Chapter 118

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 The furniture was, indeed, adorable, and now they had to deal with the issue of where to put it. One step at a time, she reminded her husbands as they debated on whose room would be taken over by baby stuff. It certainly didn't need to be decided right at that moment. They were all lounging around after eating, resting and debating on whether they should sleep or power through to fix their jet lag faster.

The Muse was cuddled up with Yoongi on the couch. He had insisted she sit across his lap so she could put her head on his shoulder and he could have a hand on her belly.

"Can I see her again, Yeppeun?" he asked with his lips resting against her forehead.

"OH! Me, too!" chimed in Taehyung from his spot by her feet. He sat with a pout and decided to rub her feet instead of fighting for more of her attention. He was going to have her with him that night, anyway.

"I'd like to see her, too." Said Namjoon with a smile as he put his phone back in his pocket to give her his full attention.

Jimin sat up straighter and looked at his wife, "Um. Yeppeun?" he looked terribly uncomfortable, "Can I see her, too?"

She almost laughed. Like she would say no to something like that. "Of course you can, Jimin."

Jungkook also raised his hand, "Me, too." and then he added, "please" as an afterthought.

It seemed everyone wanted to see Petal, and The Muse was all for it. She loved checking in on her daughter.

She connected with all seven of her Warriors and walked the flower path with them in tow. Their gasps were audible when they came to their little princess. Hobi made the universal noise for "CUTE", and Petal responded by kicking her legs out in excitement. The Muse giggled, having felt the little poke when she kicked, but the other seven men watching the baby were completely enraptured and in love immediately. Their coos and laughs spurred more excitement in the little one that had those seven men wrapped securely around her teeny tiny little fingers.

When they came back to themselves, Jimin and Jungkook broke down in tears, just as Yoongi and Taehyung had after seeing their daughter for the first time.

Jimin came to his wife, tears running down his face. He knelt down and laid his head in her lap as he continually whispered "I'm sorry." She ran her fingers through his hair to let him know she was there, and bring him a little bit of comfort. Jimin let out all of the emotion he'd been working through. Not just since he found out about the baby. But the last two months worth of sadness and regret.

Taehyung grabbed at Jungkook and pulled him over to sit on his lap, where the man immediately laid over and hugged her legs while he let out his pain and frustration. Yoongi wasn't all that happy to be at the bottom of this pile, but he understood that the men needed to let it out so they could all get back to where they were supposed to be. This was cleansing. A way to clean the slate and start fresh.

Back where she was supposed to be, the men flourished. Their creativity exploded and they were as busy as they ever were. The managers did take note of The Queen's effect on the men's productivity, and were suddenly singing a very different tune with her. They made sure she was well tended to and cared for while her Warriors and husbands were busy.

They were heading into Award season, and were busy trying to find creative ways to keep her and the pregnancy well hidden from the public. Of course there were a lot of rumours, but the men never answered any questions about it, and neither confirmed or denied anything.

Their next comeback was slated to take place in February, and the plan was to spend the whole of January in the States recording for television shows, music videos, meeting with artists for collaborations, practicing their new choreography for the upcoming tour, performing at the Grammy's and preparing themselves for the idea that their new arrival would be there soon.

The Muse tried her hardest not to be terribly whiny, but it was hard to do when one was that far along and mostly uncomfortable all of the time. Steve tried to make sure she had the most comfortable places to sit and lay while her men were working, and for that she was eternally grateful. But, with her more than 8 months along in her pregnancy when they arrived in the U.S. in late December, it was not an easy task.

The hot sun while they recorded the video for the "ON: Kinetic Manifesto" was a killer. But there was plenty of cushy seating in the old theater where they recorded "Black Swan", and she did appreciate the outdoor setting for the "ON" video.

They spent a little time in New York recording content for a late night show before heading back to Korea. The flight from New York to Seoul was around 17 hours long, and it felt like forever, if The Muse was being honest. She was glad to be headed back, though. She felt huge and uncomfortable. She had gotten up to pee for what felt like the 47th time in the last ten hours when she had her first contraction. Everyone was still sleeping, and she knew well that it could just be the stress of flying, so she climbed back into her seat bed and fell back to sleep.

Over the next few hours she had more contractions, and was having a few an hour by the time they landed. She hadn't said anything to her husbands, yet. The airport was stressful for them, and she didn't want them to freak out about her and the baby until they were on their way home. The Muse had pulled Steve aside and let him know about the contractions before they were released by security to get to their cars. He had mild panic on his face, and she couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Steve. It's ok." she said as she chuckled, "they aren't that close yet. We have time. So, breathe for me, ok?"

He nodded, but she could also see that he wasn't going to relax until they were safely away from there. Security surrounded her in an effort to keep the photographers at bay, and they made their way to a waiting vehicle she would share with Jinnie.

Her sharp intake of breath got his attention as they drove away from the airport, and she thought that the panic that took over his handsome features was comical.

"Jinnie!" she chuckled at him, too, "I'm ok! It's just some contractions."

After his panicked texting to the rest of her Warriors and husbands, he called the midwife. The Muse smiled at him as the midwife told him the same things that she had been saying. They were fine. Call when her water broke and the midwife would head over. The other six of her men were all in her head, all of them wanting to make sure she was ok, and all six panicking in their own way.

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