Chapter 70

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After more water and a good breakfast Jimin was left with just a mild headache for his hangover.

"You're lucky." Said Hoseok in a disapproving tone.

"You could have really been a mess on stage tonight, and that would have looked bad on all of us."

Jimin was sitting at the table, head down, as he listened to Hobi scold him.

"I know, Hyung. I'm sorry."

"Did anyone else see you? The managers?"

Jimin shook his head, "I don't think so. Maybe security? I don't know. I came straight here from my room. And I'm only a couple of doors down."

Hoseok nodded, inwardly hoping he hadn't been seen in that state. The managers would explode if they knew he'd been drinking the night before such an important show, and then they would have to endure another one of their "don't let The Queen be such a distraction" speeches. It seemed like the staff liked to blame every little thing that went wrong on her. It was to the point that Hobi couldn't remember what they used to blame it all on.

Yes, he wanted to protect Jimin from their wrath, but he especially wanted to protect The Muse. She needed protecting in this world. He understood her a bit better now, and wanted to help make it right.

They didn't have time to shop in Busan, but they should have some time in Seoul. And he knew of some great stores she might like.

Hoseok was also struggling with the question of whether he should talk to the rest, or if he should let her do it when she's ready. What was his place to say, and what wasn't? He was sure he could get them to buy her clothes, but should he tell them the deeper meaning to it?

He watched her as she and Jimin sat finishing their coffee, fingers intertwined as Jimin brought her hand to his mouth to kiss. She blushed at this small gesture, something Hoseok found amusing. She'd been fully naked with all seven of them. Done all manner of naughty things with them. But a kiss to her knuckles would still make her blush.

She really was a sweet girl, underneath it all. She'd been through so much. He had never truly sat and thought about it all. He'd been living it with her, and with the fast paced, busy life they had there hadn't been a lot of time for reflection.

The Muse looked up at Hobi and the way he was looking at her,

"What?" she asked, suspicious.

"Nothing." He answered. "Just appreciating my Queen, that's all."

She rolled her eyes at him and chuckled.

Jimin took that opportunity to lavish her with attention, pulling her into his lap and kissing her in between sweet words about her being their world. Hoseok thought Jimin would make a good husband, one day.

Min-Ho had started knocking before he popped in after Seokjin had shared some choice words with him, and when Hoseok heard the knock for the morning, he was ready.

"Are we allowed to buy her clothes? You won't take them away?" he asked the other man.

Min-Ho raised an eyebrow at him, and Jimin looked up, clearly surprised at the idea.

"We are allowed to buy her clothes? I thought you were supposed to dress her?" He tightened his hold on his wife in her night clothes.

"Did any of you pay attention when Sejong brought her to you?"

Hoseok took offense to Min-Ho's tone and snapped,

"We were all a little overwhelmed at the time."

With a huge sigh to show how put out he was, Min-Ho explained for them,

"I am to dress her until such time as all of you buy her clothes. What you buy her is hers. They will not be taken from her."

"Do we have to dress her in the same way you do?" Hoseok clarified, "Or is she free to have what she wants?"

Min-Ho rolled his eyes, "Watcher, honey, if you let her dress herself you'll see nothing but legging and shirts. She needs the help."
The Muse spoke up then, "Not true. I've seen some lovely hoodies that I think would be a lovely addition."

Min-Ho was clearly exasperated with her, "Princess, you're royalty. You need to dress well. Leggings and sweatshirts do not make for a well dressed Queen!"

Jimin nuzzled his lips by his wife's ear, "I'll buy you all the legging and sweatshirts you could ever want."

Min-Ho turned his attention back to Hoseok, "Obviously, she will need your help in the fashion department. Someone needs to make sure she still looks like a Queen when you are in public, and it doesn't look like that one will be any help."

There was a knock at the door. Taehyung had come to see his wife, and was thoroughly surprised at the full room.

"We are discussing your wife's wardrobe." Said Min-ho, crossing his arms over his chest. "Someone needs to make sure she stays fashionable and well dressed. You cannot just spoil her and let her live in leggings and sweatshirts every day." He spoke as if he was arguing with someone, and The Muse thought it was terribly entertaining.

Tae cocked his head to the side, "We can buy her clothes? I thought she had to wear what you brought?"

Min-Ho closed his eyes and grabbed the bridge of his nose, obviously trying to hold his temper. The Muse bit her lip, trying so hard not to laugh. This man had been torturing her since she was brought to her Warriors. It was nice to see him get a little in return.

Taehyung pulled her up from Jimin's lap and wrapped his arms around her, fully engulfing her in a bear hug.

"I missed you, Yeppeun. You have not given me kisses, hugs or cuddles for a couple of days, and I don't like it."

The door interrupted them again, and Min-Ho was ready to lose his patience completely.

This time, it was a stoic looking Yoongi at the door. He looked around hesitantly. He hadn't expected there to be such a crowd in Hobi's room this morning.

"Oh. I can come back." he moved to walk away when Hobi grabbed him by the arm,

"No. We need you for this conversation." and he pulled Yoongi into the room.

"We just found out that we should be buying clothes for Yeppeun, and Min-Ho was answering our questions."

Yoongi nodded his head, looking thoughtful, "Can we buy her electronics?"

Min-Ho seemed to try to center himself before answering, "She may not have a cell phone or social media accounts."

"Yeah, but can she have a tablet or something to watch movies and play games on? She is so bored all the time. That can't be good for a Muse."

Min-ho stopped at that and took a moment to think it over, "I do not believe there are any rules set up against such a thing."

Yoongi simply nodded in understanding and went to where his wife was being engulfed by Tae. It took a couple of good tugs, but he was able to pull her free for a hug and kiss of his own.

"Good morning, Yeppeun."

"Good morning, Yoongi."

"I missed you. You've been distant. Don't do that anymore. I don't like it."

She raised her eyebrow at that, but didn't want to call him out in front of everyone.

With a huge, annoyed sigh, Min-Ho had everyone's attention again,

"Are we done now? Can I just give you your clothes and be on my way now?"

She couldn't stop the giggle that time.

"I like this look on you, Min-Ho. I think we should annoy you more in the future."

"Ugh. Princess, you've done it plenty in the past. This isn't new. Take your clothes for the day. It's Muster and you have a lot of cameras around, so keep the shoes on today, please."

With a wave of his hand, her hair and makeup were done and he was gone.

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