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Narrator- The bell just got done ringing and school is over. Chelsea is walking out of the school. Jaden sees her and he tells her her needs to talk to her.
Jaden- *sighs* "Chelsea I'm about to be honest with you. I'm sorry baby i never meant to hurt you forreal."
Chelsea- *looks confused* "What's going on?"
Jaden- *grabs Chelsea's arm* "I cheated."
Chelsea-*snatches her arm away from Jaden and slaps him* "I'm done with you and this time i mean it."
Narrator- Everybody is looking at Jaden and laughing at him.
Princess- *sees the altercation and runs up to Chelsea* "It's going to be ok Chelsea. You gotta be strong for the baby."
Chelsea- *cries* "I hate that i even fell for him."
Princess- *hugs Chelsea* "I told him to tell you the truth because i caught him redhanded with another girl at my dad's house."
Chelsea- *grows angrier and yells* "JADEN YOU'RE A BITCH."
Princess-"He is very sad and he's going to be looking stupid when you move on."
Narrator- Princess's mom pulls up to pick up Princess.
Princess- *gets in the car*
Princess's mom- "I told you about talking to that girl and why is she crying."
Princess- "She is hurting because she just found out her boyfriend is cheating on her. Why can't i talk to her? She is my best friend so what if she's pregnant that doesn't mean i am going to be."
Princess's mom- "It's her fault for trusting a little boy with her most precious jewel. You think you got it all figured out huh?"
Princess- "No i don't but my dad cheated on you right? Isn't that why y'all aren't together?
Princess's mom- *gets upset* "Do you want to get the taste slapped out of your mouth?"
Princess- "No ma'am but you're judging her for something she can't control. She made a mistake just like everybody does and that doesn't mean she's a bad person."
Princess's mom- *looks embarrassed* Whatever.
Princess- "Mama i don't think you should try to tell me who to be friends with. I get you want the best for me but she's a good person."
Princess's mom- "That's on you because If you end up pregnant don't call me."
Narrator- Chelsea gets in the car with Ada and Ada is wondering why her eyes are red.
Ada- "What's wrong with you baby girl?"
Chelsea- "Mama I'm just tired."
Ada- "I'm asking you what's going on?"
Chelsea- *starts crying* "I want my life back i don't want to be a mother at fourteen. I can't believe this is my life right now."
Ada- "Baby girl this is your life and it's going to be ok. God don't make any mistakes. He chose you because he knows you're strong and you got your mother here to help you through the way."
Chelsea-*wipes her eyes* "I broke up with Jaden."
Ada- "It's only the beginning baby girl. Don't worry about him either way you and our little one are going to be good."
Narrator- Chelsea gets home and she calls princess for more details on Jaden cheating.
Chelsea- "How did you catch him cheating?"
Princess- "Are you sure you want to hear it? Because to be honest it's nasty and he's sad for even doing you like that."
Chelsea- "Yes i want to because it's going to help me get over him completely."
Princess- "I was knocking on the door and nobody was answering. I figured someone had to be home because i seen a car parked in the driveway."
Chelsea- "A car? She must be older than him?"
Princess- "She has to be atleast sixteen to drive."
Chelsea- *rolls her eyes*
Princess- "Well when i opened the door i could hear a girl moaning."
Chelsea- "What the hell i cant believe this sis."
Princess- "Right! I went to open the door and she was on top of him."
Chelsea- "I hate him so much." *cries*
Princess- "Fuck him because after i went back into the living room he made her leave and came begging me not to tell you."
Chelsea- "He must have been cheating on me all this time."
Princess- "That's probably why he likes staying at my dad house because he can do whatever he wants. Ain't no telling how many females have been over there."
Chelsea- "I remember one day he had his phone off for hours and he finally turned it back on and told me he dropped it in water."
Princess- "He's a hoe and it's sad."
Chelsea- "I really thought he was serious this time but he's still the same."
Princess- "I thought he changed for a second as well but didn't you say that he bought the baby a whole bunch of stuff."
Chelsea- "Yes he did he bought everything for her because he's been selling drugs."
Princess- "Are you serious?"
Chelsea- "Yes I'm tired of taking up for him I'm done."
Princess- "I'm going to tell Brandon because he's always taking up for him. I wonder what Brandon is going to have to say about his brother now."
Chelsea- "You know Brandon always has Jaden's back no matter what he does."
Princess-"He really does but Jaden needs to stop his shit."
Chelsea- "He even gave me money."
Princess- "Probably hush money to keep you quiet."
Chelsea- "Well I'm not about to keep quiet anymore and I'm not getting back with him."
Princess- "You said that last time you know you gone get back with him?"
Chelsea-"No I'm serious this time. You actually caught him having sex with another girl. It really makes me sick to my stomach to hear that."
Princess- "She has to be older than him."
Chelsea- "What's her name I want to see what she looks like."
Princess- "I don't know that thot  name. She wasn't even all that."
Chelsea- "What does she look like?"
Princess- "Brown skin and had her hair pulled up. I wasn't really paying attention to her face though."
Chelsea- "Well she can have him because I'm done."

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