Chapter 90

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The Muse was admittedly a bit nervous as Steve drove her and Seokjin to the dorm to meet everyone the next morning. She hadn't seen her husbands in a month. And now that she was, she was expected to hide her growing belly while still being in close proximity with them and act like everything is just fine for the camera's. Light and polite, she reminded herself. Keep it light and polite.

    She was also not looking forward to their reactions to finding out they were going to be fathers. She was trying so hard not to future trip, but it was difficult as she was escorted into the lion's den. The Muse couldn't even articulate exactly how thankful she was for her Warriors and their agreeing to allow her to stay with them until she was ready. Just knowing she had their support meant the world.

    Jinnie made his entrance for the camera's first, laughing along with the others about the long jacket he had bought for the trip. The Muse stayed back in the kitchen as the cameras rolled. She had to be mic'd up, too, which took some sneaky maneuvering as the crew resized the straps that wrapped around her midsection with warnings to keep their voices down so no unwanted attention was drawn that way.

      She already felt Taehyung and Jungkook anxiously awaiting her entrance as she hid around the corner. Yoongi felt like he was close by, but not with the others yet. Jimin didn't seem to be there yet. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. She almost wanted to just rip the bandaid off and see them all at once. But, the audio crew was done before anyone else appeared, and it was time for her to join the crowd in the other room. She stopped, took a couple of deep, calming breaths and made sure the bump was completely hidden before taking her first steps into what she was considering the next chapter of her life.

     The first person The Muse saw as she came around the corner was Hobi. Just seeing him made her feel so much more calm and brought a huge smile to her face. It was a reminder that she wasn't in this alone and that, no matter what, her Warriors had her back.

    She hurried to him to give him a big hug. She was aware of the cameras, but she needed to show him how much she appreciated him at that moment.

    Joon appeared next to them, waiting his turn for a hug with a huge, dimpled smile on his face.

"How's my girl?" he asked out loud, sounding for everyone around like he hadn't seen her in a while. But The Muse knew he was really asking about Petal.

"Great! Missing you." which was true for Petal. She was peaceful and sleeping at the moment. The Muse was envious of her relaxation as she tried hard to keep the smile on her face and her eyes away from her husbands.

Tae and Jungkook were sitting on the couch with their eyes fixed on their wife, drinking her in for the first time in a month. Something seemed different, but she was glowing and happy looking. They had never seen anything more beautiful, and their chests hurt with the pain of missing her. The guilt they bore knowing the separation wasn't the right decision for them ate at them every day, but they weren't sure how to fix it.

The Staff pointed out that Fila had sent a box of ladies clothes for her to wear on their trip. A nice, warm jacket and some comfy stretch pants took up a majority of the box. She was absolutely thrilled and very nearly skipped her way to Joon's room to try them on.

The jacket was puffy and would hide the belly perfectly, and the stretchy pants still had plenty of stretch left for her to grow. With a big smile she grabbed it all and headed back out to stuff them in her luggage.

    As she headed down the hallway toward the living room and all the action, she ran head first into Taehyung.

"Oh!" The squeak was the only thing that came out as she was brought to an abrupt stop in front of him.

"H-hi." he said, eyes never leaving her face.

"Um," she was trying to think of a way out of the situation when his arms shot out to collect her load,

"Let me carry those for you." He said, hoping a little bit of chivalry and caring would be a start for him to work his way back into her good graces.

"Oh!" she squeaked again when he collected all of it and turned around to find her luggage.

Taking slow steps as she followed him, The Muse wasn't sure what to make of Tae or how to react to him. She felt that familiar throb of longing but now it was followed by a steeling of her spine. Guarding herself from more hurt and reminding her that she deserves better treatment than what they'd shown her.

Chin up and shoulders straight, she found her luggage and quietly took the pile from Tae, swapping a few things out to make space, and taking the spare clothes to Hobi's huge closet.

    Yoongi had made his appearance by the time she reemerged. Lounging back on the couch with his hands laced in his hair, he stared at her.

      God, he'd missed her. Just seeing her in the room made him feel like he was finally able to take a full breath again. He ached to hold her. Kiss her. But as she shuffled around the room making sure she wasn't making eye contact with himself, Tae or Jungkook, he knew it would be a long time before any of that would happen again.

    He'd spent a lot of time alone thinking over the last month. And, if he was being honest with himself, he knew they'd fucked up horribly. He was disappointed in himself for going along with the managers and their plans for their future. He was miserable without her. He missed their constant connection. He missed the love he had felt like a constant hum from her. That hum had stopped the night they had separated from her. He missed everything about her.

     The managers insisted they step away from their wife and focus on their careers. "For your future" they said. "You'll be able to provide even better for her and your families," they said. It was wholly ironic that without her their work suffered. He was struggling to do much beyond think about her and wallow in self pity. The others had all talked to him saying the same things. They couldn't concentrate. They couldn't think. Nothing sounded right. It was like they were all in some dark hole. Yoongi was truly hoping this trip would provide an opening to get back into her good graces. Let her know that he does love her and he does want her.

     With that thought, Yoongi's eyes landed on the unopened envelope she had given them the day they had broken it off. He nodded to himself, knowing that that envelope would be important to winning her back. Yoongi picked it up, placed it between the pages of a book he was reading and packed it in his carry on. They could open it as a group once they were all together and the time was right.

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