Chapter 44

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The Muse decided the interruption was a godsend. Not that she wasn't so turned that her lady parts weren't literally dripping with excitement, because she was. Her Husbands are sexy as hell, and when just one of them turned their attention to her like that she melted. But two of them at once? She didn't stand a chance.

    She had never actually thought about being with more than one of them at a time, but now that she did she supposed it would only be a matter of time. But would her thoughts on it actually matter? Would it be worth her time and energy to put a lot of thought into it? It's not like she actually had a choice in the matter. If they decided they wanted to, she would have no way to say no once one of them touched her with the intention of doing so.

    This information is one of the very few things she was truly keeping secret from her Husbands and Warriors. Obviously the knowledge of the beatings is now out there for all to know. She truly hoped her Husbands wouldn't resent her for feeling like they are being forced to be with her sooner than they wanted to since they have already reconnected their souls.

But the knowledge that she could be controlled so easily was not something she was going to share readily with anyone. Husband or Warrior, it didn't matter. She didn't trust anyone to know.

"How are you feeling, Yeppeun?" asked Seokjin as he pushed past Jimin and sat on the bed next to her, reaching out to take her hand "I was worried."

The Muse smiled at her Jinnie as she sat up with the covers tucked under her arms, taking a moment to appreciate how special he was to her.

"I'm fine, Jinnie. Thank you so much for taking care of me." she reached her hand out and cupped his cheek, an errant tear falling down her cheek, "You are so special to me. I Love You." She got up on her knees and leaned in to give him a hug with no thought to her nudity. To his credit, Seokjin didn't seem to notice either. Everyone else in the room did though.

"Yah!" hollered Jimin as he lunged for Seokjin to pull him away from his naked wife.

Taehyung grabbed her and tucked her tightly up to her neck back into the blankets, the need to protect his wife above all else clear on his face.

"You don't need to see her naked! You should go." said Jimin, jealousy and anger pouring out of him.

"Jimin?" The Muse said quietly, trying to get his attention and hopefully calm him down.

"Jimin?" she tried again when he ignored her, "This is nothing he hasn't seen before."

Jimin's head whipped around to look at her.

"Jinnie was the one that healed me most of the time when Sejong whipped me."

Jimin's face fell, "I know, I saw the video."

"What?" she said, sitting back in shock. "What video?" she was looking toward Seokjin, knowing he'd have the answers.

He sighed deeply, "The night the staff woke me to get you from the hallway. The videographer was there."

"I remember him being in the hallway." she said, "I didn't realize he followed us to your room."

Tears started to make their way down her cheeks in earnest. "How much did he get on film?"

Seokjin approached her again, he wanted to soothe her pain. Jimin stopped him cold with a look as he crawled up the bed to hold her himself.

Namjoon cleared his throat, "All of it, Yeppeun." her hand covered her mouth as she let out a sob. "They got from the first hit to when the bathroom door closed behind Steve."

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