Chapter 23

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She had gone to all of their interviews over the last couple of weeks, and had found ways to stay hidden and out of the way, while staying close enough to appease Sejong. Today was no different. She listened as they danced around questions about her and which members were the husbands. Although the world now knew Seokjin was not one of them, since he was with her when they got that note. She also heard that the social media sites were going crazy with their guesses and conspiracies about it all. If only it was as interesting as they made it sound, she scoffed. She spends all day everyday mostly bored out of her mind. The actual concert was fun. But being told to sit and be good every day was a bit much.

     As usual, there were crowds of people everywhere as they left the last interview of the day. Security was pushing them through the crowd, and they had to stop to get the SUV doors opened. In that moment, The Muse looked to the side and saw a child. A boy around the same age as her son. He looked so similar. Her heart broke right then and there. Her boy. He looked like her boy. Her boy that she wasn't allowed to see. Her boy that she wasn't allowed to know. Her boy that she was told to forget about. Her boy. It was all she could do to hold the tears at bay until she was safely in the vehicle. She had no idea who she was in the car with. All she saw was her son's face. All she heard was his laugh. All she could do right then was cry. There was no holding it in or controlling the grief. She had her arms wrapped around her chest and had folded herself down so her head was near her knees.

Jimin and Jungkook were confused and, to be honest, scared of the sobbing woman. They had no idea what had happened. She seemed fine when they were inside. What happened?

She wasn't responding to any of them. Locked inside her head with memories of her boy. Her heart. Jungkook called Seokjin in a panic. Hoping he'd be able to calm her, or at least tell them how.
"You need to touch her," he told them "Touch heals her physically and emotionally. You don't need to say anything. Just touch her."

Jungkook moved, sitting in the seat next to her, he wrapped his arm around her. Rubbing what he hoped were comforting circles on her back. Soon enough she had quieted down. Even sitting up to rest her head on his shoulder with his arm still around her.

Only a few tears were escaping by the time they made it to the stadium. Still, she didn't talk.

They all got out of the SUV, her eyes on the ground, following them blindly to their dressing rooms. Seokjin arrived shortly after they did, and came straight for her. He didn't ask any questions, just picked her up and sat her on his lap. She curled up like a child and nestled her face into the crook of his neck. All of her Warriors were seated around them when he finally asked "What happened, Yeppeun? What caused such tears on your lovely face?"

She took a deep breath, wiped a few stray tears away and answered, "As we were leaving, I saw a little boy in the crowd. He looked so much like," she paused, trying to hold in another round of sobs, "Like my son." Seokjin tightened his hold around her, kissing her forehead.

"Oh, Yeppeun! I am so sorry."

"Wait." Said Yoongi, "You had a son?" She nodded as more tears fell.

"Sejong took you away from a child?" asked Jungkook, looking horrorstuck.

Hoseok was looking at them curiously. "You have never actually had a conversation with her have you? My god, Yoongi. And you, Tae. You both have spent time with her. Did you not talk at all? Are you not curious about our Queen?" Before any of them could argue or try to defend themselves, The Muse spoke, "Sejong says 'you will bear many children for your husbands' like that will fix everything. It won't! There will always be a hole where my son should be. He even gave me a vision of our lives together in the future. It is a beautiful moment in time. So serene and full of love. And children. Jesus, there are a ton of children. Which is great, don't get me wrong! I will be happy to have your babies, but that won't fix that part of my heart."

Taehyung spoke up, asking "You have seen our future?"

"A moment of it, yes." she answered, wiping a tear away.

"Can you show me?" He was looking at her with such hope and curiosity.

"I will be able to, yes, once our souls are reconnected."  He nodded at her answer, with even more excitement and anticipation for that to happen coursing through him.

Sejin and a few of the other managers came in with their food. It was time to focus on the task at hand. It took a little time, but She was feeling much better when it was show time, thanks to Seokjin and Jungkook. Tonight, as they had the night before, Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok came to her for their good luck kisses. But tonight, unlike the night before, the rest of her Warriors came to her for their good luck kisses, too. All on the cheek, and all happy to have them.

The concert was just as exciting to watch as the night before. The energy they put out is incredible. And the energy sent back at them from Army is just as intense. She was surprised they didn't pass out from exhaustion immediately afterward. Like the night before, they were all being tended to before heading back to the hotel. And like the night before, Jimin's neck was sore. This time, though, he called for her, "Yeppeun?" she turned her head, surprised to hear his voice calling her. "Will you rub my neck again? It is sore."

She nodded, smiling at him as she went to help her Warrior.

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