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Narrator- Jada is on the phone with Allie.
Jada- "Girl you would not believe what happened the other day."
Allie- "Tell me what happened."
Jada- "I had sex with Brandon."
Allie- "Omg how was it?"
Jada- "It was terrible he didn't know what he was doing."
Allie- "Wow what a mess."
Jada- "I feel horrible that i even took it there with him. I saw him as just a friend but i wanted revenge for Sam cheating on me."
Allie- "I totally understand."
Jada- "He has been blowing me up since."
Allie- "Have you talked to him?"
Jada- "No i been ignoring him per usual. I'm not going to say anything else to him because i feel embarrassed.
Allie- "Totally girl."
Jada- "He thinks just because we had sex that we have to be together. He's so the clingy type."
Allie- "I thought that you liked him just a little bit."
Jada- "How can i like him when I'm in love with Sam?"
*Jada's thoughts*
I felt bad that i even took it to another level with Brandon. True enough, Brandon is a great guy but I'm already in love with someone else. I couldn't just tell him that to his face so i just stopped picking up for him.
Narrator- Jaden goes over to Palo'a trap house with jet to chill and smoke.
*Jaden's thoughts*
I walk into Palo's trap house with Jet just to chop it up and smoke. Palo answers the door without a shirt on like he was just caught in the middle of doing something. When he lets us in he goes back to the room. I hear a familiar voice but i didn't think of it. After a couple more minutes Mackenzie walks out of the room into the living room and leaves. I'm completely mind blown.
Palo- "Yeah Jaden i took her down. I don't see why you cut her off she got some good head."
Jaden- "I didn't know she would get down like that but I'm good on that hoe."
Palo- "That's the thing all these girls would get down like that. You can trust no hoe."
*Jaden's thoughts*
I wasn't hurt by Mackenzie sleeping with Palo. I was more so surprised but Palo's right you can't trust these hoes. She waited until she got mad at me to do something so scandalous.
Palo- "Zan just got out of the hospital and they locked him up for some robbery charges. Hurk got two years so we won't be hearing from him in a while."
*Jaden's thoughts*
I'm glad that Zan and a Hurk are both going away for a while so we don't have to look over our shoulders.
Narrator- Princess is on the phone with Chelsea.
Princess- "So let me get this straight, you left home and now you're staying at my dad's house with Jaden?"
Chelsea- "Yes."
Princess- "But why though? Jaden is just going to disrespect you more and have girls over still."
Chelsea- "Just because I'm here doesn't mean that we are back together. I'm staying here because I'm tired of my parents."
Princess- "I'm pretty sure your parents can take care of you better than Jaden can."
Chelsea- "Why do you judge him so much?"
Princess- "How could i not judge him? He give everybody reasons to judge him."
Chelsea- "He's human just like Brandon. Brandon broke up with you and is talking to another girl. You still don't see me judging you for wanting him back."
Princess- "Brandon is different from Jaden."
Chelsea- "How is it he different? He still lied to you about being with another girl."
Princess- "Chelsea, please don't compare my situation to yours. At least Brandon had the decency to break up with me rather than cheat on me."
Chelsea- "You don't know what he was doing while y'all were together. You really don't know anything about this girl that he is with. Stop judging everyone so much because your life isn't any better than anybody else's. I'm tired of you judging me about my life. You're my friend so you should be comforting me. I don't tell you everything as much now because i get tired of you downing my situation. "
Princess- "Is that how you really feel?"
Chelsea- "Yes it is because every time i tell you something about Jaden you start speaking negative. He's going to be in my life because we have a child together."

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