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Narrator- Chelsea wakes up and walks into the dinning room. She sees Caleb adding the finishing touches to their project. She goes over to pick up her phone to see multiple missed calls from Jaden and her mother.
Caleb- "How are you feeling?"
Chelsea- "My head is ringing but i feel better."
Caleb- "I can take you home."
Chelsea- "No, I'm fine. I can't believe it's after ten o'clock. Why didn't you wake me up?"
Caleb- "I was just trying to give you time to sober up."
Chelsea- "I'm so sorry but i have to head home."
Caleb- "I can trail you just to make sure that you make it safe."
Chelsea- "No thanks, I'm good!"
Narrator- Chelsea storms out of the door and as soon as the car starts she pulls off. She was truly embarrassed about getting sloppy drunk in front of Caleb. She was still confused as to what really just happened. Jaden was calling and texting her for three hours straight. She takes off the clothes Caleb gave her and puts back on her clothes in the car. As soon as she gets into her driveway she sees Jaden headed to his car. She gets out of the car and stops Jaden.
Jaden- "Where in the hell have you been?"
Chelsea- "I'm sorry i stopped at McDonald's before i went over to my friend's house for our school project. I thought i had left it at her house but the whole time it was at McDonald's."
Jaden- "Damn, you had us all worried sick about you."
Narrator- Jaden comes up to Chelsea and hugs and kisses her.
Jaden- "I'm about to head home because it's late. I came over to visit my baby girl. You should probably be getting ready for bed yourself. I love you goodnight."
Narrator- Chelsea heads into the house and takes a shower. While she's taking a shower she starts reminiscing about what just took place at Caleb's house.
Chelsea's thoughts*- I can't stop myself from thinking about Caleb sexing me. I never felt such pleasure before. Even though, I'm embarrassed about getting sloppy drunk and puking around him. I was in love with how he still took care of me. He was pounding me so hard that it makes me lust after him harder. The water continues to run down my face and imagine that Caleb is still inside of me, pounding me, and taking control of me. It makes me climax from just reminiscing about him. I get out of the shower and dry up. Caleb texts me asking if i made it back safe yet. I text him and tell him that i made it safe. I'm still lost as to what I'm going to do. Now it's not just me thinking I'm cheating because i actually am. My mind is so set on Caleb that i forgot all about Jaden and if I'm still in love with him. I look in the mirror to and see hickeys all over my neck. I'm so glad that it was dark outside and Jaden didn't notice it. The next morning arrives and i wake up feeling shamed for what i did yesterday. I get dressed for school. I was expecting Caleb to text me back but he never did. I was so ready to go to biology just to see him that it made me start shaking every time i thought about it. Come time for me to go to biology i get to class hoping that Caleb will be already in there. I walk in ready for him and don't see Caleb in the class. The bell rang and Caleb finally enters the classroom. He sits down and doesn't even face my way. I start getting upset because he won't even look my way. Class ends and he's one of the first ones to get up and rush out of the classroom. He didn't even bother to look back for me or try to say anything to me. I walk alone to my next class. I just can't believe this is how he's acting after i had sex with him. I start feeling angry inside. It seems like that's all that he wanted. He acted so nice to me just to get up in my pants, but once he got what he wanted he stopped talking to me.

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