Chapter 74

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There wasn't much comfort to be had in this situation, though. Even an hour later as she stared out the dorm window at nothing in particular, she didn't feel much comfort.

All four of her husbands had been summoned to the Big Hit offices for meetings with all of their managers and corporate suits that wanted to talk to them about their behavior. She was told that a few sasaengs were picketing out in front of the building, too. But that was the least of their worries.

      She went with Hobi when it was time to get to dance rehearsal. Her husbands all welcomed her warmly, with hugs and kisses, but she could feel their stress. They tried so hard to wave away her concerns when she brought up what had happened.

"It will play out and disappear in no time."

"This isn't our first time with some sort of controversy"

"Don't worry about it, Love."

"Everything will be fine"

But she couldn't help but worry. Not just about the strangers on the internet. Yes, that did bother her, but what was really on her mind was that the families of her husbands and Warriors had likely seen those things. They had seen her naked and in compromising positions with all four of her husbands, and she hadn't even met them yet. What a horrible introduction! The Muse didn't know how to feel.

Ashamed? How could she feel ashamed for being with her husbands? She was supposed to be with her husbands.

Embarrassed? Why would she be embarrassed to be with her husbands? She loved them.

She settled for anger. She was angry at the hackers. Angry at the sasaengs. Angry at the managers for their way of dealing with it all.

All throughout that week, Yoongi, Jimin, Tae and Jungkook all tried to comfort her, and tell her that things weren't that bad, even though the managers had pulled the four of them into meetings every day before rehearsals began.

    The group meeting before rehearsal on Friday went as it usually did, and The Muse sat back by the wall, watching and listening as the plans for their trip to Japan were laid out. One of the managers walked by to grab a stack of papers on the table, and the smell of his new cologne wafter her way. The urge to vomit hit immediately, and it was all she could do to make it to the bathroom in time.

"That was so weird." She thought as she cleaned herself up, worried that maybe she was getting sick or the stress of the week was getting to her, "I haven't even had a sniffle since I've been here."  She felt fine afterward, sipping her water carefully, just in case.

    Dance rehearsal was as intense for her Warriors, and as boring for her, as it usually was. They hadn't had a chance to shop yet, so she didn't have that tablet Yoongi had promised. The Muse was considering piling up some sweatshirts so she could take a nap when that manager walked by again. That smell hit her nose, and that urge to vomit hit her like a brick wall. She only just made it to the bathroom on time, and was thoroughly confused. She felt fine until she smelled that nasty cologne. As she was cleaning out her mouth again, a thought came to her. She stopped. No. No way. She couldn't be. Could she? No. Sejong wouldn't do that now. It would be utterly foolish. That God was many things, she thought, but she didn't think foolish was one of them.

Satisfied with her self argument, she went back to rehearsal, but those nagging thoughts and arguments wouldn't leave her alone.

  The Muse was sitting in the background, watching as the physical therapy team worked on her Warriors various injuries and issues when a thought occurred to her. The Therapist working on Jimin's knee was using an ultrasound machine. She wondered if that would work to check her and aleve her worries so she didn't have to bother her Husbands with such stress if she didn't have to.

    She waited until everyone was finished with their sessions for the day and had moved on to the open group band room next door for the group vocal rehearsal session of the day to talk to the therapist.

   "Can I help you?" he asked as he was packing things up.

"I was wondering, do you have any knowledge in Obstetrics?"

The man nodded, "I did study Obstetrics when I was learning about the ultrasound machinery. But Physical Therapy is more my speed. It's not that I didn't enjoy it, don't get me wrong. But I feel like this is more my calling."

"Would this machine you're using also be able to check on pregnancies?" she asked, head cocked to the side in interest.

"This is not as detailed as what you will find in a proper Obstetrician's office, but it would be able to give a rough look, yes." He stopped what he was doing and looked at The Muse, eyes wide, "Why are you asking, Highness?"

"I need this to be between you and I. I don't want to worry my husbands if I don't have to. And, as you know, I'm not able to be very far from them. Would you be able to look quickly to see if I am, in fact, pregnant?"

The Therapist balked, "Highness, I am not a licensed Obstetrician! I did study it, but I'm not a professional by any standard."

"I understand that," She said, "I am just hoping that you will take a look to see if there is anything there. I promise, if there is, I will tell my husbands immediately and make an appointment for proper care. Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to get out of seeing an actual doctor! I just don't have the freedom to do so without disrupting the worlds of 7 other people and the entire company behind them. So, if I'm going to do that, I want to make sure there is a reason."

The therapist looked around and considered where he was and for whom, and seemed to relent, understanding where she was coming from.                              He combed his hands through his hair in frustration,

"You promise to get proper care if I do this?"    

She nodded, "Absolutely."

With a sigh, the therapist agreed to help.

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