Chapter 62

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Their time in Paris felt so fast. It  was such a beautiful city. So much to take in and see. Maybe one day she'd be able to talk someone into actually letting her go out and see it. Even she was tired of her own whining about it. Granted, she did most of her whining in her own head, but still.

     The Muse got to meet Halsey during their time in Paris. She flew in to perform 'Boy with Luv' one night, making it even more special to ARMY. She liked her. Halsey was good to her Warriors.

    Soon enough, they were back on a plane headed for Korea. Her new home. The Muse stared at the seat in front of her, feeling a little nervous. She was over thinking, and she knew it, but what if she didn't like it? It's not like she could leave. Ever. Her Warriors and Husbands were all excited to go home. It had been a very long time since they'd been back in their own country. She was so lost in her own head that she forgot that she was going to cut back on what she was drinking on the plane, and ended up having to pee a lot sooner than she had hoped.

Fortunately everyone was still awake, so she was able to pee and get back to her seat in peace that time. Although she did feel 7 pairs of eyes full of interest on her when she stood and made her way to the bathroom.

Jinnie called out and reached for her when she passed him as she was making her way back to her seat,

"You're looking a little pale and I can feel your worry. Do you need touch?"

Her first instinct was still to deny it and sit in her own misery without bothering anyone, but Jinnie seemed to know her better than anyone. He gave her his best 'patient parent' look and she caved.

"Yes. I suppose I do."

Taehyung was seated behind Seokjin, and heard their conversation. Hearing his wife needed him, he jumped up and loudly proclaimed himself her hero, "Come, my faire maiden! Your Prince Charming is here to save the day!"

Jimin poked his head up from his seat at that, looking affronted "I am the Prince around here, Taehyungie."

The Muse smiled at Jimin as Tae pulled her into his lap, laying back the seat so they could have a full on cuddle in first class. It took a little finagling, but they eventually found a comfortable spot to nap in.

"This is even better than defiling the airplane." Tae said in her mind.

She agreed wholeheartedly as she nuzzled into her husband, feeling much calmer as they floated off to sleep.

The Stewardess woke her up about an hour later and asked her to move back to her own seat. Luckily, Tae had slept through the disturbance. He looked so handsome and sweet as he slept. Her Prince Charming.

Somehow, The Muse was able to get out of their perfect cuddle without waking him.  She was sad to go back to her seat by herself, but she did feel a lot better than she had before.

Strange, she thought. She had spent the night before in Yoongi's arms, they were touching and making love all throughout the night. Why was she feeling so touch deprived already?

     The flight lasted forever. Well, seventeen hours. But it felt like forever. The nice thing about flying first class was that she could eat whenever she wanted. It was wonderful! She spent her time eating and sleeping, and crawling into the laps of her Warriors for little bits of time whenever she could.

    Sitting in Jimin's lap, he wrapped his arms around her waist as she pressed a sweet kiss to his lips.

"Mmmmmm, Yeppeun. You know I'm the Prince here, right?" he teased as he trailed his lips down to her neck.

She giggled as she moved her head to make room for his kisses, "Jiminnie, I thought you were the Fairy Prince?"

"Ahem." The irritated noise came from the stewardess, "Please make your way back to your seat, again, Ma'am."

  The Muse tried very hard to hide her amusement as she got up from Jimin's lap and went back to her seat.

    The airport experience in Seoul was overwhelming to say the least. Steve had her braid her hair and put on a hoodie and mask with sunglasses so she was as hidden as she could be. Not that it mattered. The crush of fans around them and the flashes of cameras as they shoved through the airport was intense and breath stealing. At least no one can pull her hair, she thought, and decided that the hot hoodie was a great idea.

    Once they were all herded into their separate vehicles, The Muse pulled off the hot hoodie and mask and yelled "Holy Shit! That was insane! Do you have to do that every time you fly here?"

Jungkook nodded and sighed. "That is one of the major downfalls of being an Idol. It can be overwhelming. Are you ok?" He wasn't the only one asking. All of her husbands and Warriors were checking in with her for the same reason.

She nodded, "Yeah. I guess. We are safe in the car and no one pulled my hair, so I guess we can count it as a win."

It took nearly an hour for them to make it to their destination. Looking around at their surroundings, she guessed that this was the location of their dorm. There were several large buildings that looked like they could house condos inside a gated community.

Everyone unloaded from their chauffeured cars that had parked behind a large van that was stuffed with luggage. Staff members were almost finished unloading the suitcases by the time the group made their way to them. There was too much for each Warrior to carry, so they each grabbed what they could carry, and members of security grabbed the rest.

The Muse felt guilty. She was able to help, but she would suffer for it if she even tried to carry more than just her own backpack.

Everyone moved so quickly, it was difficult for her to take in her surroundings. There were green lawns and large bushes around. It was probably a nice area. But, once again, she was inside before she had the chance to really get a good look. Maybe since this was their home, she'd be able to talk them into taking her outside?

It took a couple of elevator loads to get everyone and the luggage up to their floor. She followed the exhausted men into a door, and took off her shoes. Not necessarily by their example, it was more for the fact that heels that high shouldn't have to be worn when one is having to rush through a throng of people after walking through an airport. Maybe one day someone would grace her with a pair of comfortable sandals or flip flops.

The Muse was quietly taking in her surroundings when Namjoon came up beside her, wrapped his arm around her shoulders and said,

"Welcome to the dorm. Our home away from home."

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