Chapter 101

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Taehyung was more quiet than usual at dinner that night. They sat around the little tables in a way the cameras could film everything, which was a challenge with that many of them. The Muse wanted to sit on the floor, but the crew wanted her in the shot, so she scooted back on the chaise lounge with her dish in her lap and quietly ate her dinner as she watched the dogs alternate between begging for food and running amok around the cabin.

   After she was finished eating, one of the dogs jumped up on the chaise with her and climbed in her lap to sniff around her stomach. Petal was wide awake and ready to play with this new friend. Like the other pups she'd been around had done, this one would leap away with a growl and a yelp, and slowly climb back into her lap with the look of suspicion on its face before starting the whole act over again.

The Muse and her Warriors were amused since they knew exactly what was going on. The Husbands, on the other hand, were all concerned with the dogs actions. So much so that Jimin and Jungkook chased the pup away as Yoongi and Tae looked on in concern.

"No! It's fine. He's just playing with me. It's ok." The Muse tried explaining as Jungkook lured the dog outside.

"I don't like the growling, Yeppeun." Jimin said as he reached his hand to rest on her knee, frowning when she moved it out of his reach, "what if he bites you? It's safer if he goes outside."

    She couldn't dispute him without outing herself, so she just frowned and scooted in by the arm of the chaise, head leaning on her hand as she tried to stay awake. Her time with Joon in the shower helped immensely, but she was still just plain tired from the day's travel and emotional rollercoaster. But, with her full stomach, the stove heat and having her fill of touch, The Muse ended up falling asleep curled in the corner of the couch as the rest of her husbands and Warriors continued with recording for the night.

    Tae watched her as sneakily as he could from his position, internally working through what he was feeling and the information Hoseokie had given him earlier. He'd never considered his fault in this mess. Tae had always blamed the managers. It had never crossed his mind that he could go against their wishes to live his life or that he had that much of a say in it. He was feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything he had done wrong. He couldn't believe he and the others had all made such a mess of things. He wondered if the others had had this revelation as well, and what their thoughts were.

    Everyone was quiet and tired. With The Muse sleeping, Jungkook and Jimin were able to touch her without her pulling away from them. Nothing salacious. Jimin sat back and had his hand on her knee, looking at her with a mixture of love and regret. And Jungkook had his hand on her foot, rubbing little circles with his thumb as if he just needed to touch her somehow.

    Glancing over to Yoongi, he was watching her with a look of great concentration on his face.

"Hyung?" Tae said, calling to the elder who answered with a mere "hmm?"

"Are you in her mind right now?"

Yoongi's answer was, again, a mere "mmm."

Taehyung decided to take a peek, and found Yoongi holding Yeppeun's hand to his mouth, whispering apologies and proclamations of love and tenderness.  Her eyes shone with unshed tears as she reached up and stroked his face.

"You hurt me."

"I know, my love. I am so sorry."

"You don't know the depth of my pain yet. But you will, very soon."

"What does that mean, Yeppeun? Please. Help me understand. I can fix it. We all can."

With that she backed away, a single glistening tear sliding down her face as she looked at Yoongi. Just before she disappeared into the mist that had formed in the dream her eyes flicked up to meet Taehyung's. She knew he was there. She had been talking to both of them. Sharing some cryptic message that had the hair on the back of Tae and Yoongi's necks standing on end.

    Pulling out of the dream, Yoongi and Tae looked at eachother, both frowning at what The Muse had said. What could she have meant by it? She stirred on her corner of the couch, causing Jimin and Jungkook to jump away guiltily. She opened her eyes and looked around and, stretching her arms over her head she said, "Hobi? When are we going to bed?"

   The producers asked for one last "cheers" before they were excused for the night. The Muse and Hobi were sleeping in the same room as Jin, Jimin and Taehyung. After using the bathroom she climbed into the bottom bunk and scooted as far as she could over to the wall before Hobi slipped under the covers with her. Feeling daring, he slipped his hand under her shirt and laid it on her belly before making some loud, silly noises. Just as he had hoped, Petal got excited and kicked hard enough for him to feel a tiny little 'boop'.

    Utterly satisfied with himself, he settled back down while Jimin complained at him for being so noisy. Jinnie chuckled from his bunk. He knew exactly what Hobi was doing and couldn't hold it against the man. He knew he'd be doing the same thing if she was laying with him.

    Everyone was exhausted, and fell asleep fairly quickly. All of her husbands were vying for space in her dreams that night, and she was actually relieved to have to wake up to pee every couple of hours. It gave her a little respite from the drama. She was kind of hot, though, and was getting cranky that she couldn't just take off the damn sweatshirt. She did get back in bed, after going to the bathroom the second time, without the flannel pants. That did help a bit.

    She woke up when Taehyung got up, followed shortly by Jimin. Unfortunately her bladder wasn't going to let her just go back to sleep. That and she was suddenly starving. So, she scooted out from the bunk and got dressed for the day. Hobi and Jinnie were taking their sweet time getting ready, so she was hoping that Joonie would be in the main area so she could get him to give her some food.

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