Chapter 87

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  Namjoon picked up The Muse from Hobi's apartment on the morning of his birthday. He was fresh from his trip through Europe and had so many stories to tell and pictures to show her. The car took them directly to his parents house for a light lunch and party preparations. Not a huge party, but still. It was a fun little family affair that made Namjoon so happy. He hadn't been able to truly celebrate his birthday with his family for so long, the contentment happiness radiated from him.

The Muse tried to hang back so he could have this time with his family, but none of them were having it. They all made sure she felt like she was part of the family, and excitedly told her of their plans for the upcoming Chuseok celebration that she was going to be attending. She'd never been part of one before, and was looking forward to eating all that food right under Joonie's nose, as well as spending time with the people that raised him to be the leader he was today.

They were all proud of Namjoon being a Warrior. In fact, none of them were terribly surprised at the revelation.

"Poet suits him, don't you think?" asked his mother, squeezing his chin as only a proud mother would.

Although they were all curious about The Muse and her origins, she kept the information light and polite, not wanting to have Namjoon's day be all about her.

A medium sized dog they called Moni was terribly curious about the new addition to the house. He was under her feet most of the day, and wanted to be up in her lap in the worst way. The Muse did eventually cave in to the cute little beggar and sat down on the floor so he, too, could play with Petal. Moni was a little more aggressive about it than Mickey, licking her shirt and nuzzling his face all around the belly in between jumps and barks.

Joonie was fascinated with the idea that the baby could hear him. So much so that they spent evenings with his head in The Muses' lap reading philosophy, poetry and anything else he could find that he thought would help Petal's development out loud to her. When she checked in on her daughter, The Muse found her listening closely. Not understanding what Uncle Joonie was saying, but being soothed by his voice and the loving nature of him.

"She likes you a lot." The Muse told Namjoon as he read her a book of poetry. His smile could have lit the night sky. He gave the belly a loving little rub and went back to reading.

Jinnie was supposed to take her to her first Midwife appointment, but Hobi and Joon decided that they should be present, too. They had found a midwife that understood the privacy they were looking for, and had a vibe that The Muse felt she could trust. The Midwife had agreed to meet them at the Dorm, since that was most likely where the birth would take place.

It was empty, with the rest of the members either traveling or staying at their own apartments, and the envelope sat, untouched, on the coffee table in the living room.

Namjoon had declared his bedroom as "ground zero" for Petal's arrival, describing to The Muse where the baby furniture was to go.

"Namjoon. As much as I adore you and the excitement you have, I am not taking over your room. And neither is Petal. You need your space. Plus, if we are lucky at least one of her fathers will have pulled his head out of his ass by then."

Joon's answer was a placating smile and a pat on the shoulder as he pulled out his phone to show her the "cutest furniture set he had ever seen" for his niece.

The Muse took a calming breath and tried again,

"Joonie. Please don't buy any furniture yet? Ok? I don't know where we are going to be and I really don't want to take over your space. Especially with something so permanent! I think we need to talk more about stuff to travel with. Play pens, car seats and such."

Seokjin spoke up at that, pulling out his phone and standing next to Namjoon "Oh! I found some car seats with the best ratings."

Hoseok joined the other two to go over what they had found as The Muse sat down, patiently waiting for them to talk it out without her thoughts or opinions. Instead of irritating her, as it usually would, she was amused by their fervor.

A little part of her was sad that her husbands were missing out on this part of impending fatherhood. Would they be as invested as her Warriors were? Would they be as excited?

She couldn't say. She wasn't feeling very optimistic about it, honestly. Especially after how most of them initially reacted to having to be married at such an early age. She tried hard not to over think what their reactions would be.

The company had been officially made aware of her "condition" a couple of weeks ago, as well as the information that the fathers didn't yet know about it. Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok and herself had agreed to hide it as best they could until they were back from New Zealand.

Steve arrived with the Midwife, putting the conversation of what to buy for Petal on pause.

Steve was the only one to give any privacy while the Midwife checked The Muse over. Her Warriors were fascinated with the process, and asked all kinds of questions on what she should be eating, how much she should be exercising, how to travel safely and then some. Jinnie had even ordered a machine to listen to Petal's heartbeat whenever they wanted to before the Midwife was done packing up her things.

They made an appointment for the week after they got back from New Zealand for an ultrasound, and her Warriors went back to their nursery planning as Steve left with the Midwife.

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