The accident

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Chelsea's thoughts-
I run into my mother's car and immediately lock the door. I drive off and park at a nearby chevron. I look into the rear view mirror and see my lip busted up , bruises on my neck, and a black eye. My head is hurting so bad as i cry loudly. I tried to hold it in but the more i look at my face, the more it hurts me to hold back tears. I am crying so hard that my throat starts getting sore. All i could think about is how Jaden physically abused me. He never put his hands on me before. He told me before how he never wanted to do what his dad did to his mom. When he was choking me, i thought that i was officially taking my last breaths. All i could think about was our daughter. What would she think if she never saw her mother again? How would she grow up if her mother passed away and her father is in prison? Luckily, Jaden's friend came into the room and saved me. I couldn't help to fathom the thought that Jaden would have killed me if nobody stopped him. As much as Jaden use to cheat on me, i never tried to physically harm him. I'm confused as to why he thought it would be ok to abuse me. I'm not saying I'm completely innocent but nobody deserves to get abused. I am afraid to go home because i don't want anybody to see my face. If my parents saw me they would want to know what happened. Regardless of what just happen, i still don't want Jaden to get in trouble. We have a child together and i would hate for my daughter to have to be without her father.
Narrator- Chelsea starts driving home and when she  nearby the neighborhood she drives full speed into the ditch. The windshield cracks and the bumper falls off the car. People from the neighborhood comes over and pull Chelsea out of the car. Another person calls the police and ambulance. Three minutes later the  police and ambulance arrives. The ambulance tries to comfort Chelsea. They ask her what's her name and where is her parents. She hesitates at first but then she answers. Before Chelsea could even call her parents they arrive at the scene in Ronnie's car. Ada rushes over to Chelsea in the ambulance. Ada's starts panicking as she sees Chelsea's busted up lip, black eye, g and bruises around her neck.
Ada- "I'm her mother! Is she ok?"
Nurse- "She's fine just pretty bruised up."
Ada- "What happened?"
Police officer- "She was texting and driving and swerved into the ditch."
Ada- "Oh my... I'm just glad my baby girl is ok. God is good."
Narrator- Ada rides in the ambulance with Chelsea to the hospital. Ronnie and Janiya follows them to the hospital. After Chelsea sees the doctor, Ada starts questioning her about the accident.
Ada- "Baby what have i told you about texting and driving?"
Chelsea- "Mama I'm so sorry i just looked down for one second and i was in the ditch."
Ada- "I don't want to here it! You could have really hurt yourself (lord forbid). I don't trust you to drive anymore."
Chelsea- "But mama i need the car sometimes-"
Ada- "I'm not hearing it."
Chelsea- "Dad, are you going to let me drive your car?"
Ronnie- "I think you should take a break from driving."
Chelsea's thoughts-
I am so upset that my parents are not allowing me to drive their cars anymore. I couldn't tell the truth. I mean how am i suppose to tell them that I'm always usual proper protocols when I'm driving. I never text and drive. But i just don't want them to find out about me getting abused. I am so ashamed and hurt but i must protect Jaden's image. Jaden has also made a name for himself with his music and i refuse to tarnish it. Even if we aren't together i shouldn't bash my daughter's father. I am so pissed at Jaden but i just cannot tell my parents the truth. I really can't tell anybody because nobody is trustworthy. I apologize to my parents and lean over to hug and kiss Janiya.  When i get home i look at my phone to see that i have twenty-two missed calls and thirty messages from Caleb. I forgot about Caleb with all the chaos going on today. I FaceTime him while nobody is in my room and he answers right away.
Caleb- "Are you ok?! I have been trying to call you all day!"
Chelsea-"I'm fine now."
Caleb- "What happened to your face?! Did he put his hands on you?!"
Chelsea- "No! I ran into a ditch on my way home that's why i never called you back."
Caleb- "You ran into a ditch?"
Chelsea- "I was texting and driving."
Caleb- "So how did you get the black eye?"
Chelsea- "I hit my eye on the steering wheel. After he hung up i got my phone back and left. Nothing happened between us."
Caleb- "I'm glad that you're ok."
Chelsea- "I'm sorry about everything today."
Caleb- "I'm just glad you're ok. So are you finally mine?"
Chelsea- "Only if you ask...i know I'm not pretty right now."
Caleb- "You're still so beautiful to me. Will you be my girlfriend?"
Chelsea- "Yes i will."
Caleb- "Are you going to school tomorrow?"
Chelsea- "Yeah I'm going but I'm going to have to wear makeup to cover my eye."
Caleb- "You don't have to do that. Just let it heal up on it's own."
Chelsea- "I'm not bold enough to do that."
Caleb- "So what did your parents say about the car?"
Chelsea- "Well they don't trust me driving right now. So I'll be riding the cheese to school and back."
Caleb- "Whoa wait... i can pick you up and drop you off. Only if that's fine with you."
Chelsea- "Yes, would you really do that for me?"
Caleb- "Yes I'd love to."


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