The main character Jaden Sparks grows up without a present mother or father. Jaden was raised by his godmother Shakira and Peyton. Jaden suffers from sex addiction, anger issues, and depression. Jaden gets molested by his babysitter at the age of tw...
Narrator- Chelsea is in the room tossing and turning in her sleep while Jaden is sleep in the living room. Chelsea calls Jaden and says that she isn't feeling well. Jaden gets up quickly and goes to check on Chelsea. Jaden- *enters the room* "What's wrong?" Chelsea- "My feet are swollen and it hurts." Jaden- *goes over to Chelsea's feet and starts rubbing them* "They are huge as hell right now." Chelsea- "It's not funny." Narrator- Jaden continues to rub Chelsea's feet until she eases on back to sleep. After ten minutes, Jaden gets in the bed beside Chelsea and lays down. While she is sleeping on her side, he gets behind her and starts rubbing on her belly. He starts kissing on her neck and cheeks. Chelsea still doesn't wake up so Jaden falls asleep in the bed with her. Chelsea gets up in the morning to feel Jaden's hand on her belly. She pulls his hand off of her. Chelsea- *hits Jaden on his shoulder* "Get up!" Jaden- *wakes up lost as to why Chelsea has hit him* "What's wrong?" Chelsea- "You fell asleep in here?" Jaden- "I'm sorry i was on foot duty and you fell asleep. I just didn't want to leave you in here by yourself while you were hurting." Chelsea- "Yeah whatever." *Jaden's thoughts* Deep down inside, i still really want to be with Chelsea. I'm afraid to even approach her in that manner because i don't want to be rejected. I know that I'm not ready to settle down so i don't try as hard because i don't want to hurt her. When i do try she doesn't even give me the time of the day. Jaden- *hops out of the bed while looking at the time* "I'm glad you woke me up though because Jet is on his way to pick me up." Chelsea- "I'm about to get ready to go with Princess." Jaden- *puts money on the dresser for Chelsea* "Take that with you when you leave." Chelsea- "I wonder if it's the same amount you give Shanae." Jaden- "What are you talking about?" Chelsea- "She told me that you giver her money and then you told her to quit her job." Jaden- "You believe that?" Chelsea- "She doesn't have any reason to lie." Jaden- "I gave her money when we were together but we're not together anymore." Chelsea- "Yeah whatever. It's okay just admit you're in love with her. I mean it's not like we are together or anything. I'm completely over you." Jaden-*gets sad a little* "I'm not in love with her." *Brandon's thoughts* I keep thinking about how i was going to tell Jaden that i found his sister. I didn't want to tell him that i knew her. I was too afraid to tell him about my encounter with Jada. I don't want him to think that i was keeping it away from him. I'm thinking about just sending him the picture that i found in the closet. I haven't even talked to Jada since i confronted her in the restaurant. I still think about her from time to time but I'm not even interested in talking to her anymore after she burnt me. *Jaden's thoughts* Since me and Shanae broke up i haven't been with anybody. I kinda thought Chelsea and I would get back together but she still won't let me in. I call Shanae over to Palo's trap house. She pulls up and i get into the car with her. Shanae- "Why did you call me over?" Jaden- "I can't just call you over?" Shanae- "You can but you haven't." Jaden- "Maybe i missed you..." Shanae- "Did you really?" Jaden- "Yes i want to start over with you baby." *Jaden's thoughts* Since Chelsea has been making it clear to me that she doesn't want to get back with me i decided it'll be best to get back with Shanae. I just don't like the feeling of being alone. Shanae- "Are you serious this time?" Jaden- "I want to be better this time." Narrator- Jaden leans over to Shanae and starts tongue kissing her. They head inside and go to the guest room. He pulls of Shanae's pants and throws her to the bed. Shanae spreads her legs open and Jaden starts giving her head. Shanae starts rubbing his hair and pushing his head down to her clit. Jaden starts rubbing on her nipples and Shanae starts moaning. Jaden lifts his head up and puts his hand around Shanae's neck and the other one on her mouth telling her to be quiet. He pulls his pants down and puts his dick inside of Shanae's pussy causing her to tense up. Shanae wraps her legs around Jaden as he continues to penetrate her pussy. Jaden turns Shanae over and pushes her face down to the bed and starting fucking her from the back. Shanae starts moaning and holding on to the cover to stay afloat. Jaden finishes and Shanae turns around to kiss on him. Jaden gets a text from Brandon and his whole mood changes. Shanae- "What's wrong?" Jaden- "Brandon just sent me a picture of the girl i think that's my sister." Shanae- "WOW i didn't know you had a sister." *Brandon's thoughts* I decided to just sent Jaden the picture of Jada when she was younger and what it said. Then i sent him her instagram account so he can get in touch with her himself. I really hope he gets to reunite with her but i just don't want him to find out about my encounter with Jada.
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