug him*
Jaden- *opens his eyes to see Shakira leaning over him*
Shakira- "Jaden I'm sorry i never meant to hurt you. Your mother didn't want me to tell you until you turned eighteen. She thought that you were too young to handle the news."
Jaden- "I just wanted to say goodbye."
Shakira- "I know I did too." *starts crying and hugging Jaden*
Jaden- *cries* "I just wanted to say goodbye."
Shakira- "You just need to make her proud because that's what she wanted."
Jaden- "Does my dad know? What about my cousins and my auntie do they know?"
Shakira- "I don't know."
Jaden- "Jason wants to visit me."
Shakira-*acts like she didn't here Jaden*
Jaden- "Jason wants to come and visit me."
Shakira- "Not right now Jaden you need to heal."
*Jadens thoughts*
I'm not sure why she keeps making excuses for why it isn't right for him to come and visit me.
Jaden- "Is there anything else i should know?"
Shakira- "No baby get some rest." *leaves the room and closes the door*
Shakira- *Comes into Brandon room*
Brandon- *sees his mother and gets nervous*"I'm sorry ma i just had to get Jay."
Shakira "You're not in trouble I'm glad you did the right thing."
Brandon- *hugs his mother*
Narrator- Three months past by and Jaden and Chelsea are still not talking. Jaden had been living with Shakira and going to therapy and is seemly doing better.
*Chelsea's thoughts *
I have been growing big time now and none of my clothes fit. So I've been wearing leggings and hoodies a lot more now. I don't have morning sickness as bad anymore. It's been hard these past three months I've been keeping this to myself for quiet some time. My parents haven't suspected me of being pregnant so I've been well. I just want to tell Jaden but it was been four months since we even spoke. I decide to tell him in person. After school, i catch the bus he rides just so i could talk to him.
Chelsea- *gets on the bus and sits down across from Jaden and Grace*
Jaden- *looks over at Chelsea and wonders why is she riding the bus*
Grace- *acts scared and whispers to Jaden* "Why she get on this bus?"
Jaden- *still curious as to why she's on the bus* "I don't know."
Chelsea- *looks out the window to act like she doesn't notice Grace and Jaden sitting across from her*
Jaden- *starts kissing on Grace and tries to make Chelsea notice it*
Chelsea- *sees him kissing her and puts her headphones in while looking upset.*
Narrator- Brandon and Jaden are texting
Brandon- "Why is your ex on the bus😂"
Jaden- "I don't know brah but i don't fuck with her."
Brandon- "She got on that hot ass hoodie."
Jaden- "I'm confused just like you."
Brandon- "Shes going to beat you and Grace up."
Jaden- "A lie I'm about to get off at Grace house 😎 I'll see you later fam."
Narrator- Grace and Jaden get off the bus and Chelsea comes right behind them. Everyone on the bus is laughing because they know that Chelsea and Jaden use to be a couple.
Jaden- *looks confused and speeds up walking with Grace* "come on Grace."
Grace- *starts speed walking with Jaden*
Chelsea- *gets upset and starts crying because she couldn't walk as fast*
Jaden- *notices that she stopped following them and is now crying* "Grace go in the house I'll be right back."
Grace- "Ok."
Jaden- *walks over to Chelsea* "Why you over here."
Chelsea- *crying and sobbing* "You don't care you worried about fucking with that hoe."
Jaden- "Don't you talk to Jordan? I thought that was your man?"
Chelsea- *stops crying* "That's not my man."
Jaden- "People been telling me y'all been hugged up and kissing last week. Please miss me with that bull shit."
Chelsea- "He was kissing on me but we never went out."
Jaden- *gets upset and walks away from Chelsea* "Bye."
Chelsea- *walks up behind Jaden and pulls him* "So you're not going to listen to what i have to say?"
Jaden- "What do you have to say?"
Chelsea- "I'm pregnant. I came over to tell you that I'm pregnant."
Jaden- *looks confused* "Why you telling me that? You were with a whole different dude. We stopped messing around months ago."
Chelsea- *lifts up her shirt so Jaden can see her baby bump* "I'm four months pregnant."
Jaden- *in denial* "Well you need to go tell your man that bye." *walks over to Grace door and walks in and shut the door*
Chelsea-*Tries to call Jaden but he shut the door on her* "Walks to Princess's house because it's closest by than her house.
Princess's mother- *opens the door to see who it is* "What's wrong."
Chelsea- "I'm pregnant and i don't have any help."
Princess's mother- "Come in baby girl."
Princess-*sees Chelsea crying and walks up and hugs her* "It's going to be okay."
Narrator- Princess's mother takes Chelsea home and tells her mother about her being pregnant. Princess's mother leaves and Chelsea and Ada are talking.
Ada- "What did i tell you child?"
Chelsea- *sobs* "I know."
Ada- "Who is the father?"
Chelsea- "It's Jaden I've only been with him."
Ada-*sighs* "He went and got that job and house?"
Chelsea-*starts crying* "He saying it's not his"
Ada-"Don't cry now. I'm calling his godmother so she'll know she's a god grandmother if that's what she wants to call it."
*Jadens thoughts*
I didn't want to be rude to Chelsea but hearing that the love of my life was with someone else hurt me. She never came back around or said anything to me. I was at my lowest point in life and she wasn't there to comfort me. Then for her to come out of the blue to say she's pregnant because I've moved on was insane. I thought she was with Jordan so she needs to tell him that.

The Reality of Our Lives
Non-FictionThe main character Jaden Sparks grows up without a present mother or father. Jaden was raised by his godmother Shakira and Peyton. Jaden suffers from sex addiction, anger issues, and depression. Jaden gets molested by his babysitter at the age of tw...