Narrator- Brandon and Jada meet up at the park to talk.
Jada- "I feel like i can trust you and talk to you about whatever."
Brandon-"Aww thanks i feel the same way about you."
Jada- "My boyfriend doesn't listen to me when i need to vent. I feel like talking to you is very therapeutic."
Brandon- "What's on your mind?"
Jada- "I just been thinking about how i never had a relationship with my dad. He had a wife and other kids but never spent time with me. I just listen to how you talk about your father and i wish i had that bond."
Brandon- "I'm so sorry that you didn't get to have that experience. Do you think he was in his other kids life more?"
Jada- "Yes i do think he was because he had a wife and it's no telling how many kids he has with her. I have a stepdad but that's not the same you know?"
Brandon- "I understand what you are saying. Have you ever tried to write your father a letter?"
Jada- "No i haven't because i don't even know what to say to him. He didn't care to be in my life while he was out why would he care now?"
Brandon- "I really understand why you're hurt but maybe it'll help you move forward. Then maybe you can meet your other siblings?"
Jada- "Thanks but i don't even want to meet them honestly."
Brandon- "Why don't you want to meet your other siblings?"
Jada- "I don't know why. How are you and your girlfriend doing?"
Brandon- "Well we broke up."
Jada- "Why did y'all break up?"
Brandon- "I just feel like she doesn't understand anything. She always has everything she wants when she wants. She's so privileged... her family is wealthy but yet so uptight. Every time one of our friends endure some type of struggle she judges them terribly. I would always reinsure her that she's wrong for doing so but she'll always have some piss poor excuse for why she's judging them. I would rather be with someone who i can talk to on a much deeper level.
Jada- "Wow I'm sorry to hear that."
Brandon- "I'm guessing you and your boyfriend are still hanging in there."
Jada- "Yeah."
Brandon- *looks disappointed* "Good to hear."
*Brandon's thoughts*
I really want to just pull her closer to me and kiss her. She's so easy going and laid back. I vibe with her so well. I don't want to mess up our friendship but I'm really feeling her. Jada really has me sprung. I have been working out almost every day just so i can spend time with her. I thought i was so in love with Princess but Jada has me feeling like I'm actually somebody important.
*Chelsea's thoughts*
After Jaden came over I've been thinking about unblocking him. I know that it's not right to keep him from the baby but he hurt me. Getting pregnant is forcing me to grow up when i don't even think I'm ready. My baby shower is in a couple of days and i want him to come. I'm not sure how he'll feel about it now. I decide to put my pride to the side and text him.
Chelsea- "Do you want to come to the baby shower?"
Jaden- "Of course. Wait... what made you unblock me?"
Chelsea- "I realize that it's best if we just co-parent."
Jaden- "Most definitely and I'm sorry i hurt you."
Chelsea- "I'm not unblocking you to talk about our relationship. I'm just doing it for the baby."
Jaden- "Ok."
Narrator- The next day arrives.
*Princess's thoughts*
I have had enough of Brandon ignoring me. I begged my sister to help me lurk on him. We waited until he left the house with Cortez and followed them to this gym miles away. As soon as he got out Cortez drove off. I waited until he went in to see if he was meeting someone. After he made it all the way in, i walked in on him hugging some girl. I have never seen this girl before so i know she doesn't go to school with us. Where did he even meet her? My heart shattered into pieces. I never thought Brandon would be the one to break my heart. He's always been genuine with me and now it's like i don't even know him. I couldn't stay and watch any longer. I ran back to the car in tears. I didn't even tell my sister what happened until after we made it home.
Narrator- Brandon and Jada just arrived at the gym. The two approach each other and hug.
Brandon- *notices that Jada eyes are watery and red* "Are you ok?"
Jada- "Im good. Let's get this work out started."
Brandon- *grabs Jada hand and stops her from leaving* "I can tell something is wrong and i want to know what it is."
Jada-*fights back tears* "My boyfriend is cheating on me."
Brandon- "Leave him because you don't deserve that. Seriously, Jada you're amazing and you're beautiful.
Jada- *starts crying* "Thank you."
Brandon- *wraps arms around Jada* "I care about you and i don't want to see you hurt."
Jada- *wipes her eyes* "Thank you Brandon."
Brandon-*hands Jada some tissue* "I think we should take a break from working out today."
Jada- "I just got dropped off here though."
Brandon- "Do you mind if i walk your home?"
Jada- "It's fine with me."
Narrator- Brandon and Jada begins walking together.
*Brandon's thoughts*
I don't want to be stuck in the friend zone with Jada. I like our friendship but i think i love her. If i don't make my move on her she'll think I'm just a friend. Before we make it all the way to Jada's house i want to tell her how i feel about her. I'm nervous because i don't know how she'll take it. Her boyfriend is already cheating on her so i don't think she is going to be with him for long.
Brandon- "So, how do-"
Jada- *interrupts* "I went through his phone yesterday and so his messages."
Brandon- "I'm sorry you had to see that."
Jada- "Where you saying something?"
Brandon- "I cant remember what it was."
Jada- "This isn't the first time he has cheated. I just keep forgiving him for stuff he doesn't even apologize about."
Brandon- "You really deserve better."
Jada-*starts crying again* "I just want to stop feeling so bad."
Brandon- *wraps his arms around Jada again* "It's going to be ok."
Jada- *sobs* "How do i get over a heartbreak?"
Brandon- "You could start talking to someone else."
Jada-"I guess."
*Brandon's thoughts*
We are getting closer to her house and i still haven't told her how i feel. I'm so scared of rejection. My time is running out and if i don't do it now I'll forever be just a friend. I'm just about to risk it all.
Brandon- *grabs Jada by the face and starts kissing her*
Jada-*leans into the kiss and starts kissing him back*
*Brandon's thoughts*
My adrenaline is rushing because i didn't think she'll kiss me back. Her lips are so soft and her face is so smooth. I didn't want to stop kissing her but i felt her pull back.
Jada- *looks at Brandon* "I think i can walk by myself the rest of the way."
Brandon- "Ok." *hugs her*

The Reality of Our Lives
No FicciónThe main character Jaden Sparks grows up without a present mother or father. Jaden was raised by his godmother Shakira and Peyton. Jaden suffers from sex addiction, anger issues, and depression. Jaden gets molested by his babysitter at the age of tw...