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Narrator- Jaden walks to Chelsea's house so they can meet face to face. At the time Chelsea's parents aren't at home.
Jaden- *walks into the house* "It's my first time walking through the front door. I didn't realize how nice the house was." *laughs*
Chelsea- "I see you got jokes."
Jaden- "It's actually really nice in here where is Ms. Ada?"
Chelsea- "She's at work."
Jaden- "Where is you Dad?"
Chelsea- "He's still on the road he'll be back home later this week. I'm pretty sure he'll have some words for the both of us."
Jaden- *looks disappointed* "I'm a man i can take it."
Chelsea-"Didn't you have something to say? Like you said something about.."
Jaden- *interrupts Chelsea* "Can i rub your belly?"
Chelsea-*grabs Jaden hand and puts it on her baby bump*
Jaden-*starts smiling really hard* "Wow this is amazing. I really want to take pictures."
Chelsea- *rolls her eyes as if Jaden is lying* "Sure."
Jaden- *puts his ear against Chelsea belly to hear the baby* "Yo this is so cool. It's really a baby in here. My baby girl is really in here."
Chelsea-*laughs* "Of course."
Jaden-*starts kissing on Chelsea's belly*
Chelsea- *starts playing in Jaden's hair*
Jaden- *stands up and starts kissing Chelsea* "I love you."
Chelsea- "I love you too."
Jaden- *puts his hands on Chelsea's face* "I want to be back with you. I don't want to be away from you anymore."
Chelsea- "Then show me."
Jaden- *picks Chelsea up and carries her to her room and lays her on the bed*
Chelsea- *takes her dress off*
Jaden- *slips his shirt and shorts off* "I don't want to hurt you and the baby."
Chelsea- "You're not going to hurt us." *pushes Jaden head down to her vagina*
Jaden-*starts licking on Chelsea's clitoris and fingering her* "Let me know if I'm hurting you."
Chelsea- *moans* "It doesn't hurt bae. I want you to stick it in."
Jaden- "You sure because i don't want to hurt you?"
Chelsea- "Yes bae."
Jaden-*goes deep inside of Chelsea's pussy and starts stroking slowly* "Why you so wet?
Chelsea-*smiles* "I don't know?"
Jaden-*starts stroking faster* "I don't think I'm going to last because you so fucking wet."
Chelsea- *moans* "Don't cum before me."
Jaden-*tries not to cum* "You so fucking wet bae."
*starts back stroking slow. His hands are on top of Chelsea's hand while pinning her to the bed* "I want to marry you bae forreal."
Chelsea- *moans* "Where is my ring?"
Jaden- "I'm going to get you one but i need you to say yes." *Starts stroking faster*
Chelsea-*moans* "yes."
Jaden- *starts going faster* "say i do."
Chelsea- *moans loud* "I do."
Jaden-*gives in and cums inside of Chelsea* "I'm sorry bae you was too damn wet."
Chelsea- *gets up to take a shower* "Maybe because I'm pregnant.
Jaden- *lays down in Chelsea's bed and goes to sleep*
Chelsea-"Jaden!" *gets done showering and sees that Jaden is asleep in her room.
Narrator- Chelsea lays back into the bed with Jaden and they fall asleep.
Narrator- Shakira and Cortez are in the living room talking.
Cortez- "So you're just going to let Jaden stay here even while he got a girl pregnant? The baby must going to stay here as well?
Shakira- "What other choice do i have? He doesn't have anywhere else to go."
Cortez-"If he wants to act grown let him figure it out like a grown man."
Shakira- "You barely even be here. I recall for the last past months you have been living at your mothers house. So why are you coming back to my house telling me what i should do."
Cortez- "My name is still on this lease and i still pay bills here. I mean i thought i was still paying bills here... am i wrong?"
Shakira- "No but i don't need your help if my son staying here is a problem."
Narrator- Jaden walks up to the living room door to hear Cortez and Shakira arguing about him.
Cortez- "So he's your son now but he was just your godson a few days ago."
Shakira-*looks frustrated* "He's only fourteen he needs me."
Cortez- "My cousin was only eighteen when his dad decided to get him killed over some money. How do you think that makes me feel? You think I'm suppose to care about his son?"
Shakira- "That's it get out."
Cortez-*puts his finger in Shakira's face* "You are going to let this little boy run you crazy." *goes out the door and sees Jaden standing right there listening to the whole conversation* "What you looking at."
Jaden- *stares at Cortez up and down* "A fuck boy."
Cortez- *goes to his car* "I'm free, can't say the same about your dad." *Starts the car up*
Jaden- "Aye I'm alive i can't say the same about your cousin!"
Cortez-*gets out of the car* "What did you say about my cousin."
Jaden- "I said I'm alive and i can't say the same thing about your cousin!"
Cortez- "If it wasn't for those two kids in my wife house that you stay in I'd make sure your father and you feel my pain."
Jaden- *laughs* "You couldn't touch my dad even if he was out and I'm standing right here in your face so i know you don't have the balls to touch me. Get your old ass back into your car punk."
Shakira- *comes outside to get in betweeen Jaden and Cortez.* "Cortez are you serious right now?"
Cortez-"You better get him the confused ass boy doesn't know anything."
Jaden- *laughs*
Cortez-*gets upset* "I been knew your mother passed and i also know about the sisters and brother you haven't even met. I bet she didn't tell you that. You keep laughing I'll tell you some stuff that'll eat you up at night."
Shakira- *tries to shut Cortez up*
Jaden-*gets upset and tries to Charge at Cortez but is unsuccessful because Cortez pulls off*
Shakira- "Jaden go in the house!"
Jaden- *upset* "What did he say? What sisters and brothers i don't know about?"
Shakira- *tries to calm Jaden down* "Don't listen to him."
Jaden- *goes into his room and packs his bags* "I'm leaving."
Shakira- "Where are you going."
Jaden- "Anywhere from here I'm tired of being lied to."
Shakira-*tries to fight back tears*
Brandon- *wakes up and tries to see what's going on* "Jaden where are you going?"
Jaden- "I'm leaving B. She's lying to me about something else. Your dad just got mad and told me i had brothers and sisters that i don't even know."
Brandon- "Ma, why do you keep hiding stuff from him? Whatever it is just go ahead and tell him."
Shakira- "Brandon i am your mother and you will not disrespect me. Go in your room!"
Jaden-*walks out the door and slams it*
*Jaden's thoughts*
I couldn't take Shakira lying to me a second time. So i went to Peyton's house to stay the night. What more could she be hiding. I never knew i had other siblings.

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