Chapter 16

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Hoseok jumped on the opportunity. The Muse laughed good naturedly and dealt the cards, noticing that her well deserved buzz left the moment Jinnie had touched her. Huh. "Alcohol must count as an illness," she thought. "That's dumb."

     She and Hoseok played a couple of rounds for innocent fun before he made the same challenge,

"Fine." she said. "Remember my chocolate order."

He nodded, and they played again. She got stuck earlier in the game than last time, giving Hobi an easy win. Too easy. She was starting to suspect there was some Godly interference happening here. Just as Jinnie had done, Hoseok jumped up at his win, pulled her up and slammed his lips down on hers. This was their first kiss. It was so different from Jin's kiss. Their lips moved differently. Tasted differently. Tongue not as insistent, going with more finesse than force. Again, Jungkook was the one that slapped at Hoseok's arm as he yelled "Hyung! No more!"

"Jeez." she said, trying to regain her composure after having the life kissed out of her twice in the last 20 minutes. "You know you're my Warriors. You're allowed to kiss me whenever you want to. No need to challenge me for it. Although..." she thought out loud, "it does add a little more fun, doesn't it." she smiled.  "Can I have another shot of soju, please?"

Jimin was the closest to the liquor, but just looked back down to his phone.

Jungkook took her glass from her gently and refilled it. Still not looking at her, but at least he was interacting in some way.

The Muse had noticed an odd feeling building inside of her. It was annoying. A sort of fluttering, buzzing. As she looked around the room at her Warriors, she found the feeling was at its strongest when she was looking at Namjoon. He seemed preoccupied. But that's normal for him. He was always thinking about something. She thought he really needed to learn how to live in the moment. Something inside her told her to go to him. She wasn't sure why. She just felt it in her gut. He looked up as she stood in front of him. Smile big and eyebrow raised he said "Yes, your highness?"

"Ugh! Don't call me that!" she playfully kicked at his shin.

Laughing at her, he took a page out of Seokjin's book and said "Yes, Yeppeun?"

"Can I try something? I am getting this.... Feeling... from you. And something tells me that I need to do this." She sat straddling his lap, butt far enough back as to not be indecent, placed her hands on his cheeks, and stared into his eyes. Looking deep into those brown windows to his soul she saw many thoughts and feelings blocking what he was truly looking for. She saw words and lyrics,  beats and inspiration, all stuck behind stress and worry. So, she just nudged the stress and worry to the side a little bit, allowing all of his creativity to come into the light where he could get to it.

His eyes got wide, his smile faded. A look of awe coming to his face. Realization of what she had just done shocking him still for just a moment. "Muse" he whispered, pulling her to him for a big bear hug. He was so happy and energized. He had so much to work on!

She smiled at him, relieved that the feeling that had been bothering her had passed. She had done what she was supposed to do. "That's a first," she thought.

Yoongi spoke first, a little wary, "What was that? What just happened?"

Namjoon tried to explain the feeling as he scooted her off of his lap. Standing up, he grabbed her and laid a quick, hard, thankful kiss on her lips, hugged her again and said "Thank you Yeppeun!" He looked to Yoongi and Hoseok to join him, and they were gone.

By this time Seokjin had had quite enough to drink and sloppily said his goodbye's as he made his way to his room.

The Muse was a little nervous. She was supposed to stay with one of these Warriors tonight.

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