Chapter 113

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  Four sets of eyes were glued to the unmistakable belly that took away any doubts about there being a baby in there, their faces showing the myriad of emotions they were going through. The Muse wanted to cover the belly again in an effort to protect her little one, and placed her hands around the sides to cover as much as she could.

Hoseok stood and reached for her, he took her hands and kissed her fingers as he tried to reassure her and calm her fears.

Jimin was angry, though. His temper was spilling over as he took a deep breath and accused her of getting pregnant on purpose again. This time, The Muse let her temper fly, grabbing first her juice bottle and throwing it at his head, then the full water bottle next to it. The water bottle did hit home, but she didn't care. She was in a rage now and reaching for anything within reach. She threw Jin's phone, another water bottle and reached for Joonie's beer bottle before Jinnie had his arms around her in a bear hug from behind, holding her arms down and trying to calm her anger.

Jimin opened his mouth to say something else that was sure to piss her off when Hoseok jumped in, "Jimin-ah!" he barked, the man she called sunshine was gone. In his place was a man that demanded your attention and respect. Jimin's words were pulled up short as he looked at Hobi.

"Hyung. She did it on purpose! We aren't ready to be fathers!"

"And" Yoongi chimed in, "why didn't she tell us? She had to know before we went on break."

Hoseok was losing his patience with this whole situation in general. He opened his mouth to answer them when The Muse, tears dripping down her face, said "I did tell you. You just didn't hear me."

"What?" asked Tae, lifting his head from his hands to look at her with shock, "When? I would have remembered something this important!"

She gave him a bit of a mocking look and answered, "Do you remember that envelope I gave you when you broke it off with me?" All four husbands nodded, how could they forget. None of them had had the guts to open the envelope, scared that they would feel even worse about what they had done,

"In that envelope is a sonogram picture. It's labeled 'Bangtan Baby'."

Jimin grunted at that. "So you got pregnant on purpose AND you didn't even tell us about it?"

The Muse muttered a few choice swear words as she tried to free her hands from Jinnie's embrace to throw a few more things at Jimin's head, and Hoseok had decided he'd had enough.

"Jimin!" he barked, making the man jerk to attention and look at him,

"How many times did your wife initiate sex with you?" Jimin looked flustered at that question and balked at the idea of answering.

"How many times Jimin?" Hoseok asked aggressively, "I'm guessing not that often. Would you like to know why that is?"

All of her husbands were hanging on to his every word now, while their wife whimpered behind him, pleading for him to stop talking. Hoseok turned to The Muse, still held in a back hug by Seokjin, and cusped her face. He smiled sadly and kissed her forehead before he said, "They need to know, Yeppeun."

Her eyes closed and she sobbed. Jinnie turned her around and brought her in to hold her and try to comfort her as Hoseok went on to inform Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook that their wife had no choice in the matter if they touched her with the intent of being intimate.

"In short, if you touch her and want to have sex, she will do it whether she wants to or not."

They were horrified by that thought.

"But none of us would ever want to hurt her. None of us have ever hurt her!" Tae exclaimed, almost desperate at this point for her to know that.

The Muse made a sudden move, pushing away from Jinnie's chest, she wiped her tears away and asked him to let her go. Once his arms dropped she turned, returning their attention to the issue at hand... The belly and the baby inside of it.

"The important thing right now is that you know, and nothing has changed. My Warriors have been taking very good care of us, and they have agreed to allow me to stay with them."

She gave a watery little smile to Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok before looking back toward her husbands, who looked like they'd been hit by a truck.

"I'm the father, aren't I?" asked Jungkook as his anxiety continued, "I mean, how could I not be? Do you realize how often we did it? Like, all the time." he was rambling as he processed the information.

"Do you know who the father is?" Yoongi asked.

The Muse nodded, "I do. I can see the family thread and where it leads."

"Who is it?" Taehyung suddenly stood, unsure of what else to do with his body, but he needed to do something before he combusted.

The Muse took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes at him, "I am not going to tell you that yet. Even my Warriors don't know."

Jimin scoffed, his anger had lessened some, but he was still far from calm, "You don't even know. How could you know? There's no way to tell."

She glared at him and repeated, "I do know who the father is. And I am not going to tell you because, like it or not, we are all family. Any child I have will have four fathers. All of you are going to be fathers now, no matter who the dna came from, and it's important that all of you be invested in this baby before I give birth." They were all silent as they took in what she was saying. "I also understand how important it is for you to pass on your family names. Don't worry. I will make sure she has the correct name when she gets here."

That information made them all inhale sharply as their eyes got wide. Tae was the first to say it, "She? The baby... the baby is a girl?"

The Muse nodded and caressed her belly. She couldn't help but smile a little at the thought of her Petal.

"We have been calling her Petal. She is very sweet and loves her Uncles a lot. Uncle Joonie reads to her, and she listens carefully to every word. Uncle Jinnie sings her songs and makes silly noises. She gets very excited and happy when he's around." she looked at Hobi next, "And Uncle Hobi gets her all excited and jumpy when he plays with her. She's been very curious as to why she can hear him, but he's not playing with her this week,"

Forgetting about the other men in the room, Hobi laughed and crouched down to be closer to Petal before placing his hands on each side of the belly and making his loud, silly noises that always got her so excitable. The Muse gasped and giggled as she felt the tell tale little kick from the tiny baby inside of her. Joy radiated from her as she watched Hobi play with her daughter.

Across the room, the four husbands watched the scene in fascination, unsure of what to do or where to go from here. Their emotions carried across to The Muse, who looked up, her smile disappearing as she took in what they were feeling. Anger, fear, uncertainty, anxiety. She caressed Hobi's cheek and urged him to stand. With a sad smile she quietly told him that she was going to take a bath and get ready for bed. Without looking at her husbands she made her way to the bedroom she was sharing with Jinnie and Hobi and the ensuite bathroom, careful not to latch any of the doors as she tried to find a little privacy and a moment alone to work through everything that had just happened. 

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