Chapter 8

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Trying to be sympathetic, Namjoon led her out to the seating area. She was so overwhelmed, she allowed him to steer her without realizing where they were going.

Sejin and several other men and women came in, food in hand. The Muse was led to a chair at a dining table, a to-go carton opened in front of her. Burger and Fries. Simple. She ate all of it, thankful for the meal.

Sitting back with her hands in her lap, she stared out the window blankly as everyone around her seemed to be talking all at once. Part of her wanted to know what they were talking about, knowing it was probably about her. But, she was feeling so empty. Like she couldn't hold onto a thought for herself. If one appeared, it would just float out of reach like a strong breeze caught it.

She stared as it got darker outside. The voices sounded like buzzing in the background.

Hoseok, watching her with curiosity while listening to the conversation, tapped SeokJin on the arm to get his attention. Jin followed Hoseok's eyes, now noticing The Queen completely zoned out, staring out the window. Reaching over, he laid a hand on her arm. She looked down at his hand, and then slowly up at his face. As his hand stayed on her arm, he saw a little more light coming back to her eyes.

"She needs more touch" said Hoseok in wonder. The room got quiet as their attention turned back to the Muse. "Look at her eyes. The longer your hand is on her, the clearer her eyes are becoming".

Taking his cue, Jin stood and pulled The Muse with him to a couch near the dining table. Sitting down, he pulled her into his lap, careful to place her back against he arm of the couch so she could still see everyone. They all watched as her muscles relaxed, and as she seemed to perk up. More light coming back to her eyes, skin tone even getting brighter.

They all seemed to understand what Sejong said about The Queen needing touch, now.

A loud knock banged at the door. One of the men she didn't know opened it. An extremely harassed looking woman came in. She spoke quickly, sounding annoyed.

Whatever she said seemed to upset The Warriors.

The Muse stayed quiet and still as the conversation wrapped up. Everyone except the Warriors left. Well. Most of the Warriors. She noticed Jimin took his leave with the others.

Coming over to sit on the coffee table in front of her, Namjoon said "How are you feeling?"

She shrugged. "A little better. What was that all about? You all seem upset."

Namjoon sighed deep and ran his hand through his hair in agitation. "It seems someone leaked the video of what happened today. Posted it on social media, and it went viral already. A lot of believers and a lot of skeptics. And everyone has an opinion. We had hoped to keep it a secret for all of our safety. Impossible now." She nodded as he went on. "We also discussed a sleeping schedule, for lack of a better term. As we are all supposed to get to know you, it would make sense for you to spend every other night with a different member. But, some are not as comfortable with the idea as others." She noticed Jungkook looking at his feet and Hoseok watching her curiously, while Yoongi and Taehyung stared stonely.

"I don't want to force myself on anyone," gaze coming back to Namjoon. "Wait. I have no choice but to force myself on you." Looking down at her hands she mumbled self-consciously "I'm sorry."

Reaching out to take her hand in his, Namjoon said "It's no more your fault than it is ours. We will make the best of this. It may take a while, but it will be ok."

Hearing those words from her Poet, The Muse actually gave a small smile.

"She can stay with me," all eyes moved to Jin, who's ears turned a little pink. "I don't mind."

The rest of them agreed on that arrangement for now.

"Let's wash up and get some rest." Namjoon said as he stood, Pulling The Muse up with him, he gave her a hug. It felt like the right thing to do. Like it was just what he was supposed to do. And he was right. The feeling he had as he held her, was that of a long lost friend. Like he had a long lost part of his heart back. This is the piece of his heart that's been missing.

He knew he wasn't a Husband, but he also knew that she was precious to him.

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