The main character Jaden Sparks grows up without a present mother or father. Jaden was raised by his godmother Shakira and Peyton. Jaden suffers from sex addiction, anger issues, and depression. Jaden gets molested by his babysitter at the age of tw...
Chelsea's thoughts *- I can't believe that I've already fell for Caleb. It wasn't even just the sex it's his personally that i adore so much. Unlike Jaden, he's much more calm and reserved. I just can't get him off my mind. I'm distraught about how he's ghosting me. I'm debating whether or not i should just call him and go off. I know i came over drunk but i don't drink all the time. Is it because i gave it up the first night? As time passes, butterflies begin to take over my whole body as i overthink. Usually, i would ask Princess or my other friends about what i should do. I can't do that now because they would judge me. It's around ten o'clock at night and i decide to just call him. I call him and after the first ring he answers. Caleb- "Hello." Chelsea- "How are you?" Caleb- "I'm good. How are you doing?" Chelsea- "Ok.". Caleb- "Are you sure?" Chelsea- "Why wouldn't i be?" Caleb- "I don't know. Why did you call?" Chelsea- "So i cant just call you? If it's a problem then just say that." Caleb- "I didn't mean it like that." Chelsea- "But you definitely said it like that. You just wanted to get in my pants." Caleb- "No, no i did not. I'm not even that type. You really have me misunderstood." Chelsea- "So why have you been ghosting me?" Caleb- "I just don't feel comfortable talking to someone that's about to get married." Chelsea's thoughts*- My stomach felt like it was about to fall out of my ass. How could he have known? Did someone tell him? I just don't even know how to respond. Chelsea- "I'm sorry and i can explain everything to you. It's not what you think it is." Caleb- "I don't think you can." Chelsea- "Look, it's not what you think. I don't want to be with him anymore. I've been trying to be a family for my baby girl but it's not working. He proposed to me in front of everybody and i didn't want to just say no. It's a lot to explain but i really don't want to continue things with him. I'm sorry i even took things with you too far before i could end what i already have going on. Caleb- "He was calling while you were asleep the day you came over. I saw the name and picture of y'all together so i decided it'll be best if i just fell back." Chelsea- "I'm so sorry about that. I'm moving really whacky right now." Caleb- "It's fine. We can still be friends. I'm not going to make you choose me." Narrator- Caleb starts laughing and Chelsea fake laughs back. Chelsea's thoughts*- I was glad to know that he wasn't ghosting me for the hell of it. I know that i don't want to be in the friend zone long so i knew it was time i have that talk with Jaden.
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