Chapter 69

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The Muse woke up early to the sounds of retching. She was actually kind of relieved. At least if he got it out of his system they might get him sober and, if they're lucky, not hungover for tonight's show. She rolled out of bed and grabbed a bottle of water, rolling her eyes at the fact that she can grab water for anyone but herself.

   Jimin hadn't actually gotten the bathroom door all the way closed when he'd rushed in, so she was able to slip in unnoticed. She sat on the edge of the tub and looked at the man in front of her. She did feel bad. She knew it wasn't all his fault. As an Idol, he'd been so well taken care of and also so sheltered that he didn't know how to take care of her.

None of them really did.

But, not trying was his fault. Of course, he probably thought he was trying. She sighed. They all needed to have a talk about what they needed from each other. Not just her. All of them.

Jimin had stopped and was now laying his head on the toilet seat. He reached up and flushed away his shame and moaned quietly. The misery of 'hangover' written all over his body.

The Muse stood and wet a washcloth with cold water. At the sound of the tap being turned on, Jimin looked up and moaned even louder,

"I didn't want you to see that. Go back to bed, Yeppeun."

She twisted the cloth to rid it of excess water and turned to lay it across the back of his neck.

Jimin closed his eyes and sighed deep. Color coming back to his face, slowly but surely.

She crouched down and ran her fingers through his hair, trying to provide a little bit of comfort.

He sat back, and she followed suit, sitting on the floor as he laid down with his head in her lap. She took the damp washcloth and wiped the cool material across his forehead and around his face and neck.

    As his color started to look more normal, she offered the bottle of water. It took a little convincing, but he did finally take a couple of tentative sips. Once his stomach seemed to settle down and take it with no issues, The Muse was able to talk him into drinking the whole bottle.

Jimin was content to stay on the bathroom floor, it was cool and he was with his wife.

"Jiminnie?" she asked, still running her fingers through his hair, "Are you feeling well enough to move back to the bed? It will be more comfortable, and you will be able to sleep better."

Jimin nuzzled his head into her thigh a little harder, his arms wrapping around her leg.

She smiled down at him, continuing to run her fingers through his hair. He was pretty adorable like this.

"Come on, love. You can get some more sleep. You've got Muster tonight."

That got him to stir. With another squeeze to her leg and a groan, Jimin turned his head and kissed her thigh before sitting up. He rubbed his hands over his face and groaned. 

"Here," she said as she got up and went to the sink, "You can finger brush your teeth with Hobi's toothpaste."

He gave her a disgusted look.

She raised her eyebrow and stared him down. It didn't take much for him to decide that was his best course of action. So, after he washed his hands, Jimin brushed his teeth with his finger for the first time ever. He was not a huge fan and would try to avoid it in the future, but it was better than nothing and his mouth tasted a million times better.

    They made their way back to the bed where Hobi was still fast asleep, and were able to climb back under the sheets without disturbing him. The Muse scooted into the middle and rolled to her side to face Jimin. He looked a little confused. She gave a low chuckle and said "I'm the big spoon for now. Let me hold onto you."

He considered this idea, and countered, "How about I lay on my back so I can have my arm around you and you can still hold me? Plus, I want to feel the weight of your head on my chest, Yeppeun. I need to feel you're really with me."

She smiled as Jimin reached for her. She felt the love and caring. She knew he hadn't meant to hurt her. She kissed his sweet lips and laid her head on his chest.

"Hold on," he said as he tapped her back. She looked up and moved out of the way as he sat up to take off his shirt.

"It feels wrong to have that many layers between us. Come here."

He pulled her back down onto his bare chest, "There. Much better. Not perfect. Perfect would be you and I naked and sweaty and cuddled up after an entire night of making love."

She chucked and pressed her body a little harder against his to show she liked that idea.

"Soon, Yeppeun. Soon." Jimin kissed the top of her head as Hobi gave a little snore.

"I love you. And, I'm sorry."

"I love you, JIminnie. And, I know." She kissed his peck and nuzzled in to try and get a few more hours of sleep. Muster was a huge deal in the BTS universe. And, even though she'd be able to sleep through most of it if she wanted to, he had to work hard. And he would sleep a whole lot better if she was sleeping along with him.

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