Chapter 83

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Jinnie wasn't lying when he said they would be relaxing. He was finally able to dive head first into gaming in a way he hadn't done in years, leaving The Muse to her own devices. It was nice to wear whatever she wanted without thinking about how tight it was or who was going to be around to see her. Her tummy was getting a little bit bigger every day, and some of the designer clothes Hobi had bought for her were starting to get uncomfortable. The rest of it was just plain too tight and needed to get out of her suitcase so she could make room for other things that she could actually wear.

     After the first couple of days, The Muse had taken to wearing Jinnie's large shirts as dresses as she lounged around watching netflix, napping and eating. She even talked Jinnie into giving her an entire chocolate cake to munch on one day while he was busy playing on his computer. He also made sure she had a container of kimchi with it,

"For Petal," he said. "She needs some Korean food mixed in with all that chocolate."

The Muse made a very good dent in that cake that day. More than half of the cake was gone when Jinnie emerged to eat later in the evening.

"Yeppeun!" he had exclaimed, "That's not good for you or Petal! No more cake today. Let me get you an apple. And a salad. And I am going to have to make sure you start exercising more."

She just smiled at him, knowing full well that they wouldn't be doing any exercising, or even leaving the house, any time soon.

   One thing The Muse had noticed, now that there were no distractions around, was that she needed more touch than before. As the last month had progressed, she had been getting progressively more exhausted at the end of each day, wanting nothing more than touch and food. And, she had noticed her hunger for physical intimacy had grown more insistent. It had never dawned on her that she might need more of these things because of the pregnancy.

    With Jinnie sitting at the computer, all she needed to do was go straddle his lap and wrap around him like a koala while he played, trying to give him enough movement to play his game while getting the touch she needed. She found herself wandering to him several times a day. She hated distracting him from his down time. He needed this to recharge and relax after working himself to exhaustion. Other times her urges felt uncontrollable. In those moments, she felt like she needed him to make love to her more than she needed anything else.

    A couple of days into their vacation time her husbands started infiltrating her dreams. Min-Ho said that it was her connections with them that was bringing them together, that even if they wanted to stay away, they couldn't. Not really. Their souls were calling to each other, and if dreams were the only way they could be together, so be it.

    But that meant that she wasn't the only one having the dreams. They were having them, too. The dreams were as different as her husbands. Sometimes they were fun, sometimes they were erotic, sometimes they were intense, sometimes they were romantic.

As deeply as she missed her husbands, she both loved and hated the dreams. While she was dreaming, she felt such peace and happiness being wrapped in their arms. But waking from them was torture. Opening her eyes knowing that they had left her made her cry every single time.

   It had gotten to the point that she hated going to sleep, and tried her hardest to put it off until she couldn't anymore. Which was extra hard as she was ending her first trimester. Napping was essential, and more often than not she fell asleep a few times through the day, whether she wanted to or not. Her daytime naps were safer, although she noticed Jungkook tended to show up every now and again. The others always made their appearance at night. She thought that was curious as Jungkook wasn't usually a daytime napper unless he was overworked. Maybe he was taking time to rest up? Maybe he was out all night and sleeping all day? She tried hard not to think about those kinds of things, though.

"Yeppeun?" Jinnie called from his gaming room, "We need to make an appointment to have you and Petal checked. Should I call our doctors and see if they can get you in soon?"

The Muse took a deep breath. She knew this conversation was coming, and didn't think it was going to go over well.

She went in and sat on his lap, as she had been doing to get her touch fix in, and laid her head on his shoulder,

"I don't want to have the baby at a hospital, Jinnie. I want a midwife."

"What?" he almost dropped her to the floor with his whole body reaction, "No. No, Yeppeun. You need doctors. And a hospital!"

She had expected that reaction.

"Jinnie, A God says I will have a million children. I'm pretty sure he made my body able to withstand childbirth."

He opened his mouth to argue his point, but she beat him to it,

"I don't want to be in a hospital, Jinnie. The chances of the media finding out would sky rocket. If I was at home with a midwife, we could be safe and comfortable. Plus, if anything goes wrong they would get me to a hospital. I don't want to go into childbirth worrying about who is around and might be trying to sneak in to see my baby or, god forbid, take her. No. I want to be home. Wherever 'home' will be when the time comes."

Jin's lips pursed together in a disapproving line, "I will have to talk to Namjoon and Hoseok."

The Muse stood to go back to the couch, "Talk to whoever you think you should. But that won't change my mind."

She heard his sigh and something that sounded like "stubborn woman" before she turned her movie back on and reached for the rest of her chocolate cake.

Besides, she'd checked in with Hobi and Joon already that day. Hobi was filming his new music video in the States and Joonie was out and about enjoying some museums. Neither one would be answering their phones anytime soon, so this argument could wait.

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