Chapter 41

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The shock in the room was palpable as the door to the conference room closed. Hyun Soo was still curled in a ball on the chair as the sounds of The Muse's cries got farther away. Sejin  motioned for one of the other managers to take Hyun Soo to get cleaned up, and turned back to The Warriors. Four of which looked scared and confused. Two looked resigned and tired.

"What was that?" Jimin asked, eyes wide.

"That, I believe, was what Min-Ho called Mother Dragon." Said Namjoon, running his hands over his face.

"Holy Shit." said Jungkook. "She is scary."

"Min-Ho said that she has never used Mother Dragon against us, and that we are safe." Said Taehyung, still in awe of the power he just witnessed.

"What was that about her blood?" Yoongi asked, "and being beaten? What are we missing?"

The other three husbands all seemed to come around at that, eyes getting sharp and looking at Sejin for answers. He sighed deeply and opened his laptop.

"Your Muse had asked that you not know about the beatings. In fact, she was adamant that you not know. She had it in her head that you would feel obliged to be with her, and then resent her even more for being forced to further your relationship before you were ready."

"Why was she beaten? When?" Asked Yoongi again, taking the lead in the questioning.

    Rubbing his eyes from under his glasses, Sejin said "From what I understand, it started a week after she came to us. Sejong was unhappy she was taking so long to reconnect with her Husbands. The first beating came on a night she was with Seokjin. Min-Ho helped show him how to heal her. Do you remember when she sat curled in Seokjin's lap throughout the morning meeting and then slept all day at rehearsal?" The husbands all nodded their heads. They had known something was not right that day.

"That was the aftermath of the first beating."

"I still don't understand why she didn't tell us." Said Yoongi, anger starting to show in his voice. "We could have helped her."

"What was that broken back part about?" asked Taehyung, looking almost afraid at what the answer might be.

    Again, Sejin took a deep breath, not wanting to tell them about that beating or what led to it. But his glance Jimin's way gave part of it away. Jimin gasped, "It was my fault, wasn't it? I was awful to her and she was beaten, wasn't she?" tears welling up in his eyes, hands coming up to his mouth. "Oh my god."

"Sejin hyung?" Namjoon spoke up, "I think it may be best if you show them. They need to understand the severity of the situation." He stood and walked over to put a hand on Jimin's shoulder, wanting to provide some source of comfort. He knew Jimin. He knew he wasn't a bad person, and he wouldn't want anything so awful to happen to anyone whether he was angry or not.  Which meant, Namjoon knew, that Jimin was going to take this very hard.

    Sejin nodded and pulled a video up on his laptop, explaining "The videographer was trying to get some footage of the hotel for the upcoming docu-series. He was in the hallway with Hyun Soo and a bodyguard when he caught this," and he started the video of The Muse sitting in front of Jimin's door, crying and panicking about what she said was coming.

They watched the entire hour of the footage, not wanting to skip any of it. They wanted to know her pain. Each feeling that they deserved to feel it, too.

   When the footage showed the actual beating, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all jerked in their seats and cried out for each hit she took. All of them crying for the pain and suffering she had endured. They saw Seokjin and Steve take her into the bathroom, and heard Hyun Soo say "Pity. That would have been great footage." before the video ended.

   Jimin was sobbing, he couldn't bear to know that he had caused that. He had done that to her. All that blood. He had been angry and wanted her out of his room. And this was the result.

   Taehyung was crying, horrified by what he had just seen. If only he had just accepted her at the very beginning that would never have happened.

   Jungkook was silently crying as well. He was hurt that she hadn't trusted him enough to tell him she needed him. He would have gone to her sooner if he would have known. Why hadn't she trusted him? Was it because he couldn't look at her when she was new? Did she trust him more now? He tried to reach his mind out to her, but only found a wall of pain and anger.

    Yoongi had tears in his eyes. He even let a few fall. But he was angry. Very angry. Yoongi was angry at The Muse for not coming to him with this information. He shouldn't have to hear about this second hand. She was his wife, damnit. It was her duty to inform him when she needs something from him. And this was huge! Would he ever be able to trust that she would reach out to him when she needed to?

    Hoseok spoke up as he wrapped comforting arms around Jungkook, "Guys, don't overthink this."

"Don't overthink this? Hobi, she lied to us!" Snapped Yoongi, letting his anger get the better of him.

"Yoongi, she didn't want you to feel even more pressured. She wasn't trying to mislead you. She was trying to protect you and your free will."

"You knew." Taehyung accused, "Hyung, you knew about all of this and you didn't tell us!"

"I did know," Hoseok answered, his eyes sad and wary. "Namjoon, Seokjin and I have done what we can do to protect her. She is our Queen, too."

Jungkook stood, needing to move. He paced around the room, trying not to hit the concrete wall knowing it would just break his hand.

"I need to see her." Jimin said between sobs, "I need to apologize. I need to make up for what I did to her."

"You've already apologized, Jimin." Namjoon said, trying to comfort his dongsaeng, "And she's already forgiven you."

Jimin stood, wiping tears away from his eyes, "I need to go to the hotel. I need to see her." he turned to the other husbands, "We all need to go. She needs us, and we need to be there for her.' he went to find his messenger bag so they could leave immediately.

"No." said Yoongi. "She lied. I don't want to see her right now."

"Yoongi," said Namjoon, trying to talk some sense into him.

"No!" Yoongi barked as he walked away.

    Once they had all made it back to the hotel, Yoongi went straight to his room without another word while The rest of the Warriors went to Seokjin's door, wanting to see their Muse.

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