Chapter 61

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After the "in flight service" discussions died down, Hobi looked at The Muse,

"I do have a question, though."

She looked over at him with an eyebrow raised, chewing on the last bite of her dinner.

"You are fairly shy with others." He said, "you tend to hide from any unwanted attention, you even duck when the camera's are panning your way. Why are you so outgoing with your affections towards us? I would never have seen you as the girl to have sex in an airplane bathroom. Or the girl that would let Jungkook drag her off to any available space to have his way with. You've been caught several times," Jungkook smirked at this, "but you still allow it to happen. Why?"

The Muse blushed a bright red at the memories that Hobi was bringing up. Yes, Watcher did indeed see all. And she did not want to answer that question. She was chewing slowly and thinking hard, trying to come up with something that wasn't necessarily a lie, but would appease them enough to let the matter go.

Seokjin noticed her struggle and spoke up, "Yeppeun? Didn't you say that once you had reconnected with all of us you'd be able to show us the vision of our future that Sejong gave you?"

She took a sip of her water and nodded, thankful for the change of subject and latching on like it was a life preserver, "Yes. I did." She smiled, "And now I can when you are all ready."

"We are ready!" Taehyung was excited at the idea and had been pestering her to show him ever since he'd found out about it.

"Wait!" He stopped, his hands stretched out in front of him, palms up, "Wait a minute! You've reconnected with everyone? All seven? You've been with all of us?"

She chuckled at his outburst, "Yes, Tae. I have reconnected with all seven of my Warriors."

He sat back with a terribly mischievous look on his face and sent her a couple of ideas of things he'd like to try with her and another Warrior or two. Again she turned bright red and giggled at some of the things he'd like to try.

"Yeppeun?" Jinnie called to get her attention again, "The vision?"

"Oh! Yes. Sorry. I got distracted." she looked around at her seven Warriors, "are you all sure you want to see? It's just a small glimpse into a moment in time he showed me. I have to admit, I look at it often." her lips tilted up into a small smile as she thought of the vision.

A chorus of agreement rang from the group, giving her all of the encouragement she needed. She loved looking at the vision. It gave her hope, as Sejong said it would.

Gently, she instructed them all to close their eyes and clear their minds as if they were going to meditate. Closing her own, she reached out to each of them and sent them each a little touch to their cheeks to let them know she was there. Taking a deep breath she brought the vision to mind.

    She was sitting in a covered patio area overlooking a large back yard. Children of all ages were running and playing here and there. There were a couple of grandfather types wandering out in the further area's, as well. She saw a trampoline with a couple of smaller kids jumping with Jimin. A soccer ball caught her eye, and she looked over to see Seokjin with a couple of his own kids mixed in with hers playing a match. A little squirm in her lap made her look down at the boy she held. He had to be around 3 years old. She was trying to cajole him into taking a little nap that he absolutely did not want. Smiling and feeling over run with love, she squeezed him a little tighter and kissed his chubby little cheeks, making him giggle. That little smile was so precious. He looked so much like his father. "You don't want to be tired and cranky when your friends get here, do you?" she asked the squishy little love she held. "I don't wanna nap!" he shook his little head back and forth, stubborn. She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair, feeling so happy in that moment. A little boy around the same age  that she recognized as Hoseok's son ran out of the house and up to them, squealing happily, "Come on Little Mochi! Let's play!" The little boy in her lap looked innocently up at her and smiled before she allowed him to scoot off and run into the yard with his little friend. Hoseok came out of the house with another little one on his hip that was scrambling to get down and play. "Hobi!" She exclaimed, "Where's your wife?" she asked as he bent to give her a kiss on the cheek. "She's in the kitchen helping prepare for the meal." he answered before his little one came up and grabbed his hand, pulling him out to the yard to play with the others. Smiling she sat back and looked over at her husband, Taehyung, as he was lounging in a reclined chair with two babies sleeping on his chest. They looked to be about a year old, one had a fashionable pink ruffle butt onesie on with her legs curled up underneath her. The other, wearing a brown and white onesie with teddy bears on it, had his arm stretched across his father's chest to hold his sister's hand while they slept. Tae was content, watching the other kids play in the yard while he rubbed his sleeping babies backs.

On the other side of Tae was Yoongi. He had a little girl with wild curly hair that looked to be about 2 asleep on his chest. Her face was firmly nuzzled into his neck as she slept. A look of peace and tranquility on his face as he cuddled with his daughter.

The house door opened again, bringing her attention over to Jungkook as he came out holding a newborn wrapped in blue. "He just woke up. I changed him, but he's pretty hungry" he said, handing the tiny bundle to her before sitting at her side with a chuckle,

"Of course, he IS my boy, so it makes sense that he's always hungry."

Two boys around the age of 8 or 9, came running up to Yoongi's side,

"Appa Yoongi? Can you come show us that trick shot in the basketball court again? Please?"

Yoongi smiled and quietly said yes as he wrapped his arms around the toddler asleep on his chest so he could get up without disturbing her. After gently handing her off to Jungkook, who she nuzzled right into, Yoongi ran off to the court to show the kids more of his moves.

The door opened again, and Namjoon came out holding a toddler sized boy on his hip.

"Joonie!" she exclaimed, "Where's your wife?"

Smiling, Namjoon leaned down to kiss her cheek, and said "She's in the kitchen with Hoseok's wife and Seokjin's wife. The grandmothers have given them their marching orders on what they are making for the meal. They are cooking up enough food to feed the entire country."

The feeling during this day and time was one of serenity and happiness. Everything felt right. There was no stress, no derision. Just joy and contentment.

When The Muse had shown her Warriors everything Sejong had shown her, she opened her eyes to find them all with tears in their eyes.

"Is it true?" Taehyung asked as he wiped his eyes, "Is that what our future holds?"

"I believe so," she answered. "That's what Sejong showed me. He said it wouldn't be an easy journey, but it would be worth it in the end."

"Why are you calling my son Little Mochi?" exclaimed Jimin with no little amount of annoyance, "We are NOT calling my son 'Little Mochi'."

All she could do was smile. "I don't know, Jiminnie. But he's so cute. I think of his little smile when I get stressed or sad. It always cheers me up."

"Why couldn't you have seen our wives?" Hobi asked with a pout.

The Muse laughed at that. "I don't know."

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