Chapter 79

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The three Warriors talked for a while about everything they'd learned that night, meaning Seokjin didn't get to bed until late. Well. Later than he wanted, anyway. He found The Muse curled into a ball in the middle of the bed with her arms wrapped tight around RJ. He wasn't picky about which side of the bed he slept on, so he slipped in behind her and wrapped his arms around her as protectively as hers were around the stuffed alpaca. Her body felt cold, meaning she was in desperate need for touch and hadn't told him. Again. He sighed. They were going to have to have a heart to heart about her asking for what she needed.

    Hoseok was going to call around to several shops tomorrow to see if he can get personal shoppers to come to the company to meet Yeppeun and get her some clothes of her own.

Plus, between them all, they were positive they had enough skin care and hair care items to keep her stocked for years. While he was thinking about it, she'd need a large suitcase for when they traveled. Seokjin was sure he had one or two extra around his apartment. Or they might be at the dorm. He'd have to look.

    It wasn't until he had The Muse all warmed up and uncoiled from her ball that he was finally  able to relax his mind and fall asleep.

    Seokjin woke up first in the morning. He always thought it was curious how she could sleep through his alarm, but this time he knew she had been emotionally exhausted and needed as much sleep as she could get. He got up and ordered breakfast and coffee to be delivered, called down to the lobby so they would know to take the order when it arrived, and headed into the shower. They did have a schedule to get to today, so they didn't have all the time in the world.

    The Muse was sitting up in bed when he re-emerged, still holding RJ as she looked around the room.

"Good morning, Yeppeun." Seokjin said in a gentle tone, almost as if he thought loud noises would set her off again, "I ordered breakfast. It'll be here soon." He stopped short, "Wait. I ordered you a coffee. Should you even have coffee right now? I need to look that up."

She let out an amused breath, "Jinnie, it's ok. Coffee is fine. Thank you for ordering it for me."

Deciding being as normal as possible was for the best, Seokjin went to the bed and grabbed her hands to pull her up, "Go take a shower. The food should be here when you get out."

   The Muse enjoyed her shower, it felt like the water washed away all of the sadness and replaced it with anger. Anger reminded her that she had a few choices in this life. Not a lot. But a few. And right now, she was choosing to not deal with her husbands. She was going to make a conscious effort to not connect with her mind. She was going to try to stay out of their way. She was going to try to live the best she could without them. For now. Unfortunately she did not have the power to leave completely. She would have to forgive them in the future and she would have to go back. But, she didn't have to make it easy.

    Her clothes from Min-ho were waiting on the bed when she was finished and the smell of bacon was heavy in the air, reminding her that she was starving. Jinnie had set everything out on the table and was looking at his phone when she plopped down in the chair next to him. Ravenous, she shoved a piece of bacon in her mouth and reached for her blended chocolate coffee when Jinnie slapped her hand. Shocked, she looked at him, her face scrunched into an extreme frown and reached for her coffee again. Again, he slapped her hand away. This time he grabbed the cup and moved it out of her reach.

"Kim Seokjin. Give me my coffee." she all but growled, "Please."

Shaking his head and holding his phone up he said, "Coffee isn't good for the baby, Yeppeun. At least until you get through your first trimester. It says here that..." a slice of french toast bounced off of his nose as he tried to read some article he found about how to have a healthy pregnancy.

"My coffee, Jinnie. Please."

"That wasn't very nice, Yeppeun."

"Neither was taking my coffee, Jinnie."

"But it says here that you shouldn't drink coffee until you are through the first trimester!" He was adamant as he picked up the piece of french toast and took a bite, "And you haven't been with us long enough to be that far along. I did the math."

"This isn't the first time I've been pregnant, Jinnie." she said as she stole a piece of his bacon, "Give me my coffee."

"No Yeppeun. It says..."

But his sentence was cut off when The Muse picked up a butter knife and pointed it at him in a threatening manner.

He let out a long suffering sigh and slid the liquid gold back over to her with a shake of his head.

"Thank you" she happily sang at him before taking a sip.

"Don't think Namjoon will be as easy to convince. He has bought several books about pregnancy and infancy and intends to learn everything he can in the next few months to help."

She groaned in irritation. Damnit. They will NOT take away her coffee!

"Have you talked to him already this morning?" she asked, hoping Joon wouldn't rub off on him.

"I have. Namjoon, Hoseok and I have a group chat so we can keep track of you. Speaking of, Hoseok has a couple of personal shoppers coming to take your measurements while we are filming a couple of episodes of Run today. So you should have your own wardrobe by the end of the day." he took a bite of his scrambled eggs, "Oh! And I received a very grumpy text from Steve for not informing him of our move from the dorm. He will be here to escort us to the company in a little less than an hour. So drink up. I have a toothbrush waiting for you in the bathroom. You can leave it here. It'll be your special "When you're with Seokjin" toothbrush." He winked at her, and it was so cute she had to giggle.

Standing, she leaned over the table and gave him a sweet, chaste kiss on the lips, "Thank you for caring for me, Jinnie. I don't know what I would do without you."

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