Chapter 39

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Yoongi made up for it in the morning by waking her up with his whole body and mind. Being woken up with your sexy husband in your head and in your body was an experience she would cherish forever. There were times that making love with her men was a full body and mind experience, it was intense and something she had never experienced before.

She had given up on trying to just take it slow. Realistically, she had no choices in this life. These were her soul mates. They were meant to be together. Why fight it? Having a lot of time in her own head gave her a lot of time to think, and even meditate on it.

    They got cleaned up and headed hand in hand to the suite to meet with everyone before heading to the airport. They were off to Brazil today. The Muse would be leaving North American soil for the first time in this life. Who knew when she'd be back. It felt weird. She no longer had a home. Korea was supposed to be her home now, but she'd never been there. In reality, she didn't know all that much about it other than what the internet and her Warriors had to tell her. It was an odd thing to feel like you weren't attached to anything anymore. Yes, she had her Warriors. But she came from having family, friends, a home, pets. Roots. She felt like she was a flower that had been picked. She was supposed to be replanted, but for now she was just floating with nothing but her Warriors to hold her to earth.

   Min-Ho said that once she had reconnected with all seven of her Warriors she would be able to understand all spoken languages no matter where they were. Not that she got the chance to talk to a lot of people outside of the inner circle. She was pretty well protected. It made life terribly boring. Especially since she only had a coloring book that was almost finished to keep her entertained. Maybe she should talk to Sejin, tell him some of her other interests.    

    Jinnie was the first to see them when they entered the suite. He held his arms out for a hug, and she went without a second thought. "Good Morning, Yeppeun." he said as he kissed her on the top of her head.

"Good morning, Jinnie" she said with a huge smile as she snuggled into his chest.

"Ya, Why does Seokjin hyung get the first good morning hug?" whined Jimin from his chair, arms crossed in mock jealousy. The Muse knew he was trying to be funny, but she also knew that he was, in fact harboring some jealousy. She let go of Jin and sat down on Jimin's lap, planting a loud kiss on his lips. "Good Morning, Love. Did you sleep well? Are you hungry?" she nuzzled her nose on his as she spoke, "Do you need a neck massage? Have you had your coffee?"

Jimin smiled big at her over attention, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her silly.

Tae was next in line for wanting his morning kisses. But he is far more patient. Sort of. Taehyung's version of patient was singing loudly from the closest seat available as he watched them. Serenading her at the top of his lungs with such tunes as "Mountain Bunny" and the theme from Naruto. She thought there was a song about a tomato in there, too.

Giggling, she left a soft sweet kiss on Jimin's lips and went to wish Tae a good morning.

   "Oh!" he said as she sat on his lap, "I didn't realize you were here already, Love! Did you sleep well?"

The Muse was still giggling as she kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Those were lovely songs, Taehyung. I especially enjoyed Naruto." He smiled his big smile and said,

"Oh! Did you hear those? I was just entertaining myself. No real reason for singing them."

She peppered his face with little kisses and snuggled into him, loving the feel of his arms around her. Her Husbands all made her feel more safe and secure when they held her. Even as a fiercely independent woman, she could admit that she needed that feeling more now than she ever had before.

    The flight was long. Very long. Everyone seemed to be sleeping as the Muse made her way to the bathroom. Understandable. Not much more to do than sleep on these long flights.

She used the facilities and opened the door to head back out, but Taehyung was there waiting for her with that look in his eyes. He took a quick look around and pushed her back into the tiny bathroom, locking the door behind them.

"Better be quiet, Yeppeun. We don't want anyone to catch us." he whispered as he sat her up on the sink and somehow got himself inside her without banging into the walls or door. She had no clue how they were going to do this without everyone in the plane knowing what was going on. It's not like she was ever able to be quiet with Taehyung pounding into her.

Her breath left her in a whoosh as he started to move, slowly at first. In and out. The large flared head of his cock seemed to drag on every nerve she had. In and out. He hit that g-spot easily in this position. In and out. She was trying so hard to keep her breaths quiet and not make a sound. In and out. She could feel her clit tingling from just the air circulating around them. In and out. His eyes were on fire, knowing they might get caught but needing his wife right now. In and out. The Muse felt sweat start to form on her forehead. In and out. God, if he didn't speed up. In and out. His hands were tight on her thighs, trying to keep her in place. In and out. She was starting to shake. And then he lost his patience. The in and out pace sped up and she had to keep reminding herself to stay quiet. Which is terribly difficult when you're being impaled by the Taeconda. After all of the in and out they could handle, the lovers came, and came hard, The Muse biting Taehyung on the shoulder in her effort to stay quiet.

After cleaning up and mentally preparing for a stern talking to by anyone that heard,

They left the bathroom and were not prepared for what they were met with...

Silence. No one had woken up. No one had heard them. They got back to their seats and were comfortable before the flight attendant even came by. They had gotten away with their tryst, and were now part of the mile high club. She felt Taehyung's satisfaction and excitement from getting away with it. She sent him a little reminder to calm down, but the look he gave her from across the plane spoke volumes on what sorts of things he was going to come up with for them to do. Jungkook was going to be jealous when he found out.

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