Caught up 😱

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Narrator- Jaden shows up outside of Chelsea's window.
Chelsea- *quietly* "Come on bae just don't make a lot of noise"
Jaden-*Climbs through window* "Damn so this is where all the magic happens?"
Chelsea- "Boy shut up"
Jaden- "You better not have anybody else in here because I'll kill you"
Chelsea- "I would never do that bae"
Jaden-"Come over here bae."
Chelsea- *Goes to the bed and lays down with Jaden *
Jaden-*kisses on Chelsea's Neck and gives her hickeys* "You love me right?"
Chelsea- "Duh."
Jaden-"I want to teach you something that's going to make me feel good"
Chelsea- "and what's that."
Jaden-"How to suck me up."
Chelsea-"That's nasty."
Jaden-"it's apart of life girl sex is nasty but it's good."
Chelsea-"I'm scared."
Jaden-"Don't be just get on your knees. You can even close your eyes until you're not scared anymore. When you're not scared anymore i want you to look me in the eyes." *takes all of his clothes off* "Take all of your clothes off."
*Jaden's thoughts*
I love Chelsea to death and Mackenzie told me that making love is the best thing in the world. You make love to people you love. Mackenzie told me you got to teach people how you want them to fuck you so that's why I'm teaching Chelsea.
Chelsea- *takes clothes off*
Jaden- "Get on your knees"
Chelsea-*gets on her knees*
Jaden- *puts his dick in her face* "Open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out."
Chelsea- *closes her eyes and does what Jaden says *
Jaden- "Dont be shy ma slob and spit on it make it real sloppy."
Chelsea- "Ewww, you want me to spit on it?"
*Chelsea's thoughts*
Even though i don't want to do this i love Jaden we are going to be together forever.
Jaden- "Yes i told you sex is nasty but it's a good nasty so make it real sloppy."
Chelsea-"spits on Jaden's dick as she goes up and down on it."
Jaden-"Ouch, DONT bit it! No teeth!
Chelsea-"My bad."
Jaden-"Go all the way down." *pushes Chelsea head all the way down."
Chelsea- "Gags." "Jaden don't push my head so hard i feel like i was about to throw up."
Jaden- *Laughs* "You good? When you feel like that lift up off it a little and go down again but before you go down again spit on it."
Chelsea-"I'm trying." *spits on Jaden's dick and goes dead down making it sloppy. Saliva from Chelsea mouth rolls down Jaden's balls.*
Jaden- *pulls Chelsea hair as he maneuvers her head up and down*
Chelsea-*continues to gag"
Jaden-"Open you eyes and look me in my eyes"
Chelsea- *opens her eyes and looks Jaden in his eyes*
Jaden-"I'm about to nut"*moves Chelsea's head faster*
Chelsea-*continues to hang in while looking exhausted*
Jaden- *mumbles under his breath* "ahhh fuck."
Chelsea-*gags* "Eww did you cum in my mouth" *spits out nut*
Jaden- "Bae you're suppose to swallow it."
Chelsea- "Why does it taste so salty?"
Jaden- "idk" *laughs*
Jaden- *lays down in Chelsea's bed* "Now get on top of me and ride me." *puts condom on*
Chelsea- *get on top of Jaden*
Jaden- "you're so tight" *pushes dick inside of Chelsea's pussy."
Chelsea- *starts riding Jaden*
Jaden-*pulls Chelsea off of him* "Turn around and bend over."
Chelsea- "Don't make too much noise."
Jaden- "shh bend over put your head on the bed and arch your back."
Chelsea- "Jaden go easy on me."
Jaden- "Shut up and do what i say it's going to feel good." *pushes Chelsea's head to the bed and pulls her ass up to his dick. Inserts his dick in Chelsea's pussy and pulls her hair."
Chelsea- "Bae." *moans*
Jaden- "Who pussy is this?" *strokes faster
Chelsea- "yours" *moans*
Jaden- "if it's mine then what's my name." *strokes faster."
Chelsea- *moans* "Daddy."
Jaden- *Strokes even more faster making the bed squeak*
Chelsea- *quietly* "Bae stop i hear my mama coming."
Jaden- *Jumps up and puts clothes on*
Chelsea- *Slides the window back on*
*Bangs on the door*
Chelsea- "Go Jaden."
Jaden- *goes out the window*
Chelsea's mom- "Open up this door "
Chelsea- *opens up the door* "Yes ma'am?"
Chelsea's mom- "Why you in here with door locked like you pay bills? What's all that damn noise i here on here." *walks into the room starts pasting back and forth*
Chelsea- "I was watching something on my phone."
Chelsea's mom-"why is your curtain pulled back?"
Chelsea-"it's hot in here."
Chelsea's mom- "You better not be lying to me."
Chelsea- "Yes mama I'm telling you the truth."
Chelsea's mom- "I'm making you a doctors appointment. I'll find out if you're lying to me."
Chelsea-*looks disappointed* "Okay."
*scene ends*
Narrator- Jaden and Chelsea are texting each other
Jaden- "Did she catch you?"
Chelsea- "No but she said she's making me a doctor appointment:("
Jaden-"Damn babe we need to just tell her so she don't be as mad when she finds out."
Chelsea- "I'm scared bae."
Jaden- "it'll be alright don't worry."
Chelsea- ":("
Jaden-"I'm going to talk to her with you so you don't have to be alone."
Chelsea- "okay..."
Jaden-"I left my drawers 🙃"
Chelsea- "I kicked them under the bed 😅"
Jaden- "i love you bae get some rest."
Chelsea-"I love you too."
*scene ends*

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